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Which is your favorite song for the Fourth of July?


  • Penny Lane - 11 years ago

    None with "God" mentioned in it.

  • Art Vandelay - 11 years ago

    Of course Minnesotans are going to vote Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A." The song mentions the "lakes of Minnesota." I bet if you asked the folks of Winslow, Arizona what their favorite song is, they'd say "Take It Easy" by The Eagles.

  • Jeff Durbin, MSgt USAF, Ret. - 11 years ago

    This is a great song. After returning from overseas duty, my kids and I traveled by car across this great country. Stopping to enjoy ourselves. During the trip, we stopped in Tennessee and went to the recreational sites and came across Lee Greenwood giving a concert. My children, asked me to stay and listen to this singer. They had all ready heard the song and even though they were teenagers, they were adamant about staying for entire concert.

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