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Are the Republicans smarter than a 3rd grader?

Total Votes: 945

  • Harryl - 11 years ago

    Republicans are doing their best to ensure that the never win another General Election. We all know the stupidity being display in the Republican side of Congress. If you want to read real stupidity check out some of the writings concerning Perry's announced retirement. Just imagine allowing him to keep running the "import jobs program" where he uses his privately-controlled state slush fund to entice companies to move to Texas. All of those Perry supporters brag on how much he has done for state economics---how soon the forget that he had the state legislature transfer $36 B out of school funding and another 5 or so B out of Medicaid in order to help balance the state's books. Now our kids have no new books and some are even paying to ride the school bus. As for Medicaid funds, come a date Medicaid with be have the need to be paid back---with what---more school money? Oh yes, Perry is a financial wizard. Perry is only a wizard at appointing his cronies to ranking state jobs and guiding contracts to his donors.

  • Harryl - 11 years ago

    Republicans are doing their best to ensure that the never win another General Election. We all know the stupidity being display in the Republican side of Congress. If you want to read real stupidity check out some of the writings concerning Perry's announced retirement. Just imagine allowing him to keep running the "import jobs program" where he uses his privately-controlled state slush fund to entice companies to move to Texas. All of those Perry supporters brag on how much he has done for state economics---how soon the forget that he had the state legislature transfer $36 B out of school funding and another 5 or so B out of Medicaid in order to help balance the state's books. Now our kids have no new books and some are even paying to ride the school bus. As for Medicaid funds, come a date Medicaid with be have the need to be paid back---with what---more school money? Oh yes, Perry is a financial wizard. Perry is only a wizard at appointing his cronies to ranking state jobs and guiding contracts to his donors.

  • Harry Lingo - 11 years ago

    Republicans are doing their best to ensure that the never win another General Election. We all know the stupidity being display in the Republican side of Congress. If you want to read real stupidity check out some of the writings concerning Perry's announced retirement. Just imagine allowing him to keep running the "import jobs program" where he uses his privately-controlled state slush fund to entice companies to move to Texas. All of those Perry supporters brag on how much he has done for state economics---how soon the forget that he had the state legislature transfer $36 B out of school funding and another 5 or so B out of Medicaid in order to help balance the state's books. Now our kids have no new books and some are even paying to ride the school bus. As for Medicaid funds, come a date Medicaid with be have the need to be paid back---with what---more school money? Oh yes, Perry is a financial wizard. Perry is only a wizard at appointing his cronies to ranking state jobs and guiding contracts to his donors.

  • ELAINE STENZEL - 11 years ago

    all republicans were dropped on their head at brains whatsoever!!!

  • gailvee - 11 years ago

    The repubs do not realize what they have done in regard to women's issues. They will regret this! They have no idea how a women's body works and do not care to find out. They have angered women and they will be sorry!

  • Robin - 11 years ago

    Not if they say that the rape victim has a way of "shutting that thing down" and not getting pregnant, not if they are taking money away from education. How many generations will that affect???

  • mjk - 11 years ago

    All children have the right to a free public education, a parent also has the right to choose private, charter or parocial education but I as a tax payer should not pay for someone's right to choose.

    The charter schools, while I feel that in some cases are beneficial, such as physical, mental, emotional problems, they should not be short changing our public educational systems. This is just an end run around desegration.

    My three children were to products of public education and all three graduated from universities with two degrees each. Also, we did not receive any help from the government, we were fortuanate enough to be able to help our children. I feel sorry for todays parents because how are middle class families going to afford to educate their children. The government needs to act to reduce the cost of higher education costs, they need to force universities to lower their tuition, lower the interest on college loans and finally bring jobs back to the US so that our children have jobs once they graduate either from high school and college. We do not need to have people brought in from other countries to fill high tech and other specialized fields. Our kids have those skills, give them a break.

  • John Paul Allen - 11 years ago

    I voted Yes. I don't kick people when they're down and ... well we won.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    The conservatives want to limit educational opportunities for the middle class and poor. How smart can they really be if they have to put roadblocks in the way of so many students? The Republicans have to play dirty tricks because what they are pushing is extremely unpopular for most Americans.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I'll put it this way. If 9-year old Asean Johnson was Speaker of the House we'd see Congress getting things done.

  • Carol - 11 years ago

    Not "NO", but "HELL NO" !!!

  • Mike Lee - 11 years ago

    What an impressive young man. I would love to see him debate Boehner.

  • James Peters - 11 years ago

    Third graders have a better understanding of science.

  • Blaine - 11 years ago

    that all depends Ed, if we are talking about the smarts of Republicans against the intelegance of 3rd graders in America, then we have to ask in what state of the union? if we are asking in what country, that is an almost given answer as America falls way short in education, the answer would be no.

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