Do you understand the Time Warner Cable/CBS dispute?


  • Suzanne - 11 years ago

    I also plan on dumping Time Warner for a dish and not watching CBS.
    Corporate Greed on both sides. Disgusting actions!!!

  • John - 11 years ago

    They should have it broken down into three tiers, entertainment, sports, and news, and pay for packages of each or a bundle, that way people like me who could care less about sports wouldn't have to pay for crap that I am not watching.

  • Kat - 11 years ago

    I wonder if CBS is giving it's advertisers a discount because more than a few million people can't see their programs! I'm so pissed off at BOTH of these corporations that I will boycott CBS AND cancel my subscription to Time Warner. I'm looking for a dish, my friends say the dish is way superior to Time Warner. So, guys, you may have cooked your own goose. People are fleeing your control and finding it's greener on the other side!! Assholes!

  • Jeep Gerhard - 11 years ago

    not interested in sports, but love BIG BANG & am glad to get a daily fix on re-runs. Now listening to 4 pm radio news saying you two BEHEMOTH companies are still at loggerheads. GET GOING -- you're STILL getting my money for all those sports channels plus ESPN multiples, NBC, ABC, etc. that I either don't watch or don't watch much. GET A GRIP!

  • Dave - 11 years ago

    I agree.. 1/3 of a thirty minute program is commercials..

  • Kal-El - 11 years ago

    CBS gets paid by it's advertisers. If they want to raise the rates of commercials they can ask TWC what their subscription count is and adjust accordingly. If CBS wants to raise the cable rates tell them to reduce the number of paid commercials.

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