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Would Presidents Nixon And Reagan Be Unwelcome In Today's Republican Party As Sen. Bob Dole Suggests?


  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    The Republican Party should heed the results of the most recent few elections, which has seen Tea Party candidates winning, and RINOs losing or retiring rather than run a losing campaign. The Socialist Democrats have effectively divided the Republican Party and conquered it. Republicans need some deep thought about the direction of the party's platform going forward. But that is not to say it should move toward the Center. It should be noted that recent campaign losses were generally closer than what has been reported by the media. In fact, Republican control of the House indicates a positive trend which takes longer to materialize in the US Senate due to 6 years terms. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Rather than move toward he Center or abandon Conservative principles, Republicans needs to reconcile the various platforms of the factions within itself and move forward united, even if that means Old School Republicans, Modern Republicans and Tea Party Patriots must concede some goals for the sake of the Party and the sake of our Nation.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Who suggests that the current GOP wouldn't choose Nixon over Reagan- with each ideology intact and there were no history or baggage? Nixon's government expansion policies may have made him an ideal RINO where Reagan's advocacy for cutting the size of government as well as his willingness to address regular people with some respect may have inspired the current media mechanism to lump him with the likes of Ron Paul and promote him as unelectable.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I'd like to say 2 things here. 1st, when Regan was in office the United States was truly respected throughout the world, 2nd, when Regan was President, it's the only time in my 40 plus years of earning a paycheck that I saw a difference in my favor. We need more men of his character to step up and take the helm.

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