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Should there be room for more vendors at the Saturday Market?

Total Votes: 289
1 Comment

  • das - 11 years ago

    If visitation to Saltspring has gone down by 25% I do not think this is because of the market not being exciting enough. In fact it is indicative of the economy at large.
    I have found that the vendors and craftspeople are the strength of this wonderful island and the fantastic products they produce are a refreshing change from the plastic Chinese garbage that is now found in most stores. I am surprised at what looks to me as criticism of the wonderful crafters and artisans that participate each week in our Saturday market and established an incredible presence that is known far and wide. So please lay off the criticism of the vendors,

    I can see by these letters that the goal is to dispense with the existing vendors, in other words the new folks are angling for the same dollars that these folks have worked for for years to establish a viable market and thriving economy, why should the new johnny come latelys just march in to the head of the line and take away the livelihoods of the existing vendors by circumventing the established rules?

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