Of The Following, Which Troubles You Most?


  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    One issue that is pervasive among these troubling incidents is the lack of main stream media attention to these significant scandals and abuses of political power. It borders on complicity.

  • Kip Noxzema - 11 years ago

    CBS, as part of the State Run Media, is hoping and praying you'll pick None of the Above. They don't want you to think badly of the failed president.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    All of the incidents mentioned in the question are troubling, but the one that bothers me the most is the one not mentioned, "Fast and Furious". How many have died with the weapons that were supplied by Mr. No nothing Holder. That whole thing was swept under the rug with the broom of executive privledge. This administration is not only wrong in its dealings, but it has become dangerous as well as illegal.

  • Barbara Munger - 11 years ago

    Are we such an uninformed populace that we cannot see what is happening to our constitution...or does this same populace really care? How sad.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Using a government agency as a tool of intimidation in order to suppress the political activity of otherwise lawful political opposition amounts to mafia like tactics and should be dealt with accordingly. Employing multiple agencies to illegally share information in order to harass family members and burden businesses with repeated inspections and audits is the strategy of a thug and not the practice of a leader. The lack of popular outcry speaks volumes- suggesting that as a country we may well deserve the criminals we have managed to elect.

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