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Was this new mother wrong?


  • Amanda - 11 years ago

    She is completely wrong. She made a decision with her husband. He made the choice to have a child based on the agreement they had.
    My husband and I decided BEFORE we had kids that I would stay home. We gave up cable TV, had no cell phones, drove older used cars, didnt eat out, etc. we made sacrifices so I could stay home and raise our children. She needs to be willing to do the same. It is completely unfair and selfish to think it is her Husbamds responsibility to work two jobs because she broke her end of the deal. Why can't she go get a job while he is at home after he works his first job? He will never get to see his children or his wife working two jobs. They may as well be divorced at that point.

  • Lucy - 11 years ago

    I am a mother myself and I understand that she wants to be at home but I do know that every child needs both parents warmth. After I had my child in April I did talk to my husband and we decided on me not working, however, he only has one job and all we do is limit ourselfs on our wants and we have no problem with him only having one job.

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