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Have you seen passengers taking advantage of the MRT reserved seats?

Total Votes: 1,177

  • Deva - 9 years ago

    I am pregnant and this horrible experience happened this morning. There were three young office ladies sitting in reserved seat along with a elderly aunty. The elderly aunty upon seeing me immediately got up and offered her seat. I and her were having an converstaion on who to take up the seat. But the three ladies pretended that nothing is going on and were busy with their mobiles. Elderly aunties and uncle have excellant social values in singapore. Its the young population....

  • KPO - 9 years ago

    I had been to Japan/Korea, and nobody will take the reserved seats even if it's empty. Now i appreciate their culture. Reserved seat should be renamed" PLEASE SIT IF YOU THINK YOU DESERVE IT" - RESERVED SEAT.

  • simon - 11 years ago

    If the elderly person is your own mother or father, then you'll feel it when they come back home to tell you of their experience on the MRT. But then, you yourself may have done it by not giving up your seat to other elderly people. So remember, what goes around comes around!

  • simon - 11 years ago

    If the elderly person is your own mother or father, then you'll feel it when they come back home to tell you of their experience on the MRT. But then, you yourself may have done it by not giving up your seat to other elderly people. So remember, what goes around comes around!

  • Tj - 11 years ago

    Well yes I have gone thru dis many a times wen I was pregnant but I made sure dat da person gets off da reserved seat. It's meant for us n da elderly n u need to empty it. That's da end of it !! COURTESY is not sumthing I have ever found in Singapore. MANNERS out of question!! Period!!

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