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Should Coast Capital Directors have to repay Coast Capital the excessive pay that they have received over the past years?

Total Votes: 85

  • Edward Von Stern - 11 years ago

    This Board has been recognized as one of the strongest in the country, leading best governance practices for all financial institutions. If anything, they are underpaid. The company has given over $30 million to the community in the past six years and has seen record performance three years in a row.

    When you compare to VC's director comp, please be more careful next time, and add the board remuneration from all of the subsidiaries. You will find it is much higher than what has been disclosed.

  • Alistair Duncan - 11 years ago

    Agree that board has only made a minimum, token effort, however do not see the value in going back. We are once again customer shareholders and no longer members/owners and unless enough members vote for non endorsed nominees running for the board, this situation will not likely change.

  • Elizabeth Woods - 11 years ago

    I believe in looking forward, not back. For one thing, how far back do you want to go? (Disclosure: It might affect me, if one went back 5 years or more.) Let us work on having future remuneration approved by the membership at the AGM (with provision for on-line voting).

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