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N.C. Pastor Fired For Attending Rap Concert: What Do You Think?

Total Votes: 127

  • FranLuWa - 11 years ago

    Perhaps the young man enjoys all kinds of music!! That is his right. As a Christian, he should have a strong enough relationship with God to let God convict him of anything wrong or questionable; not people. Perhaps he could stand in that concert and show other people that you can be saved and still appreciate all music forms. (Was he bumping and grinding anybody? Did he feel the need to shoot or cut anybody?) Jesus didn't just hang around the saved people. He went amongst the lost and sick and created their change and deliverance!!! Part of the problem with getting people to come to church is that folk try to commit them to nothing but churchy-stuff (publicly) and create all these restrictions instead of showing people how to get a good relationship with God so He can tell them what they can and cannot do. My hat is off to anyone who can sit through Rick Ross or any hard rap; but if Frankie Beverly comes through Raleigh, NC, I'm going and still loving the Lord....and suggest all of your listening audience join me!!!!

  • Anonymous - 11 years ago

    The Bible says that by their fruits you will know them! Pastors are held to a much higher standard by God because they are the shepherds of His sheep. This pastor showed a lack of maturity and because of his actions other saints will follow in his footsteps. We are called to be in the world but not of the world. I agree with the deciscion and this young man needs to be ministered too by the elders and deacons of this church, especially if he doesn't see the error of his ways. Christianity isn't a religion it's a lifestyle. You can't half step with God. He cannot stand lukewarm! As a Pastor of 4 years, he should've known this and his actions/fruit didn't show that of a Man of God that should be leading the body of Christ. In Matthew there is a story of several pastors who cry out Lord Lord we did this and that in your name and God will say to them.. Depart from Me I never knew you. The devil will use anyone, especially those shepherding Gods people, to cause confusion in the body. We are supposed to be set apart. God will deal with this man accordingly and the people of his church need to keep him in prayer and minister to him. We must protect our witness at all times! People need to see that we can be saved, human, and not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. Going to a Rick Ross concert did not edify the Kingdom of God but rather caused confusion in it. As a pastor and a leader he should not have been there. He was not ministering or passing out tracks or telling people about Jesus... That's the saddest thing about it to me. His actions may cause people to backslide or even turn away from God and their blood will be on his hands. When you take an oath before God to pastor a church and lead his people there are expectations, duties, responsibilities, and a level of wisdom, discernment, and maturity that should be displayed.

  • Ashley - 11 years ago

    I disagree, God gives everybody common sense. He failed to uphold his duties as a pastor. I don't hear anything about any rappers glorifying God. He was wrong, and people need to stop trying to justify this man's sin. Also, God did witness to sinners, but he did not put himself in their environment. The bible tells us, "be not unequally yoked". Even the 12 Apostles went outreaching to the public, and today that is call door knocking. People just want to find an excuse to try and serve God and the world.

  • b - 11 years ago

    Jesus sought help from a Prostitue; he didnt convict or condemn a woman caught in the act of adultry; he took Saul a murder and turned him into Paul a preacher of the gospel. I belive that (my opinion) we should look outside the confines of the four walls of church and see who in the "world" can be saved.
    now granted he may not have been ministering the gospel at the concert but it does make him human and some people need to see that you are saved and human .. not just in the pulpit.
    As long as he was not doing anything.. that is sin.. condeming him should be left upto his walk with God not man. Which (to me )goes back to what kind of teaching/preaching he gets at his church. And i heard one caller say that he should not have gone b/c its in the Word.. "IT IS NOT!".. stop recreating the Bible to prove YOUR point.

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