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Should Jeb Bush Run For President?


  • WilRoy - 11 years ago

    We've had enough Presidents with the last name of Bush. Jeb is more "progressive" that either of the first two and will not be electable. We've had two RINOs the last two elections and have lost with both. If Republicans can't win with a candidate who represents real Republican values, then it should cease to exist as a party. You can't out promise the Dems and with the economy and debt in the shape it's in, electing a candidate who will only somewhat slow down the welfare state will never work. Let's see who emerges over the next year or so.

  • arthur stull - 11 years ago

    The gentleman is a 100 percent rino. We need a conservative to represent the republican party. If we nominate someone like Mr. Bush we are doomed as a political movement.

  • tony - 11 years ago

    You got to be EFFIN joking.

  • War_Machine2 - 11 years ago

    As an American I think he has every right to run. I see several people saying that he shouldn't run because he's a RINO. I gree that he's a definate Rino but running doesn't mean winning and loosing in the primary pretty much sends the message. Telling him he can't run without a fair vote would be un-American.

  • HarryO - 11 years ago

    I agree, no more RINOs. It's bad enough they want the murderer Queen Hitlery to follow in King Barry's footsteps but no more RINO's. Unfortunately, what the country needs is not available... yet.

  • No Mo RHINOs - 11 years ago

    No more liberals wearing Republican cammo. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and other free thinkers are the only hope for this country. Put religion aside. Put R&D politics and immigration aside. Follow the Constitution and the law or we will inevitably go under.

  • zsm2520 - 11 years ago

    Please NO, Jeb is more liberal than the old man (and I mean Prescot Bush) and makes his brother look like Reagan (almost).

  • den - 11 years ago

    Unless we can get the 47% (that will vote Democrat no matter what), to change their voting habits we will elect another socialist because the low info voters want to keep their hand outs coming. First thing is to get control of Senate, stop all Obama programs and then elect a conservative to get us back on track.

  • Joe - 11 years ago

    No more NWO Bushs'. This guy has core connections with globalist, and can't be trusted!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I'm not sure another Bush is the answer. The conservitives better come up with a "real" candidate and not just someone they think is electable. There's been an awful lot of damage done to this once great country over the past 4 1/2 years. We need someone that can do the job, not just be a figure head.

  • Robert - 11 years ago

    Rubio. I just don't think another Bush is 'electable'.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    @ Thomas Little: I expect much better than what Malloy and the Legislature have achie... done. We had an excellent track record as a prosperous state, up until 2010. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addendum: Thomas Dodd vs. Chris Dodd doesn't support my prior point as both were 'controversial', to be kind. After Thomas Dodd was effectively forced out of office due to Censure by The US Senate ( he lost his party's nomination and lost as an independent candidate to Weicker ), the people of CT repeated their mistake by electing Chris 'Deed' Dodd 10 years later.

  • thomas little - 11 years ago

    what did you expect from CT.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    I'm waiting for The Rayman to post a poll on Hillary, Joe 'Bite Me', and 'Lurch', on the Dem side. That will be more interesting to discuss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My problem with Jeb Bush is that most Americans realize that blood relationships do not imply common leadership ability. This also applies to Hillary, although the connection is by marriage.

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