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What's more important to you -- the scandals, or jobs?

Total Votes: 1,048

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Remember when we learned in school that our country was founded on "jobs"? ME NEITHER. That this poll is 90%+ in favor of jobs over scandals is incredibly concerning, but it comes as no surprise when the major demographic polled is Ed lemmings.

  • James j.holstein,m.d. - 11 years ago

    The real issue facing this country is the lack of integrity and accountability associated with the present administration from top to bottom. After four plus years of this administration and its failed promises and policies, to continue to blindly believe in any improvement in jobs bespeaks a lack of understanding as to what is the real direction of this country- increased dependence on a party which will continue to make promises merely to secure votes with no expectation of fulfilling those promises. The turnaround must begin in 2014 and be completed in 2016.

    As a nation we deserve better.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    When is the show about Snowden being a hero? Nope, Ed must worship his man-deity. Ed put the 47% Romney bartender up on a pedestal but not anyone that threatens the almighty leader. THATS why Ed is just like a CULT. Wake up Ed lemmings!

  • Rudy C. Schott - 11 years ago

    I have never been so disgusted in my life as I was when all of the repubs and some dems voted against expanded background checks. They should be so ashamed. It should be plain to everybody that the Repubs have no intention of doing what they should do to help our country, their goal is to obstruct everything. They will pay in 2014. Rudy

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    The GOP obstructionists are a disgusting group of people who are only focused on what is in their own best interests. They want to continue to give subsidies to corporate farms and at the same time cutting funds from SNAP. Also they show NO interest in stopping the sequestration. They have NO solutions for creating jobs or fixing our infrastructure. If Ron Paul is the best that the GOP can come up with for 2016, the are really in bad shape. They act like they are the masters and we are their subjects. We have made gains in this country and will not allow the GOP to force their austerity and libertarian, plutocratic ideology on us. We will not let the Koch brothers, ALEC, NRA and groups and people such as these to take our democracy from us.

  • W - 11 years ago

    JOBS JJOBS JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THAT DO NOTHING congress ANTI- AMERICANS,, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, TRAITORS ,WOMEN HATERS, that they feel should only be baby machines,their maids,paid low wages,STAND BEHIND THEM,BOW TO THEM.

    VOTE VOTE VOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    MID TERM ELECTIONS COUNT AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WE WIN WE WIN WE WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    IN JESUS' NAME!!!!!


  • Candi151 - 11 years ago

    JOBS JOBS JOBS! Always has been, always will be. Jobs trumps everything else, especially in this economy. The only thing Republicans want to do is discredit our President by any means necessary, but the only thing they're doing is discrediting themselves & their party.

  • Tester - 11 years ago

    We middle class do not expect free healthcare, we just want affordable healthcare. We have paid in to Social Security all of our life, now we would like to collect what we earnestly have paid. We are not asking for a free hand out, only what we deserve that we have coming, that is what we are asking for. I am so glad that MSNBC "tells it like it is" and we have a source of news that does not "candy coat" the truth. I can not believe that people would listen to Fox news or any of their reporters? Yes, I occasionally flip to hear what "spin" they put on the news, but each time it makes me sick to hear the fabrication of truth and what actually did happen. My thanks and much appreciation to MSNBC for the dedication to keeping the facts straight. I can not believe people allow themselves to be brainwashed with the Fox cast of "actors". Their audience will not allow themselves to "think for themselves". Sad.

  • CoffeeSmellr - 11 years ago

    OldGent46 I Love your comment!! "No Jobs" is definitely the scandal. If Dems want to turn this around on GOP, perhaps they should listen to you!!

  • CoffeeSmellr - 11 years ago

    In the last election, I thought we Dems were sunk; however, it was a eye popping to see the results!! The "noise" comes from the radical, tin-foil hat wearers; leaving the rest of us thinking we are in the Land of the Lost. Thank Goodness the PEOPLE RULE and still see the REAL truth!!! REAL RULES!!

  • LaVina - 11 years ago

    These "so-called scandals" are pure excuses into not focusing on the ecomony. This "so-called scandals" are really tiring and boring. If these craps of scandal story don't relate to me, then it's jobs, jobs, jobs.

    Who cares about these scandals. Waste of time. No facts, no evidence!!!

  • Jeanne Wilson - 11 years ago

    This poll should be a no-brainer: anyone saying that scandals are more important than jobs is NOT living in the real world. At this point, that's 13 people.

  • STONEYST1 - 11 years ago

    the idiotic people in the senate and house are more interested in ruining his legacy then doing what is good for the people that elected them and pay their wages and benifits(which are to high!) I hope the people remember this next election or two!!!

  • OldGent46 - 11 years ago

    The scandal is "No Jobs" and always has been. GOP has a hand in stalling this as well.

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