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Is BCCI moving in the right direction to clean up the mess in Indian cricket?


  • Gopal - 11 years ago

    There is no shortage of honest people in India. Then why is it that we find all the corrupt officials at the top? Is it a rocket science to find a single honest person? I am sure there are many retired Military officers (I know a few) who can clean up the mess of BCCI quickly and efficiently. Why are we not tapping them? It is the height of stupidity to have Dalmiya as interim chief. It is like Fox guarding the hen house.

  • tarun - 11 years ago

    Dissolve BCCI, We want Cricket to be managed by Indian Government, Not some BCCI.

  • D J Parikh - 11 years ago

    bhismapitamas silent when cricket-haran is taking place.

  • s - 11 years ago

    every one who voted against have spoiled their own faith and have left BCCI in a no man's land, more over Dalmia is old face with new hat and he is taking over a faithless team in addition he already has mentioned about ending IPL that mean these bunch of what ever they are called have choosen DALMIYA someone who is not good for INDIAN- INFACT WORLD OF CRICKET , Would you do this to your own factry, can the BCCI be transparent probably not .... thats it end of IPL saga

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