My favorite Brent Weeks Twist:


  • Andy - 11 years ago

    Kylar's real father wasn't revealed yet, though it was mentioned in jest in the second book. Perhaps posting this is a teaser of something for the future?

  • Megarooni - 11 years ago

    It took me forever to get through the first Night Angel book because 1) I was a little 6th grader who let Runescape fill my free time and 2) Due to excessive Runescaping, I would end up reading the book when it was late at night and I was half asleep, so most of the twists blew right over my head. And I wasn't sure if the thing about Kylar's father was serious or not because I figured the Godking was just being an asshole and playing with his mind. As for the Dazen/Gavin thing, that was awesome =) I have to agree with Shawn though and say my favorite was actually the price of immortality. That twist still plays with my brain *_*

  • Shawn - 11 years ago

    The part where Kylar discovers the price of immortality.

  • Rob - 11 years ago

    Who is kylars real father

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