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Should outdoor cats be banned?

Total Votes: 909

  • Melissa - 11 years ago

    Absolutely cats should be kept indoors! I adore cats, my boy is 13 years old and the love of my life. But we are having a huge issue with both feral and house cats in our neighborhood. My neighbor has multiple cats that are let out each morning. They come straight over my six foot fence and use my garden as a litter box. They corner my small dog and she comes in bleeding. One time the scratch was millimetres from her eyeball. We have had these cats trapped by bylaw, only to have them returned within a week and back to same old same old. I have found seven dead birds in my yard this summer. Sure, they have always been robins and not songbirds, but that is just by chance. Cats are domesticated animals now and have no place out of doors, except on a farm where rodent control is necessary.

  • RagingRanter - 11 years ago

    The ignorance about the decline of various song bird species is alarming to say the least. Cats are absolutely devastating for the local songbird population. They'll clean out entire nests of birds at once. And during nesting season, they much prefer birds to other types of prey, due to the availability. Those who say this is "natural", I ask you this: What is so natural about North American songbirds being preyed upon by an introduced predator from the Asian desert? (That's where domestic cats originated after all.) I have three cats. They're called "house cats" for a reason. They stay inside, and they're perfectly content. They'll also live longer. You don't have to hate cats to understand why they should be kept inside.

  • Jud Johns - 11 years ago

    I agree with the majority of comments with regards to rodent populations. It is part of our life cycle...outdoor cats are vital in large cities. I actually don't understand why anyone would want to have one inside...although I welcome the odd stray around my house anytime to take care of mice. Birds can take care of themselves; they don't need "do-gooders" watching their backs. Go out and have a look...they build nest where they feel safe.

  • wildman - 11 years ago

    Get a grip on yourself Red,and your cat! Go back on your meds!

  • Chris S - 11 years ago

    Cats serve a distinct purpose in controlling rodents.
    Since "cat control" has been implemented in various urban areas, mice proliferation is steadily becoming a huge problem. Once settled, mice multiply in numbers very quickly.
    More mice consequently leads to more predators such as coyotes moving in to hunt and feed on them. And this can ultimately lead to more problems with larger predator altercations involving dogs, small children, etc. in cities.
    So take your pick. Live with cats roaming the streets and alleys or accept mice infiltrating your homes, schools, etc. seeking food sources. If you don't believe this, talk to farmers and ranchers. That's the main reason they keep them around.

  • Sabrina - 11 years ago

    I believe people who have cats should be educated about keeping them indoors. If every person who had a cat kept it indoors, the only cats "on the street" would be ferals. With TNR, that could be brought down to a very, very manageable number. The anti-cat people should focus on what people can do, humanely, and that is to keep pets indoors.

    The cats who are outdoors and fending for themselves-- we should have compassion and help them. Why would we not? Have we all become savages in this society--kill everything that gets in our way?

    Should people be "banned" from the outdoors? Think of how many murders and rapes we could prevent?

  • cricket Fox - 11 years ago

    Ban outdoor cats? What's next? Maybe we should ban people from going outside - that's how the majority of us shop for meat, fish & poultry. Most farm animals are treated unethically & killed terribly.
    For centuries, cats have worked for us by keeping mice & rats down so that our farms & cities are safer. Ban outdoor cats, especially in a port city, such as Vancouver, & the city will be overrun by mice & rats. Is that what you who want a ban on outdoor cats want?
    Feral cats who are part of a TNR (Trap/Neuter/Release) program are best left in their colony. Devoted animal lovers feed them, trap them, get them neutered, then release them into the same colony.
    Please leave our cats alone - all of them. Whether they're outdoor/indoor cats or only outdoor cats, let them live.
    If we, as thinking humans, kill or eat any living being, then we do not have the right to decide which animal does what. Leave our cats to do what they've done for centuries.
    Thank you.

  • Reb - 11 years ago

    wildman It's a shame you can't pull your head out and see that humans cause FAR more suffering and damage to wildlife than cats do! In the state where I live it is legal for people to set steel jaw traps and catch wildlife indiscriminately, causing GREAT suffering all so some neanderthal goon can get his jollies off by hurting animals. "Coon hunting" is also allowed in most states... that's really a great thing to do to wildlife, they chase the poor raccoons all over the mountains and then when they finally get tired and go up a tree, they get shot down and for what? The same goons who enjoy killing animals for FUN! What about the DOGS that kill geese, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, groundhogs and people's KIDS? Are you going to get on your soapbox about that?

  • Reb - 11 years ago

    TR The world would be a much better place if we kept the cats and got rid of jerks like YOU!

  • Reb - 11 years ago

    Sheri White How would you like to spend your ENTIRE life indoors? How would you like it if you could NEVER feel grass under your feet or feel a breeze in your hair? You must not love your cat very much because there are inexpensive and easy ways to make an outdoor run for your cat where they won't get into anything and won't be harmed. Nobody should be forced to spend their entire life indoors. That is cruel

  • Reb - 11 years ago

    Cats don't kill nearly as many birds as humans do. There has never been any kind of legitimate study to see how many birds are killed by humans because when Smithsonian Institute was given a grant to do a study on the impact of humans killing birds, they instead used that money to launch a campaign against cats. American Bird Conservancy is the same type of institution. They are more cat haters than they are bird lovers. They aren't interested in doing a legitimate study, they just want to saturate the press and television with their cat hating propaganda. Pit bulls kill an average of twenty KIDS a year and yet you don't see a big campaign to get rid of pit bulls. With all the problems going on in this world, THIS is what some people dwell on? WTF?

  • Carol - 11 years ago

    I can't believe this! Serial killers?? Seriously???
    You want to kill cats because they hunt?? Would you people give your heads a shake and listen to yourselves! What other animals do you want to put on the list to destroy because they are following their basic instinct??
    Being a cat owner and lover I promise you this, if anyone ever felt the need to hurt my boys, you would have to go through me first! No easy task!

  • Andrea Evans - 11 years ago

    No, this is ridiculous. We're going to start hunting down animals because of their natural instincts? I personally loved having my cats around, especially on my acreage. Where they would yes, kill birds but also all the other pests like mice that we did not want around. Birds do not need protection, the circle of life will go on whether we interfere or not.

  • Wendy C - 11 years ago

    Let's face it cats are Hunters. They also keep our mice populations under control. We had a cat for 19 years and all he brought home were mice. We are cat sitting our daughters cat right now and her cat would kill what ever moves so we only let her out on a harness and leash. She loves to watch the birds and small animal here at the cabin. I think pet owners could keep a better watch over their cats and some of these problems could be solved or partially controlled.

  • Tricia Stiles - 11 years ago

    yes, cats hunt as do dogs, coyotes etc. I had a cat and dog once hunt down a nest of red squirrels that occupied a shed. I do live in the country and my two cats are both outside helping keep the mouse population down. I think outdoor cats in an urban area with neighbours very close by deserves some consideration in terms of licensing/trying to keep them indoors. Areas that have a feral cat population will certainly make the coyotes come closer to urban areas. Feral cat spay and release programs will eventually shut the colony down.

  • TR - 11 years ago

    Get rid of them all!

  • wildman - 11 years ago

    Its sad that people who love their cats can't show love and respect for wildlife,shame on you!

  • Sheri White - 11 years ago

    I don't believe cats should be allowed outdoors to hunt or use my garden and children's sandbox as their personal litter box. If I am keeping my dog on lead and under control from damaging my neighbours' yards, then why can't my neighbours give some thought and keep their destructive pets indoors? I have a cat that is only indoor. It hunts the occasional fly and seems quite happy.

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