I don't see why people are picking Luna over Twilight. Twilight is also an Alicorn now, AND she's crazy smart and crazy powerful. With her help, we could probably find a cure and or bash the heads of all the zombies. I'm not saying Luna wouldn't be an amazing choice, because she WOULD be great. I just think it'd be a little bit better to have Twily.
SempEternal - 12 years ago
Brings Spike. Uses his dragon breath to teleport all the zombies to Celestia. >:3
Azure Blaze - 12 years ago
Hasn't EQD learned yet? When you put Luna in a poll everyone votes for her no matter what. She's just that epic!
shiennagirl - 12 years ago
Princess Luna obviously because she is the most powerful. she's an alicorn. she can fly AND do magic so if we are screwed or cornered by zombies, i can hop on her back and we'll fly to safety!!!! :3
Nagrsh - 12 years ago
Bard, of course. Get them buffs. Really, what would be most helpful would be a cleric, maybe a paladin.
inkBot - 12 years ago
Well, since I can't vote for Celestia (srsly, why keep her out of the polls but have Luna? :
Keristero - 12 years ago
WHAAAAT Fluttershy should be the infiltrator, rarity has already made the dangerous mission outfit for her!
Raitythunder - 12 years ago
I would vote for Celestia (Holy Paladin) if they would ever occur on a Pool like this but unfortunately they won't its every time the same ****. So I vote for instead Luna, simpel becous it's impossible to be 24h awake to protect every one.
Cat - 12 years ago
... oh... oh shhhhhoot.
I didn't notice the 'friendly zombie' thing with Fluttershy.
Fade1090 - 12 years ago
I hope all of these Luna voters understand that she is pretty much useless during the daytime since she is probably resting lol
Gilda - 12 years ago
Where is Gilda?!?!?!!?!?!?
Shed - 12 years ago
Luna is only going to win because it's Luna. Not because of how useful she would be.
Personally, I choose Applejack. She'd be a great help in taking down zombies and with helping to make a fortress to hold up in.
Rainbow Dash - 12 years ago
@Akakiro: That's probably how Princess Celestia died. Spike breathed fire on the zombie horde and they all teleported to Princess Celestia.
Dreike - 12 years ago
I'd go with Minuette. Time freezing to escape or get through an area that's obstructed by zombies would be extremely useful, and the once-per-day "redo" if you do get bitten seems like a must-have.
And dental care to boot!
Akakiro - 12 years ago
None of them! I bring Spike. I mean fully grown, powerful Dragon Overlord Spike!!! Zombies a problem? Kill it with fire!! :A ahahahahaha
Rondel Griffith - 12 years ago
Mostly in a zombie apocalypse, it never gets sorted out. If there was a chance to fix it, I would bring Twilight Sparkle. Knowing though it is near impossible, I'd bring a fighter like applejack who can also be a great friend along the way. If you have to succumb to the outbreak eventually, why not live out your days remaining with a partner to have fun along side?
imp360 - 12 years ago
Pinkie the bard? what use is a bard in a zombie apocalypse? Unless she can make the zombies sing and dan-... on second thought I pick Pinkie
Hat - 12 years ago
Full grown dragon would be good. Unless it turns.
vren55 - 12 years ago
I chose Luna... obviously b/c she's the most powerful of the choices, not to mention she can stay up all night to watch my back, but why is Celestia not in the poll?
wisp - 12 years ago
fluttershy seems like a good choice i would rather not fight zombies
Hot Al - 12 years ago
Well, Luna was in this poll, so best princess had to win. But if Luna weren't on this poll, I would definitely take Applejack. Somepony strong and willing to fight is always a good friend to have by your side!
Don - 12 years ago
I usually try to vote based on the question itself, rather than voting for best pony every single time. This time, however...a chance to experiment on zombies with Twilight Sparkle.
If there is an afterlife, this is what mine will be.
DizKord - 12 years ago
Definitely Pinkie Pie, because she would always be able to make my group smile. It would be all like, oh your whole family has been killed.... But I just can't stop smiling! :D
sandal - 12 years ago
pinkie deserves more votes. shes definitely on my team
OJhat - 12 years ago
Luna, Really? No Way! this is just because she's known to the fandom as best princess right? because if you read the description for her, she is hardly worth it other than a night guard, which if you already made sure you had an impenetrable defense, then her main ability is useless and only works as a medium fighter, lower than Applejack......
Zerxies - 12 years ago
Luna looks like she can do some serious damage...
Zerxies - 12 years ago
Luna looks like she can do some serious damage...
SpeedBoost - 12 years ago
Why do they even bothering to put Luna on polls -.-... seriosly the result is always the same quen they put Luna ¬¬
Btw I'd rather take Colgate/rarity/applejack :)
Thorein Wise - 12 years ago
I would definitely choose Minuette!! I mean seriously, and Apprentice Timelord would be really useful! Although she better have a sonic screwdriver. =P
Rainbow Dash - 12 years ago
You're right, we should totally bring Spike along!
Swashbucklist - 12 years ago
How about a fucking DRAGON?
Rainbow Dash - 12 years ago
Luna biased poll results...
Billysan727 - 12 years ago
inB4 Luna biased poll results...
sam1373 - 12 years ago
Pinkie Pie. From the description, she knows countless stories, and information is always the most valuable resource. And having fun is the highest priority of life, even in a zombie apocalypse.
inDerpxar - 12 years ago
Applejack, because kick-butt.
I'm actually surprised anyone would pick Pinkie Pie here. I would think all the noise she makes would be detrimental. Though I suppose some physics-bending could be useful now and again.
Really - 12 years ago
Oh look, another best pony poll.
SYLOH - 12 years ago
Twlight Sparkle of course.
She is decended from a long line of zombie slayers....
GolliatTaillog - 12 years ago
It's too easy if you have an ALICORN as an option.
Even easier if it is Luna.
Twylite-Sparkle - 12 years ago
Luna because it would be impossible to be up 24 hours constantly & be alert enough to avoid the horde.
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I don't see why people are picking Luna over Twilight. Twilight is also an Alicorn now, AND she's crazy smart and crazy powerful. With her help, we could probably find a cure and or bash the heads of all the zombies. I'm not saying Luna wouldn't be an amazing choice, because she WOULD be great. I just think it'd be a little bit better to have Twily.
Brings Spike. Uses his dragon breath to teleport all the zombies to Celestia. >:3
Hasn't EQD learned yet? When you put Luna in a poll everyone votes for her no matter what. She's just that epic!
Princess Luna obviously because she is the most powerful. she's an alicorn. she can fly AND do magic so if we are screwed or cornered by zombies, i can hop on her back and we'll fly to safety!!!! :3
Bard, of course. Get them buffs. Really, what would be most helpful would be a cleric, maybe a paladin.
Well, since I can't vote for Celestia (srsly, why keep her out of the polls but have Luna? :
WHAAAAT Fluttershy should be the infiltrator, rarity has already made the dangerous mission outfit for her!
I would vote for Celestia (Holy Paladin) if they would ever occur on a Pool like this but unfortunately they won't its every time the same ****. So I vote for instead Luna, simpel becous it's impossible to be 24h awake to protect every one.
... oh... oh shhhhhoot.
I didn't notice the 'friendly zombie' thing with Fluttershy.
I hope all of these Luna voters understand that she is pretty much useless during the daytime since she is probably resting lol
Where is Gilda?!?!?!!?!?!?
Luna is only going to win because it's Luna. Not because of how useful she would be.
Personally, I choose Applejack. She'd be a great help in taking down zombies and with helping to make a fortress to hold up in.
@Akakiro: That's probably how Princess Celestia died. Spike breathed fire on the zombie horde and they all teleported to Princess Celestia.
I'd go with Minuette. Time freezing to escape or get through an area that's obstructed by zombies would be extremely useful, and the once-per-day "redo" if you do get bitten seems like a must-have.
And dental care to boot!
None of them! I bring Spike. I mean fully grown, powerful Dragon Overlord Spike!!! Zombies a problem? Kill it with fire!! :A ahahahahaha
Mostly in a zombie apocalypse, it never gets sorted out. If there was a chance to fix it, I would bring Twilight Sparkle. Knowing though it is near impossible, I'd bring a fighter like applejack who can also be a great friend along the way. If you have to succumb to the outbreak eventually, why not live out your days remaining with a partner to have fun along side?
Pinkie the bard? what use is a bard in a zombie apocalypse? Unless she can make the zombies sing and dan-... on second thought I pick Pinkie
Full grown dragon would be good. Unless it turns.
I chose Luna... obviously b/c she's the most powerful of the choices, not to mention she can stay up all night to watch my back, but why is Celestia not in the poll?
fluttershy seems like a good choice i would rather not fight zombies
Well, Luna was in this poll, so best princess had to win. But if Luna weren't on this poll, I would definitely take Applejack. Somepony strong and willing to fight is always a good friend to have by your side!
I usually try to vote based on the question itself, rather than voting for best pony every single time. This time, however...a chance to experiment on zombies with Twilight Sparkle.
If there is an afterlife, this is what mine will be.
Definitely Pinkie Pie, because she would always be able to make my group smile. It would be all like, oh your whole family has been killed.... But I just can't stop smiling! :D
pinkie deserves more votes. shes definitely on my team
Luna, Really? No Way! this is just because she's known to the fandom as best princess right? because if you read the description for her, she is hardly worth it other than a night guard, which if you already made sure you had an impenetrable defense, then her main ability is useless and only works as a medium fighter, lower than Applejack......
Luna looks like she can do some serious damage...
Luna looks like she can do some serious damage...
Why do they even bothering to put Luna on polls -.-... seriosly the result is always the same quen they put Luna ¬¬
Btw I'd rather take Colgate/rarity/applejack :)
I would definitely choose Minuette!! I mean seriously, and Apprentice Timelord would be really useful! Although she better have a sonic screwdriver. =P
You're right, we should totally bring Spike along!
How about a fucking DRAGON?
Luna biased poll results...
inB4 Luna biased poll results...
Pinkie Pie. From the description, she knows countless stories, and information is always the most valuable resource. And having fun is the highest priority of life, even in a zombie apocalypse.
Applejack, because kick-butt.
I'm actually surprised anyone would pick Pinkie Pie here. I would think all the noise she makes would be detrimental. Though I suppose some physics-bending could be useful now and again.
Oh look, another best pony poll.
Twlight Sparkle of course.
She is decended from a long line of zombie slayers....
It's too easy if you have an ALICORN as an option.
Even easier if it is Luna.
Luna because it would be impossible to be up 24 hours constantly & be alert enough to avoid the horde.