Would Joe Lieberman Be A Good Replacement For Outgoing Homeland Security Chief Napolitano?


  • den - 11 years ago

    @patriotCT; all that is understood and my point is to stop this type of nominations we have to change from the bottom up. Elect people who will not keep putting "well he's better than so and so" into positions of power. Once we do that we can choose qualified people to run these very important departments and not end up with Sibelius and Nepolitanos in key positions.
    I don't like settling when it comes to my freedom, and Joe is settling, he is a liberal and will always be a liberal.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    @ Den: people responding to the poll know that Obama is the nominator, and are being realistic about the chances of a 'good choice' by BHO. So, would you prefer a former Dem like Lieberman, who straddled the line between Democrats and Republicans on National Defense issues, or a recently retired Dem Congressman who lost an election, or who was forced to retire due to bad poll numbers based on a bad voting record or a scandal? IMO, it is a moot point because Obama has other options that will be less favorable to Israel's and Conservative's causes.

  • den - 11 years ago

    There is that 47% of low info voters again even in this poll. They are low info and don't even know it. How could anyone want a person who spent 20 years in Washington and it turns out we are worse off than we were when he went there.

    Murphy and Blumie are perfect replacements for what we had, Dodd and Lieberman. Keep drinking that Kool Aid Connecticut.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    While Lieberman is not an ideal choice to replace Napolitano, he is probably as good as we can hope for from the current Socialist Administration. Remember, the Democrat Party ousted Lieberman in 2006 and he ran and won re-election of his Senate seat as an Independent. So, truth be told, Joe may be a long shot to be nominated by Obama, who probably wants another lap dog. I doubt Lieberman would put America's interest behind Israel's. But Obama probably will seek someone who puts Israel's interests at the very bottom of his list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wonder why Napolitano resigned so suddenly? There must be something brewing behind the curtain, but we may never find out what it is from this 'transparent' ( rolls eyes and slaps open palm to cheek a la Jack Benny) regime.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Well played Frank. This country's politics and pop culture has become such an absolute mockery that any discussion that accepts any premise of ethical legitimacy reflects the deep brainwashing that is occurring both in the media and through the so-called "education" system.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    At the risk of sounding anti-semetic, the only security concerns Mr. Lieberman is interseted in are those of his true homeland, Isreal. This current administration has become a laughing stock in matters of national security. I guess at this point, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

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