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Who Would Win Between the Lion Knights vs. Dragon Knights?

Total Votes: 2,149

  • jetstorm - 6 years ago

    lion knights won the battle, cause my little kid here stole all the dragon knights weapon lol

  • Hair knight - 7 years ago

    The lion knights may have a better strong hold but the dragon knights are faster so they would be able to attack before the lion knights could move their men plus the dragon could swoop down in the middle of the strong hold and attack the guards and since the dragon knights have more siege weapons they could easily starve the lion knights out

  • Brave - 7 years ago

    lion knights will win if they use the arrow and catapult to kill the dragon so the dragon knight will not be that much powerful. slow is better then fast just lettering u know

  • Blake - 9 years ago

    i have three categories for "winning" Siege, Invading, and War
    Siege -which armies stronghold would last longest
    Invading -which army would do better conquering the other stronghold
    War -whicharmy would defeat the other without use of a stronghold

    Lions Dragons
    Siege I
    Invading I
    War I

    so in a two to one tally i say the lions would win

    Why? alright they stand better to hold out a siege do to the size and defenses of their castle, and they have a larger catapult to destroy the enemy stronghold. Then, i say the dragon would win in an encounter between the armies because they have more horses and a dragon easily out manuevering the lions and burning them at the same time

  • Kody - 9 years ago

    The lion knights are supposed to be defensive. The dragon knights are attackers.

  • Toby Large - 10 years ago

    lion nights because they have a CASTLE and have 2 catapults! They have MORE soldiers and could take out the dragon and wizard! Without the dragon and wizard the dragon nights would be on a VERY bad position!!!

  • Nyxor - 10 years ago

    I really think that the Dragon Knights are going to win it, because the wizard can brew potions to make his men stronger, and the dragon will probably terrify the Lion Knights to the point of surrender. Lion Knight archers, however, can prove to be a big problem for the Dragon Knights.

  • Chip - 10 years ago

    Have to go with the Dragon Knights. I will add a few more fortifications and soldiers to my Lion Knights to ensure they can prevail!

  • the king - 10 years ago

    the lion knights would win ,first of all is that they have 2 catapults not 1 (one in castle) they would kill dragon with them and then kill the wizard after that the dragon knights would loooose.

  • Tomas - 10 years ago

    I think the lion knights will win because they will open the dragon knights treasure chest and the dragon will get the treasure chest then steal the treasure chest and then go to its cave and sleep.

  • Mason - 10 years ago

    It was hard for me to choose. In the end I think the lion knights will win. I know that they are slow but they have a great defence. The dragon can take out men but what about archers at the heavy gate. They can pick off tons of men before the dragon deals a real punch. But in the end it could go either way depending on your point of view. Also in a few days I will get the lion knights castle:)! Can't wait!

  • Malachi - 10 years ago

    I think the dragon knights would win because they could get around easier with all the horses and chariots and they have a dragon

  • leon - 10 years ago

    i think the lion knights will win, and i like lions so.......

    who will win? the lion knights or the dragon knights?

  • jacob - 10 years ago

    i think the dragon knights will win with the dragon, but the lion knights have a castle so i don't know.

  • herman - 11 years ago

    who wins?

  • KH - 11 years ago

    good guys will always win and so the LION KNIGHTS WILL WIN!WIN!WIN!

  • Kaden - 11 years ago

    I have five extra horses and I would use them too.

  • Stuff - 11 years ago

    Ok there's a dragon whatever. The lionlike knights or crown knights cause they look like the crown knights would set up into battle formation. A couple arrows to the throat would kill a dragon well a lot. And in the castle they have other catipolts I think I spelt that wrong. Everyone only says dragon knights cause the dragon you have to look at the defences. Also the lion knights would be more trained.

  • kristine schilling - 11 years ago

    you dont mention the giant crossbow the lion knights have at all, but it is right there. It is not a catapult, it is perfect to take down the dragon. The lions would win, because they have a place to defend, and the weapon to kill the dragon.

  • Luke - 11 years ago

    I think the drago nights would win because they have more speed and a dragon

  • Luke - 11 years ago

    I think the drago nights would win because they have more speed and a dragon

  • Lawrence - 11 years ago

    DK would definitely win, bcoz of the red dragon aerial attack could destroy the LK's catapult, unless LK would hire dragon slayer^^

  • ze king - 11 years ago

    like everybody else ( nearly ) I think that the dragon knights will win. With their cool catapults and their dragon they will break everything. BUT, the lion knights are good guys, and good guys always win : )

  • a person from skyrim - 11 years ago

    The only way the lion knights could win is if they had a dovakin (dragonborn)

  • Giorgio - 11 years ago

    I think the dragons will win because it could blow everything down with his fire

  • Ryder - 11 years ago

    I think it can go either way due to the lions home turf and they have much better fortifications wich will keep them from relying on speed like the dragon knights, the lions have superior forces and they actually have more catapults than the dragons but they are stationary ones. If the lions could hold up in the castle and snipe with crossbows and the ballista they have at there disposal to kill the majority of dragon knights then the king could take down the wizard wich I'm guessing has magical powers over the dragon then lion knights win but it's a big if. Now if dragon knights are able to use well timed attacks against the castle with the catapults to break in and steal the queen it will give them a huge advantage not to mention they have a huge dragon ( in my opinion the lions should get a griffin or eagle to even that out some way) and a wizard who may have other magical abilities they also have two horse mounted knights and a carriage that will give them a big mobile advantage to move troop with out being hit as easily with the carriage wich can also take lion knights as prisoners and hold them at the dragon castle for torture or whatever but its kinda a leaning battle to the dragon knights but anything can happen

  • Ryder - 11 years ago

    I think it can go either way due to the lions home turf and they have much better fortifications wich will keep them from relying on speed like the dragon knights, the lions have superior forces and they actually have more catapults than the dragons but they are stationary ones. If the lions could hold up in the castle and snipe with crossbows and the ballista they have at there disposal to kill the majority of dragon knights then the king could take down the wizard wich I'm guessing has magical powers over the dragon then lion knights win but it's a big if. Now if dragon knights are able to use well timed attacks against the castle with the catapults to break in and steal the queen it will give them a huge advantage not to mention they have a huge dragon ( in my opinion the lions should get a griffin or eagle to even that out some way) and a wizard who may have other magical abilities they also have two horse mounted knights and a carriage that will give them a big mobile advantage to move troop with out being hit as easily with the carriage wich can also take lion knights as prisoners and hold them at the dragon castle for torture or whatever but its kinda a leaning battle to the dragon knights but anything can happen

  • Joe - 11 years ago

    They will because they have the Dragon and the Wizard

  • robert - 11 years ago

    dragon rapes all the lion knights

  • Robert - 11 years ago

    The dragon would lead to the downfall of the lion knights. Although the lion knights have good fortifications, they could easily be seiged and destroyed

  • Jeff han - 11 years ago

    Dragon=instant win

  • Jeff han - 11 years ago

    Dragon=instant win

  • ~Garnira Returns~ - 11 years ago

    Dragon Knights. As (almost) everyone else has said, dragons almost always define the winner of the battle. Also, not to mention, they have a wizard, and who knows what powers he has...
    @goran: Sorry to burst your bubble, but this isn't chima, and they do NOT.

  • WrestlingLego11 - 11 years ago

    Have you ever read the Hobbit? The dragon won against the army of dwarfs, defiantly the Dragon Knights.

  • alex - 11 years ago

    Definitely dragon knight! The Dragon will wipe them all!

  • alex - 11 years ago

    Definitely dragon knight! The Dragon will wipe them all!

  • charles - 11 years ago

    Easily the dragon knights would win. Men do not matter their speed will wipe out every single lion knight outside of the strongholds. Heavy artillery would fire at the castle while forces kept out supplies. The dragon would torch any of the remains if not everything. I saw someone say lions might win because they never surrender. That wont make a difference. Dragon knights would slay them all anyways.

  • asd - 11 years ago

    dragon knight.... i think =)

  • goran - 11 years ago

    usually dragon knights BUT if lion knights would have a giant eagle (or at least 5 lions) it would be harder to choose.

  • Luke - 11 years ago

    I think the dragon knights would win but really if this was a movie the bad guys never win. Plus the dragon can kill everyone in the lion knights castle.

  • Luke - 11 years ago

    I think the dragon knights would win but really if this was a movie the bad guys never win. Plus the dragon can kill everyone in the lion knights castle.

  • Luke - 11 years ago

    I think the dragon knights would win but really if this was a movie the bad guys never win. Plus the dragon can kill everyone in the lion knights castle.

  • Hassaan - 11 years ago

    I think it could go either way. The Lion knights have manpower & a castle. The Dragon knights have firepower & a dragon. Dragon knights will attack & Lion knights will defend. But Lion knights should win because good guys never surrender. Dragon knights should lose because bad guys are always naive & arrogant. Warfare is about courage & Intelligence not firepower. Like WWII, the Axis powers had the superior firepower. But the Allies defeated the more powerful enemy. The defending Lion knights have the home turf & manpower. Lion knights should use siege tactics & bait the dragon. Once the dragon lands in the castle he's boxed-in like a sitting duck! Lion knights can attack him from every side! Dragon knights outside can't save him, end of dragon! Demoralized Dragon knights will attack a larger fortified army. Which is hardly practical anyway.

  • James Furby - 11 years ago

    Dragon Knights, everytime, As an example of Dragon Wrath you've seen the start of The Hobbit film, a Dragon busts up an entire Mountain full of Dwarves, Dragon beats everything, Lion Knights never stood a chance.

  • Ronan O'Connor - 11 years ago

    I think the Dragon Knights will win because The Wizard will take a lift off The Dragon and capture The Princess and force The Lion Knights to surrender

  • Ronan O'Connor - 11 years ago

    I think the Dragon Knights will win because The Wizard will take a lift off The Dragon and capture The Princess and force The Lion Knights to surrender

  • Ronan O'Connor - 11 years ago

    I think the Dragon Knights will win because The Wizard will take a lift off The Dragon and capture The Princess and force The Lion Knights to surrender

  • simon s - 11 years ago

    lion knights they have a castle with better defence and a good defence is the best offence

  • simon s - 11 years ago

    lion knights they have a castle with better defence and a good defence is the best offence

  • simon s - 11 years ago

    lion knights they have a castle with better defence and a good defence is the best offence

  • ali - 11 years ago

    lion knights will win because they can go into the castle and the archers start sniping every body and knights will take care of the dragon and the king will take care of the wizard

  • Michael - 11 years ago

    The dragon can bet all of them!

  • Gerald - 11 years ago

    lion knights

  • gabriel - 11 years ago

    i always totally think the baddies win. Theyre like- AWESOME!!!!

  • One Word: Dragon. We have a fucking dragon!

  • lewis - 11 years ago

    i think lion nights will win with tactics

  • The lego Masters Rule - 11 years ago

    Dragon knights

  • bobobobobobobboo - 11 years ago

    Lion knight: We have a army
    Dragon knight: We have a dragon

  • Nick - 11 years ago

    The dragon could fly into the castle and kill the King, which would leave the lion knights scattered and divided.

  • Jimmy - 11 years ago

    Dragon knights well because they have a wizard and a big deadly dragon:)

  • Jimmy - 11 years ago

    Dragon knights well because they have a wizard and a big deadly dragon:)

  • Naota - 11 years ago

    Dragon knights!!!

  • Josh - 11 years ago

    Dragon knights because they have got a dragon so unless they kill that first then there gonna have a problem at the end of the battle

  • Jarexx - 11 years ago

    We have a Dragon.

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