If Detroit defects to Canada over a debt that deliberate outside mismanagement contributed to I think the United States government should be left with the debt. The cost of living in Detroit is inflated both by high costs of dilapidated infrastructure and sheer arbitrary overcharging. Detroit is basically run on the illegal company store scheme, but without a profiting company. Adding senseless strain to families with such pointless things as city ordinances against buses picking up passengers in the poorest parts of the city where people would need public transport to get to and from work adding hours to any commute it resembles some apartheid practices. Government services others take for granted are either delivered with the bare minimum - or less - and overwhelming grudging disdain or not delivered at all and both cases heavy argument is made to deliver even less. The purpose of taxes is to maintain and repair infrastructure, facilitate education to maximize the prospects of a potential workforce, fund law enforcement which itself needs to be even-handed and accountable.... all of which has been left to rot deliberately. Services paid for but never rendered, shuffled around the state. If Detroit defects I believe Canada should take the burden of city infrastructure and rebuild - those would be Canadians in dire need we're seeing to - but to "buy" Detroit would be buying the debts of people who were robbed from the one who robbed them and legitimizing the practice. You don't "buy" unlawfully detained mistreated prisoners and continue paying off their captors. CPS doesn't "buy" neglected children and the parents don't get to press people for money for care they never delivered. You rescue them. And if that rescue ruffles feathers a case would have to be made to the world. And if they don't care to explain themselves and come out swinging? Well honestly how little excuse would they have needed for any other case?
For those of you who are proud Americans contesting the idea of being bought out by Canada I ask you: does America even want you? Has it deserved your loyalty? Have you not seen and heard how your fellow Americans talk about you, as though your continued survival was some great offense, that education and even jobs are wasted on the likes of you? When it comes down to it do you actually have the same rights as other Americans? You certainly aren't treated the same and a recent lawsuit concerning education confirmed that the rest of the state of Michigan does not believe itself to have any lawful obligations to Detroit where classes are held as is compulsory by law... yet those classes may not have pens, paper, textbooks, or teachers. It's just students corralled into a dangerously hot building that could fall on their heads any moment they have a difficult time getting to every day while an entire country sneers at them for not "making something of themselves" without resources or even the benefit of the doubt when programs are put in place to bus kids out to better funded facilities. They're blocked by "concerned" parents who paint children as violent gangsters and rapists who need to be contained in their neighbourhoods and implicitly left to die there.
So... if you're a patriot of a country that looks at you and sees a threat - an outright alien to the country in many cases - then why do you not see yourself giving your loyalty to someone who lets you pursue the American dream you're denied if it's under a different flag?
Proud American - 12 years ago
I'm a proud American from Detroit, Mi USA not from Canada and I want to represent my country just like Stevie Wonder, Eminem and so on just because you buy detroit won't make them represent Canada we all love our city and country and do not want to be Canadians!!!
Wow, this article is pleasant, my sister is analyzing these things, therefore I am going to tell her.
2 cents worth - 12 years ago
How about the fact that Americans live in Detroit, thus they are not Canadians. What do you do with all of this people? Being a Canadian living in the US that last thing I would ever do is give up my citizenship. You would have to displace all of those people, and how about the jails and prisons? Who wants that burden? A lot more to this than I think people are considering. Bottom line terrible idea..!
Joe Boyd - 12 years ago
What a ridiculous poll. The assets of Detroit doesn't include the land. And then you try to manipulate the poll by slipping in the anti-gun propaganda. Whoever posted this poll is retarded.
Jake - 12 years ago
Awful idea, not only would we adopt all the gangs and guns, but we would also have to adopt the 1/3 of the population which is on welfare or some other form of social assistance.
Kendra - 12 years ago
I love how we have the reputation of being "nice" in Canada but only 4% of us wants to just help out.
Kendra - 12 years ago
I love how we have the reputation of being "nice" in Canada but only 4% of us wants to just help out.
pedro - 12 years ago
Brilliant idea. Canada would not only get the aforementioned music catalogs and sports franchises, but also Chrysler's Jefferson Assembly Plant that generates $2 billion of profit per year and floats both Chrysler and parent Fiat, plus the GM world HQ. Also if the border moved to 8 mile road the number of border crossings could jump from 2 to 20, which would be great for cross border trade. Brilliant idea.
pedro - 12 years ago
Brilliant idea. canada woyuld not only get the aforementioned music catalogs and sports franchises, but also Chrysler's Jefferson Assembly Plant that generates $2 billion of profit per year and floats both Chrysler and parent Fiat, plus the GM world HQ. Also if the border moved to 8 mile road the numebr of border crossings could jump from 2 to 20, which would be great for cross border trade. Brilliant idea.
Paul - 12 years ago
No thanks, we've heard about the GST.
Beth - 12 years ago
Being Canadian and Pro-Gun ... that "Get rid of guns" comment is illogical.
Getting rid of inanimate objects is not the answer ... getting rid of the criminals who use them is!
Buying Detroit would cause alot of issues that no one thinks about ... Borders, debt, we already have enough debt of our own ... lets work at getting homeless Canadians off the streets then think about outside purchases.
Skylar - 12 years ago
If Canada were to buy Detroit, would it not be a part of Canada? Which means the criminals would have to leave no? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in my personal opinion I think it would be a great idea for Canada to buy Detroit.
Nicolas - 12 years ago
"Only if we can get rid of the guns" is an unfair option. *Insert detailed firearm safety/criminal usage commentary here*
Criminals break the law. They steal, threaten and murder, all against the law. Using an illegal firearm isn't going to make them pause to think. I believe there is a social problem within high crime areas that needs to be dealt with, not a legislative problem. Fix the problem at its source.
Dave - 12 years ago
Also the Pistons play in Auburn Hills, a good 30 minute north of Detroit. It is the Wing, Tigers, and Lions that reside in downtown.
Jason - 12 years ago
Is it not common for journalists to research an article before publishing, the pistons play basketball not football. The Lions are the NFL team.
If Detroit defects to Canada over a debt that deliberate outside mismanagement contributed to I think the United States government should be left with the debt. The cost of living in Detroit is inflated both by high costs of dilapidated infrastructure and sheer arbitrary overcharging. Detroit is basically run on the illegal company store scheme, but without a profiting company. Adding senseless strain to families with such pointless things as city ordinances against buses picking up passengers in the poorest parts of the city where people would need public transport to get to and from work adding hours to any commute it resembles some apartheid practices. Government services others take for granted are either delivered with the bare minimum - or less - and overwhelming grudging disdain or not delivered at all and both cases heavy argument is made to deliver even less. The purpose of taxes is to maintain and repair infrastructure, facilitate education to maximize the prospects of a potential workforce, fund law enforcement which itself needs to be even-handed and accountable.... all of which has been left to rot deliberately. Services paid for but never rendered, shuffled around the state. If Detroit defects I believe Canada should take the burden of city infrastructure and rebuild - those would be Canadians in dire need we're seeing to - but to "buy" Detroit would be buying the debts of people who were robbed from the one who robbed them and legitimizing the practice. You don't "buy" unlawfully detained mistreated prisoners and continue paying off their captors. CPS doesn't "buy" neglected children and the parents don't get to press people for money for care they never delivered. You rescue them. And if that rescue ruffles feathers a case would have to be made to the world. And if they don't care to explain themselves and come out swinging? Well honestly how little excuse would they have needed for any other case?
For those of you who are proud Americans contesting the idea of being bought out by Canada I ask you: does America even want you? Has it deserved your loyalty? Have you not seen and heard how your fellow Americans talk about you, as though your continued survival was some great offense, that education and even jobs are wasted on the likes of you? When it comes down to it do you actually have the same rights as other Americans? You certainly aren't treated the same and a recent lawsuit concerning education confirmed that the rest of the state of Michigan does not believe itself to have any lawful obligations to Detroit where classes are held as is compulsory by law... yet those classes may not have pens, paper, textbooks, or teachers. It's just students corralled into a dangerously hot building that could fall on their heads any moment they have a difficult time getting to every day while an entire country sneers at them for not "making something of themselves" without resources or even the benefit of the doubt when programs are put in place to bus kids out to better funded facilities. They're blocked by "concerned" parents who paint children as violent gangsters and rapists who need to be contained in their neighbourhoods and implicitly left to die there.
So... if you're a patriot of a country that looks at you and sees a threat - an outright alien to the country in many cases - then why do you not see yourself giving your loyalty to someone who lets you pursue the American dream you're denied if it's under a different flag?
I'm a proud American from Detroit, Mi USA not from Canada and I want to represent my country just like Stevie Wonder, Eminem and so on just because you buy detroit won't make them represent Canada we all love our city and country and do not want to be Canadians!!!
Wow, this article is pleasant, my sister is analyzing these things, therefore I am going to tell her.
How about the fact that Americans live in Detroit, thus they are not Canadians. What do you do with all of this people? Being a Canadian living in the US that last thing I would ever do is give up my citizenship. You would have to displace all of those people, and how about the jails and prisons? Who wants that burden? A lot more to this than I think people are considering. Bottom line terrible idea..!
What a ridiculous poll. The assets of Detroit doesn't include the land. And then you try to manipulate the poll by slipping in the anti-gun propaganda. Whoever posted this poll is retarded.
Awful idea, not only would we adopt all the gangs and guns, but we would also have to adopt the 1/3 of the population which is on welfare or some other form of social assistance.
I love how we have the reputation of being "nice" in Canada but only 4% of us wants to just help out.
I love how we have the reputation of being "nice" in Canada but only 4% of us wants to just help out.
Brilliant idea. Canada would not only get the aforementioned music catalogs and sports franchises, but also Chrysler's Jefferson Assembly Plant that generates $2 billion of profit per year and floats both Chrysler and parent Fiat, plus the GM world HQ. Also if the border moved to 8 mile road the number of border crossings could jump from 2 to 20, which would be great for cross border trade. Brilliant idea.
Brilliant idea. canada woyuld not only get the aforementioned music catalogs and sports franchises, but also Chrysler's Jefferson Assembly Plant that generates $2 billion of profit per year and floats both Chrysler and parent Fiat, plus the GM world HQ. Also if the border moved to 8 mile road the numebr of border crossings could jump from 2 to 20, which would be great for cross border trade. Brilliant idea.
No thanks, we've heard about the GST.
Being Canadian and Pro-Gun ... that "Get rid of guns" comment is illogical.
Getting rid of inanimate objects is not the answer ... getting rid of the criminals who use them is!
Buying Detroit would cause alot of issues that no one thinks about ... Borders, debt, we already have enough debt of our own ... lets work at getting homeless Canadians off the streets then think about outside purchases.
If Canada were to buy Detroit, would it not be a part of Canada? Which means the criminals would have to leave no? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in my personal opinion I think it would be a great idea for Canada to buy Detroit.
"Only if we can get rid of the guns" is an unfair option. *Insert detailed firearm safety/criminal usage commentary here*
Criminals break the law. They steal, threaten and murder, all against the law. Using an illegal firearm isn't going to make them pause to think. I believe there is a social problem within high crime areas that needs to be dealt with, not a legislative problem. Fix the problem at its source.
Also the Pistons play in Auburn Hills, a good 30 minute north of Detroit. It is the Wing, Tigers, and Lions that reside in downtown.
Is it not common for journalists to research an article before publishing, the pistons play basketball not football. The Lions are the NFL team.