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Should Voters Be Required To Present A Photo ID Before Casting A Ballot?


  • Dave - 11 years ago

    In Massachusetts, you do not have to have an ID you just have to be registered and to register you do not need an ID. It is insane. You need an ID to buy beer, tobacco, drive, cash a check, use a credit card (most places) see an R-Rated movie, gamble, get into a union hall or meeting, get into a club, sign up for classes at all of the colleges, community centers, to attend most of the town hall meetings or public meetings with politicians, basically just about anything in this State except vote. It is also the State where your union (Stomp Stomp Foot IBEW) tells you this is how and who you will vote for, what yard sign and bumper sticker you will have and what rallies you will attend, OR ELSE!

  • bob - 11 years ago

    the only people with a problem with this are liberals,and if you check they try to steal elections all the time going back to 1960 that I know of.

  • UnPolitcallyCorrect2013 - 11 years ago

    Same Here Frank - I live just outside of Houston, Texas and presented my ID to vote. Because my ID did not match my new voter ID form I filled out because I moved, I had to fill out a form and sign it attesting to who I am and that I legally live in the area to which I was voting.

    NO BIG DEAL, as it helps to ensure those of us who are LEGALLY allowed to vote that there is 1 person, 1 Vote only!!!

  • John - 11 years ago

    I'm very suspicious of the current political rhetoric that suggests requiring photo ID is somehow discriminatory and a move to disenfranchise certain groups. Since our own leaders insist on behaving and legislating in such underhanded ways with so many questions arising about or own election, perhaps it's time for our own elections to be supervised to ensure that the illegals being issued driver's licenses (passed by our state legislature against the overwhelming will of the citizens) aren't being allowed to cast ballots.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I thought that showing I.D. was already the law. I've been casting my votes in Torrington for over 30 years and I've always had to show your I.D. It just proves that you are a resident and that you have registered to vote. It's a no brainer, and it's certanly not any kind of discrimination!

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