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If Marco Rubio is the 2016 presidential nominee vs Hillary, will you vote for him?

Total Votes: 2,238

  • L.G. Swift - 8 years ago

    Polticians are made up of people. All politicians are 'evil'. People vote for polticians, therefore evil people vote for polititians. False. Evil people stay home and vote for no politicians.

  • FedUpWithTheFed - 9 years ago

    Establishment Republicans do more to push the Obama Agenda than the Democrats themselves. To me Rubio and Bush are worse than any democratic candidate, because they pretend to be something they are not. At least with Hillary you know what you're dealing with. Not some fake a** Republican that votes for things they don't even read, and would rather line their pockets with cash than represent the people who put them in office. I will never vote for the likes of Rubio, Bush, Christie again. Romney is no better than Obama with his Obamacare "lite". Rubio voting for the TPA without even reading it, and claiming he did. Screw Rinos its time to elect some leaders with backbone.

  • eric - 11 years ago

    As a moderate Repub, the only candidate I'd vote for is Christie. The party has become too extreme with Tea Party antics. If it came down to Perry, Cruz or Paul Ryan, would probably vote for Hillary. The party needs to focus more to the center right than extreme right to win. The majority of us are moderates and continuing with Tea Party candidates is why we keep losing. Lets focus on the economy and foreign policy instead of abortion and gay marriage. These are the issues that most ofnus have to deal with daily.

  • Billy stanley - 11 years ago

    If the republican nominee is any combination of Rubio, Bush, Christy, or Ryan I will stay home.

    I am DONE with RINOs - DONE, you hear me ROVE? No more money, no more support, no more votes.

  • Larry Stadtmiller - 11 years ago

    I would vote for Joe Bagadonuts if he were to run against Hillary. Anyone but the Buffalo.

  • Nunya Bidness - 11 years ago

    Hey Tom!

    Blow me (after you are done "servicing" your establishment overlords, of course).

  • tom kocher - 11 years ago

    You ' stay at home ' people were more responsible for 4 more years of this Obama mess than the LIV multiple voters !!!!!! Purely stupid for sure !!!!!

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