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Will the conservative attack on the middle class cost Republican governors their jobs in 2014?

Total Votes: 1,778

  • ted - 11 years ago

    What a bunch of nut jobs. I would like to take a poll here. How many of you have a job?

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    The only way the republicans win is if the voters vote them back in. I hope that won't happen, with the record they have. War against Women is their No#1 error, The republican party, is the Domestic Terrorism in this country, we need to kick their asses out of office in 2014. This is at the Federal and State Level both. I am a proud member of the 47%ers, 6-22-2013.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    Republicans tried everything in 2012, voter suppression, big money from the Koch brothers, Rove, the casino guy and others, over 3 years of trying to block anything the President put forth and....we showed up at the polls and they lost. If we keep up our intensity in 2014 we can boot these governors out as well as the wing nuts in Washington and move our country to greater heights.

  • Chip - 11 years ago

    He sucks and so do all you freakin liberals...

  • Cody Monville - 11 years ago

    Yes, the Republicans war on the middle class will most definitely cost some of the Governors their jobs in 2014. They refuse to to implement job growth policies and continue to obstruct President Obama on all fronts. From putting people back to work, ending war in Afghanistan, expanding medical care to people, expanding access to college, they do not care about any of it. The only thing that the Republican Party cares about is how much their rich cronies next check to their campaign is going to be. It is them vs us, and guess what? They're winning! It is time we finish what we started in 2012 and take them out in 14. Come on people, let's do this!

  • bluedog - 11 years ago

    Yes the gop, govenors,have shown their deep hate for America.They in the past screamed their
    love for America,the military,women, apple pie. But now it's only guns that they are interested in,
    and the government treasure.They(the gop) as usually plame the poor as being takers,or only wanting handouts.When actually the GOP leaders are the takers, liars, stealers, muderers, cheaters.We the tax payers pay their salary,for their healthcare, for their wives, children, and sometimes mistresses.They are
    the epitome of hypocrisy. So in 2014 look for a shift in the state houses from top to bottom where ever they are polutting democracy.

  • Anna - 11 years ago

    Dear Ed:
    US House of Rep: Vast majority of Republican Reps say they follow Jesus of Nazareth. Yet they vote to let the poor go hungry, against gun safety and always against women, people of color, the middle-class, children, the elderly and of course gays, lesbians and transgenders. It is like power, money and racism and other disorders have blinded them from the truth. Keep it up Ed! Anna

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    Not only will we take out the rethuglican governors, but the rest of the inhumane hardline legislature. This year we vow to TAKE OUT THE TRASH!!! ''rancid preebus'' could bribe us with as much money as he could get his hands on, we'll take it and show him the door. Word is that he plans to get to know us, get closer to us, court us, he said, but we have his number. Mama said when somebody shows you who he is, don't try to change him.
    Out of the other side of their mouth, they want to spend $40Billion on a fence to keep us out, while donald trump is urging them to "import more europeans". Rethuglicans liked it when reagan asked gorbachev to "tear down that wall" while they are putting up a BIGGER AND LONGER wall - all this in the name of endearing themselves to us. If you ask me, too much vinegar!!!

    "rinse preebus" and his ilk are getting old and dying off, that's why they're pushing to limiting women's rights. They used to call us promiscuous, but God was working the plan. Now we understand the political ramifications of multiplying. Just ask jeb bush. he said we are "fertile, and family oriented" heheheheh. Are we still "good-for-nothing"? Or are we still a source of great income for the multi-billion dollar agri business? No wonder archer daniels midland and the rest of the agri-industry is not breathing even a "sigh" about our inhumane treatment. Neither is the chamber of commerce. Slavery personified!!!
    OH "YES WE CAN" FIX THAT!!! We will fix that

  • James miller - 11 years ago

    Get them out all of them to the republicans anyone who is not willing to help there fellow man is not leader enough to be in congress so say good bye to them in 2014 bye bye

  • Rick O'Connell - 11 years ago

    I voted yes but so much outside money will be thrown into these races make it hard to say.

  • Tyrone - 11 years ago

    I sure hope each and every one of those republican governor get what they got coming to them in 2014,,,,,,a swift kick out the door.

  • Maureen - 11 years ago

    So glad to catch you today. You speak for the majority. Keep it up. We support you.

  • Sylvia Hayes - 11 years ago

    Ed, if you come to Lansing my husband and I will travel from outside Detroit to Lansing to see you. Love your exchange with Virg Bernero tonight.

  • Diane Austreng - 11 years ago

    Wisconsin is worse off than it ever has been. maybe a woman should run against Gov. Ultrasound Walker. This state is being run by the Koch Mafia and 2014 can't come soon enough. I hope Ed you continue to run whats happening in this state to get the people to see just how Corrupt Ultrasound Walker has destroyed this state. We need you help

  • Cathy - 11 years ago

    Not only do we need to clean out the garbage with these Fruitcake Govenors; but we need to sweep them out in DC also!!!!

  • Sir Lord - 11 years ago

    Dearest Ed,

    The goal is literally to clean House on the local, state and federal levels. Enough is enough!

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