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Should "Obamacare" Be Delayed A Year?


  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Frank is right about tort reform.... I wish I had at hand the numbers I saw a few years back. In addition to the cost of malpractice insurance, the diagnostic tests health care pros apply is overkill drivne by malpractice insurance policy provisions, and they are very costly. Add to those costs the development costs for new drugs, procedures, materials, and technology. These are the issues to address to lower costs, which will create a market for healthcare that is affordable to nearly everyone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We could also use a few new politicians in legislative positions who have background in health insurance and malpractice insurance, rather than 'an army of ambulance chasers' (lawyers), to create more solutions to the MARKET availability problem. The Affordable Care Act ( aka 'Obama Care' or 'The Obaminable Care Act' ) creating artificial supply by FORCING health care providers to provide coverage, and exempting others - correction: many others, - will not yield an efficient and sustainable healthcare market equilibrium.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Frank is correct. Part of the problem is that our lawmakers seem unable to be straight about their objectives. They claimed that the purpose of the legislation was to bring down the cost health care and insurance but the effect of their law is to do the opposite. The very underhanded manner in which they went about ramming the law through congress says that they knew it all along. The law should be scrapped and we need to wait until congress is made up of honorable people who are actually committed to the spirit of public service before anything else is attempted.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Unless everyone in this country is made to participate , it needs to be scrapped. When I say everyone, I mean all goverment workers, and all union workers, and elected persons as well! No person or group should be exempted, and the mere fact that so many are trying to get exempt status says alot about this monster. If they are serious about fixing the health care system they should start with tort reform. If Doctors weren't forced to pay such high insurance premiums, maybe their services could be made more affordable. But since nearly all elected officials are lawyers, fat chance of that huh.

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