Would you pay more in property taxes if it meant better roads?


  • Parick - 11 years ago

    And even if it was a tax on everyone $20 per month is not much. I've heard of peoples rent going up 15%. That would be over $100 per month!!!!

  • Patrick - 11 years ago

    What do you think they mean by household. They mean homeowner. The city does not tax people that rent. They tax the builder owners. They have no law that allows them to collect tax from rental people.

    So if people are worried about that, its unjustified. Its just homeowners and building owners that would pay it.

  • Anonmous - 11 years ago

    Hey Patrick... just so you know they said 170.00 per household... not per home owner!

  • Patrick - 11 years ago

    I'm sick and tired of homeowners that like to complain about property taxes. If they don't do this the roads will get worse.

    I think I may just leave Saskatoon and this crumbling city. The city is trying to fix it and you guys aren't helping by pushing back. The tax proposal increase is not a lot. If you can't afford that maybe you should sell your house?!!!

  • Joanna - 11 years ago

    No more tax increases. Do a better job of managing money and stop spending on unnecessary incidentals and self-serving political agendas and attention seeking. Long past time that you work for the citizens, not yourselves. Before raising taxes, a role back of a minimum of 30% off of Mayor's, Councillors and city management & union workers salaries would more like it! If they are not happy with their salaries, then get out and find a job that pays what you want and let the citizens door give you a huge push out the door! We did not elect you to pad your wallets while you make poor decisions and spend like drunken sailors while our infrastructure is neglected! Councils lack of forsight and logic has put our city in jeapordy. Step down now and let people who really care do your jobs! New roads needed, not the status quo of ongoing pathetic bandaid 'repairs' way you have been doing for too long. Do it right build up roads with cement and recycled tires mixed with asphalt. Build up the surface beforehand, and seal with recycled rubber tire, so there is no breakdown for a minimum of 5 years.
    Again, clawback The Mayor's, City Councillors, City Managers and Union employees salaries, and you will have more than enough to fix the roads the right way!

  • Renee - 11 years ago

    I think the city could come up with an alternative for the raising of funds to repair the very much needed work on our roads. Perhaps Saskatoon should think of cracking down on "Street Parking" and ticket these vehicles for parking anytime they wish. I have seen cars parked outside my window for days and weeks sometimes without even a glance by the city.
    They only cause the snow removal units to be unable to grade the roads in the winter as the cars block up BOTH sides of our streets. The city even allows major streets such as 8th street to have cars parked on it. When are we going to free up our roads in order to keep them in good order. Wake up Saskatoon. And by the way $170.00 per household! What about the amount of people in those households. I think it unfair if there be 1 individual residing in a home to 5 or 6. This idea for a tax hike is insane. Think about it!
    I say take a vote on the alternative and do it soon. Let your people have a say!

  • Judy Graham - 11 years ago

    We have been taxed to death !!! Enough excuses - start managing our Fed & Sk Gov't grants better & stop spending money on stupid "monuments" that our mayor pushes through !!!! Enough with the "cut corners" to spend on "other" things & start actually working for the citizens of Saskatoon !!!!!

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