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Do you really want your sports stars selling you on Obamacare? Should Tim Tebow or Aaron Rodgers be playing politics?

Total Votes: 5,982

  • shreve - 11 years ago

    They are hired to entertain the public, not give political views. It would not serve them well or the teams they play for. It will cause a lot of fans to lose respect for them. Which could cost their teams money from lack of fan support

  • Judy Veltman - 11 years ago

    I do not believe that Tim Tbow would even consider doing that --He is a "Born-again" Christian & the abortion
    issue in the Bill, itself, would stop him from even considering this--not to mention the other issues involved that are just plain dishonest & greedy to the American People! I just think he has enough sense to not get involved AT ALL w/such a pathetic excuse for Health Care!

  • meintx - 11 years ago

    Don't try to sell us on Obamacare. Nobody, no one. Ain't gonna work anyway. Waste of time.

  • Jon Weiss - 11 years ago

    The NFL selling Obama care is the quickest way possible to lose me as a fan or a potential game ticket buyer.

  • Hmc - 11 years ago

    Daily basis not baseball!!!! Damn iPhone! While we're on the subject stay away from the Mariners as well Obama!!!

  • Hmc - 11 years ago

    If my Seattle Seahawks try to sell me Obamacare, I'm done! No tickets, no gear for me or my family, NO WAY! Football is a release from the crap that politics lays on the American people on a daily baseball. Dems have separation of church and state I want separation if NFL and politics!!!!

  • Nancy - 11 years ago

    Just shows you how desperate they are! The American people should take this a little more seriously.
    It's a shame that in this wonderful country we have to live in fear of a president who is fundamentally
    destroying it! Pray!

  • Karen - 11 years ago

    I honestly doubt that 2 of my favorite QB's would "sell their souls"for ANYTHING POLITICALLY DRIVEN.....ESPECIALLY FOR AGENDAS FROM THIS 'REGIME"!!! :-) SURE PRAY THEY WON'T!!

  • lcmn - 11 years ago

    Honestly, if you ever listen to some of these players talk, you realize it is a good thing they were good at sports. Not only are most them not qualified to dictate to the American people what they should do for health insurance, you know they would be biased towards Obama and the democrats. It's easy for them to tell the "little people" what they should do when it won't affect your life at all.

  • KatMom - 11 years ago

    If I see NFL players promoting "ObamaCare", I an done with the NFL.

  • Betsy - 11 years ago

    How much of our tax dollars will go to pay these stars to convince us that Obamacare is "cool".
    This is shameful.

  • PJMAN - 11 years ago

    Hell no I don't want my Football stars promoting obamacare. I have watched football just about my whole life. This happens I will never watch it again!!!! Just like I don't go to concerts any more. I pay to here them sing not talk Politic. No way I hate this!!!!

  • Joel - 11 years ago

    I don't want to hear anyone that hasn't read and understands the law.

  • Gary Skinner - 11 years ago

    I will boycott ALL GAMES and ALL ADVERTISERS. I will watch college and local HS football for my weekly "fix."

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