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Should Angela Be Fired?


  • ladibriz - 11 years ago

    Im so sad to see that Kim fired Angela she is so talent. Kim I know you have watched the show and know that China and your nail tech have been very disrespectful you should have fired them NOT ANGELA. I will not watch the show if there is a 3rd season. Just don't like the way China gets away with things. There are only 3 people that can do hair Angela, Dontay and Terry. Anthony is trying and I love the way he goes after China when she's trying to insult in. team Angela and Anthony!!!!!

  • Jaymye - 11 years ago

    As the owner of the salon, you do have the choice of you works there or not. If you were looking a reason to fire Angela, you found one. You made sure that you stated what she did was unprofessional.

    How professional is China? She pouted the whole time in Las Vegas, because she had to assist. She should have been grateful for the chance to try and learn something. From the styles I have seen , she could use some help. She WET THE WIG, and even while you were talking to her, she didn't feel she did anything wrong, even probably to this day. She was so busy trying to justify her reasonings. She constatntly picks fights with Anthony. The whole season was she wanted to see Angela fired; and I guess u being her "friend" was glad to accomdate her.

    Your nail artist, she can make threats to burn down your salon, she can talk down and ugly to the manager and she gets nothing, not even a slap on the wrist.

    You and your sister and argue and curse while you supposely have clients there, and you call yourself a professional.

    Angela shouldn't be working there. She should in a professional salon with professional stylists who know how to speak and treat one another and not be, what you call GHETTO!

  • Xaysha - 11 years ago

    I just stumbled across this show and I LOVED IT. I watched all two seasons in two days and now I am re watching it. I felt that they in which Kim fired Angela was the more display of graceful behavior I have seen. She apologized but acknowledges that she needs to grow and would not be a good fit. Kim has a very high level of professionalism and wears her heart on her sleeve. I adore her.

  • Asia - 11 years ago

    I will not be watching next season of L.A Hair if there is one. I loved Angela. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that Kim clearly did not like Angela for whatever reason. If anything I feel like Angela should have QUIT. Especially after that nonsense that occurred at the end of the first season. Kim bought China to stir up trouble with Angela so that she could have an excuse for getting rid of her. There was no purpose in Angela holding up that sign other than to humiliate her and had Kim ran up on me the way she did Angela, she would of got slapped up with that card board. That was all CHINA. Anyways. Angela is obviously a great stylist, large clientele, doing big celebrities' hair as well, and her name is getting out there. She's a threat to Kim. China is grabbing Anthony while he is washing a client's hair, yelling and threatening him while making a scene in front of clients, misrepresenting your business wetting someone's wig and not showing any sign of remorse, yet Kim, Leah, & Jas are in a restaurant plotting to get Angela out. Kim, you have something against the girl and have painted her to be this angry, disrespectful woman who doesn't want to abide by your rules which is just not true. At least from everything I saw. You took pleasure in firing her, you took pleasure when making the stylists admit they were wrong for being drunk multiple times and I just have one thing to say to you. You are not God, no one is bowing down to you, no one is going to stop their growth so that you do not feel intimidated, you cannot hinder anyone's growth Kim Kimble! Angela will go far. There is no reason for you three to have given her all the hell you guys gave her, ESPECIALLY with China getting away with all she did. Angela did not do or say all she could have when both you and your sister cursed at her, ran up on her, and slandered her character. She took a lot from you guys and I'm glad you let her go so that she could grow and expand. RANT OVER. No more L.A Hair for moi!

  • Chrissi - 11 years ago

    Kim and China have a weird alliance and Kim is obviously envious of Angela. Having said that Angela shouldn't have been fired without China getting the boot too! I'm not watching the show anymore, I hate to watch the way Water buffalo (Kim) treats Angela and pets everyone else.

  • Melia - 11 years ago

    I couldn't believe how Angela tried to act like some victim. She was wrong to abandon her job and leave the country while she had clients booked without speaking directly to her boss about it. Why didn't she try and contact her clients and re-schedule their appointments. She said she was asked to take the job in Thailand on Friday and left on Monday, she had all weekend to tie up loose ends. Who sends an e-mail to their boss over the weekend telling them she's leaving the country, she should have called Kim or her sister directly. Angela you should have said sorry. I can't believe Angela didn't feel bad for leaving them hanging like that, she flipped the whole situation around and tried to play victim, CRAZY!!!!

  • Mew0116 - 11 years ago

    No, Angela should not have been fired. Angela should have quite! Angela is surrounded by jealous, ugly, resentful cows, (Kim, China, etc.) and she would never get a fair shake around these type of women. Angela alerted her boss, Kim's sister, via e-mail about an emergency opportunity and it wasn't Angela's fault her boss did not read it! Business protocol is to alert you boss, not the owner of the company, when you are to be absent, which Angela did. Kim is a horrible person and Angela needs to be somewhere else where she wil be appreciated. She will never get it from Kim. Angela is a much better stylist than Kim, and Kim knew it! I don't wear weaves, so I won't speak on them, but what else is Kim supposed to be good at? Kim's makeup is all wrong, her clothes selections are terrible, she's rude, totally unprofessional, she actually started the argument in front of clients. Her sister was handling the situation much better than Kim, yet Kim barged in and started cussing at Angela because she didn't like what she was hearing! I will continue to watch because I love everyone else on the show, but Kim needs to do some soul searching and figure out what she needs to do to improve herself !

  • Lina - 11 years ago

    I can't believe she fired Angela. I feel Kim has changed throughout this show, she's become a brat and a diva. If China hasn't been fired yet for embarrassing Kim's name this show is just fake, every job she's taken China too or China has been to she ends up running her mouth and making everyone hate her. Then Naja can threaten her sister with no repercussions? I'm so done with this show.

  • VERNETTE - 11 years ago

    Well I think she should get rid of China cause just like when was so call manager she put Angela out front of the salon with a sign and who she come down on Angela and it wasn't her idea. China screwed up with Vivica she got away with it, she started with Anthony at Chaka Concert who she jump on Anthony. China dishes it out and when they get the best of her she runs a cry like a damn baby. Oh and she need to get rid of her sister too with her bad attitude like she's all that. Everything was fine til she brought in China and Leah. And now all of a sudden mama wants to act all professional and bad ass. She got this new shop and now she wants to be professional, not that many celebrities come in there anyway.

  • Polo - 11 years ago

    I can't stand China!!' She is nasty, inside and out. I might not watch next season.

  • Ashley Lawson - 11 years ago

    Angela should not have been fired! China picks and is very negative, she should be gone! Even when Angela called a truce to get the wigs done at the store location China made it difficult and started talking trash. Last night she started with Anthony but Kim eye contact was with Anthony when she was fussing. Kim be real and fair. China customer waited for her for a hour plus. China has talked trash over clients head while Anthony was washing hair. China has anger issues and when you took her to Vegas she acted a butt. Lose China!

  • Wanda Hardy - 11 years ago

    I think Angela was excited about the opportunity and just acted on excitement and didn't think about how it would affect the Salon, but without malicious intent. I won't watch this show anymore because China needs to go and they constantly humiliate Anthony who each week seems to be begging to keep his job. , The white chick came in from day one disrespectful and nasty to Kim's sister the "Manager" and was not held accountable I am still pissed off about that, but if she was "Black" she would have been handcuffed and put out! No one is talking about this. I admired the show at first, and really liked Angela but she deserved another chance.

  • casaundra - 11 years ago

    Angela should have been fired because Kim was nice enough to bring her back. And all she had to do was call Kim to let her know she have a gig n Kim would have supported her and told her to go for it. I feel Angela miss the point why Kim was mad. Well Kim was mad because she left without let her know and again this is bussiness n a job.

  • Eboni - 11 years ago

    Angela should have handled the situation better, she should have called Kim directly and explained the conflict so Kim was not blindsided. However, I don't think Angela should have been fired. If China was allowed to stay on after that Vivica Fox fiasco (not to mention her general nasty attitude), then Angela could have been given another chance. Kim could've told her "Look, this is your last chance, you mess up again and you're out!"

  • indigo - 11 years ago

    The entire show needs to go. Kim runs her shop like a ghetto daycare center. For her to fire Angela and keep China and her negative energy around is insane. Angela was unprofessional in how she left for her gig, but Kim look at the big picture. The shop did not crumble to the ground and you got some cred for having Angela as your employee. It appears that you, China and Jas have some jealousy issues going with Angela. I know that China does. Kim you are an embarrassment to Black women by acting like a petty unprofessional witch. Remember that Karma is a much bigger bitch than you are and when she comes to collect her due, remember what you did to Angela.

  • Renee - 11 years ago

    If she hadn't fired Angela I was finish with L A Hair. She is childish, disrespectful and rude. Now get rid of China's crazy rude as. She has no respect also. She should have been fired when she told Ms. Fox, "you ring". Then she wet the wig. What's wrong with you Kim. You going to let these nobodies run you out of business

  • Kandi Kinzer - 11 years ago

    Another thing china is straight up nasty she argue in front of the clients, walk out, have break downs, burn wigs, and is not attractive. I don't like the way she styles hair. Angela does not do any of that. Kim with all that she has going I'm that industry seems to be a little envious of angela. She needs to stop and remember where she came from. As quick as it came it can all be taken away. Each one teach one. The same patience she has with ththat china she should have with angela and all the other stylist. Also I love anthony but kim knows he is not ready to have a chair she was being spiteful and just wanted to have the last laugh. I'm so disappointed in her.

  • Kandi Kinzer - 11 years ago

    Wow you fire angela and not China. China totally disrespected vivica fox on tv and she was suppose to be representing the salon if she would of sent angela vivica would of had no problems. I agree with angela there are some hidden issues with kim regarding her. Now that angela is gone there will be one less viewer.

  • VJones - 11 years ago

    In my opinion if Angela should be fired, then the whole team should be fired. Especially that crazy, dumb bell China, who gets away with murder. I have watched every show and every time Angela does something she gets lynched whereas the other team members only get a slap on the hand. It is totally unfair. I really hope Angela becomes more successful than Kim. I was treated like this in my job. I did everything right but got reprimanded by everything I did. So Good luck to you Angela. Be bigger and stronger than your antagonist. Kim plays a lot of favortism with China and others she let prove themselves. She never gives Angela a chance to prove herself or give her a second chance. Everytime Angela does something she kicks Angela to the Curb. Well Angela go do your thing girl. Get your own show and be bigger and better. Come back hard and strong. LOVE,

  • Nic - 11 years ago

    Angela should have been fired. If it was any other business she would have been fired for EMAILING her boss that she would have been gone a week. In the business world you have to call your boss and ASK for permission to leave. You can't send an email or a text message.I think Kim was happy for her but Angela handled it wrong. I think if she had asked and told Kim about the opportunity they would have worked with her. Angela acts like she is owed something. You do not get to make snide comments to the boss. It doesn't matter what the boss has said to you. Angela never sees where she is at fault and does not take accountability for her actions. I mean I would have fired her when she showed up late at her meeting for a second chance. I think China and Anthony should be fired. Yes, Kim did lose her cool . However, Angela has had a lot of chances. You can't tell me that there aren't stylists that know how to act professionally in LA.

  • Evee - 11 years ago

    Angela is out, and so am I. Kim has turned into an unprofessional mess this season. She allows China, the pitbull to say and do anything. (Ghetto hot mess) Everyone else must walk the straight and narrow. Get rid of China already. I am very disappointed in Kim Kimble, so let's see what else is on the tube on Thursday nights. Oh yes, and Kudos to Angela you made a very professional effort this season & your light is shining bright so we will be seeing you in high places, cause we know you're not Wetting the Wig!!! God Bless & Good luck to you Angela. Several of us are pulling for you. ;)

  • Sweetnlw - 11 years ago

    I would like to offer my condolences to the family of the camera man they showed at the end. I think Mr. Darrel is his name. RIP and may his family & friends find comfort knowing that he rests in the arms of the Good Lord. Amen.

  • Barbme - 11 years ago

    Angela sent and email to the Office Manager Kim's sister. She admitted that she did not read the email in a timely manner that was the mistake of the manager.

    Kim is not professional, and I do agree if you put all that money into a SALON make a professional area in which you could have private discussions. Your show is ghetto.

    I am out, she is a mess, and folks are only going to her salon to be seen on TV. That China needs to be gone she can not do hair and she is not professional. Angela hires folks that she perceives are less than her, and no I do not know Angela I only know what I see on TV.

  • Experienced work industry professional. - 11 years ago

    Angela is a younger and she should be judged by her creative performance. A periodic job dedcription,code of conduct inclusive performance review should be a major factor in the decision since the first termination or suspension. And that should be measured for everyone. I think there has been worst behavior from others concerning morala and she may have been singled out. She seems to do great as a stylist. It seems the judgement was emotional, social issues need to be understood. She has to be taught. She deserves many more chances. Give her a break. Her skills balance out her flaws. Nobody is perfect. I am disappointed at the decision. Send Angela to business etiquette class observe her and then make a choice.

  • mickii - 11 years ago

    I love Angela, she's young, sexy, and one of Kim's best stylist. And if you want to talk about disrespectful, hell EVERYONE in the shop disrespects her, her mother and that sister WOW she acts as though it's her shop, the stylists are no matter but the worse perpetrator is that no styling, loud obnoxious China she should have been FIRED. Kim herself shows a level of disrespect to her "brand". But Angela will be back after all this is TV.

  • Jay - 11 years ago

    Additonally, I am disappointed with all that space Kim has for her new salon, she did not build a room where they can go to discuss issues. Even though you go to the break room its very clear that the clients can still hear them. So it still becomes an unprofessional atmosphere. I do feel that Kim disrespects her own business at times by the way she behaves. I know its her business but I think she also needs management training. I still think they need TABITHA to "TAKE OVER"!

  • Jay - 11 years ago

    When the show first aired I thought that Kim should have fired Angela because she was rude and disrespectful to her and the business. Then when she brought China in and promoted her to manager that was the biggest mistake. China clearly did not know how to manage and she was out to get Angela and Kim stood by and let it happen. At that time I think Kim had no choice but to bring Angela back because of how things were handle. However, it was a matter of time before Angela dug her own grave. Kim had every right to give her her walking papers. She was rude to Kim, disrespectful and totally clueless on how to be a professional in the work place. Angela is young and thinks she knows everything, she has a lot of growing up to do. Even in the smallest of jobs; you have to let management know if you are going to be out of the office. I am sorry but sending an e-mail was not good enough. She admitted to Kim she knew from the Friday she had to make the trip that Monday, immediately she should have contacted Kim and give her headsup; so that Kim would not be caught off guard and allowed her (staff) to make the necessary arrangements for her clients. In my opinion Angela was being shady by not telling Kim. Angela has to accept responsibility and needs be accountable for her actions. There is no way she can work for anyone else and expects to behave this way.

    I do feel that Kim also needs to put China and Anthony in check. Both of them are loose canons. She lets them get away with a lot without addressing it. I think their behavior in the salon paints a bad image to her brand. We will see how things turn around season.

  • Lace - 11 years ago

    I won't be watching this show any more! Angela shouldn't have been fired! China should have been gone for her unprofessional and disrespect !!!!

  • Tia - 11 years ago

    And another thing. Kim doesn't always respect her salon herself. I do think Angela should have understood where Kim was coming from but Kim didn't handle it properly. Kim throws fits and acts like she is blind to the REAL problem which is CHINA! China disrepects EVERYONE and is NOT the best stylist out there. I have no respect for Kim because I think she did it in a very vindictive way. No Angela, no me. I do feel like they ganged up on her. As much as I love Anthony and the other crew (EXCEPT CHINA) I WILL NOT WATCH THE SHOW! I'M TICKED.

  • Blast almonds - 11 years ago

    I think Angela should have spoken to kim herself but Kim is dead wrong & was very unprofessional also. If anybody should have been fired it should have been China with all the crap she has pulled. They need a closed in place for discussions away from the clients.Team Angela!!

  • Tia - 11 years ago

    China is who should be GONE! I will NOT watch the show without Angela. Period. THE END. I can't stand China messy self. She is a HATER! I'M DONE with the show.

  • Shon - 11 years ago

    Anyone who has been watching prior seasons knows Angela has been disrespectful for a while, full of herself and is not humble at all. Anytime Kim tried to talk to her or correct her she tried to act as though Kim was jealous or not happy for her. Angela needs to look at her behavior and realize you don't get ahead by being rude, trying to steal clients or back stab your mentor. There is enough to go around and she needs to humble herself. She has so much talent and potential. Her attitude takes away from her. I think Kim was just fed up with her.

  • Sweetnlw - 11 years ago

    Kim you wrong girl. I'm not watching the show anymore. I only watched because i LOVE me some Angela. So deuces!!

  • Ahmiss - 11 years ago

    Always remember we got our start somewhere and made mistakes along the way.
    This industry is different than most-- even service industries.... If Angela is not costing the salon money-- if Angela is actually making the salon money then keep her on-- that's the bottom line.
    Her behavior may have been disrespectful-- but definitely no more so than China who leaves customers with a negative of feeling. She has even disrespected Ms. Kimble herself yet she continues to get free passes for just being ugly nasty.

  • Coco - 11 years ago

    Also, perhaps it has to due with age, I don't think Angela really 'comprehended' what Kim was saying. I honestly don't think it had anything to do with Kim not being 'happy' for Angela. Like Kim stated, it's about doing things 'decent and in order'. Real talk, how long would it have taken Angela to simply call Kim, and give the news??? The same time and energy she took to send the 'receptionist' the email, she could have simply let her fingers do the walking and call Kim, or management. I don't know what she was thinking; did she think Kim was going to say 'NO, don't go'? I mean really. I think Kim would have been excited for her, and simply told her to make arrangements for her clients. On the flipside, even if she thought Kim would be mad, as long as 'she' did things 'decent and in order' that's all that matters...

  • iam2unique - 11 years ago

    I am sooo glad angela is gone!!! I don't know why it took Kim sooo long, she has more patience than I. That b**** would been ghost!! OMG I was about to quit watching is angela stayed,l she is soooo disrespectful to Kim and what she is trying to do! Kim has done it all, styled some of the biggest talent in the business and angela is light years away from Kim on talent!! To the comment "Kim is jealous and never been to Thailand" seriously? Kim has been jetting all over da globe and angela will never catch up. She needs to learn some respect for the talent who is trying to teach her to be where she is going!!! BYE ANGELA, GUD LOOK FINDING ANOTHER PLACE THAT WILL ACCEPT YOUR BS, OOPS U DONT NEED NEBODY, U GOT SO MUCH GOING ON U DONT NEED TO B WORKING FOR ANY SALON!!! CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW THAT WORKS OUT, NOT!! WE WON'T B HEARING ABOUT U!!

  • Nathaniel Sykes - 11 years ago

    Just to say I love L A HAIR And the cast it was sad to see Angela go but she did it to her self!! She was very unprofessional by leaving the salon and her clients high and dry?? Hope everything works out for her, The salon and the show want be the same with out her?? I will continue to watch the show I love it and its the hottest show on WE TV !!!!! LOVE YOU MISS KIM KIMBLE!!! LA HAIR IS A HIT !!! And you all are stars I have all my friends and family watching!!!! Cant wait for next season!!!! Sincerely L.A.HAIR BIGGEST FAN NATE!!!

  • Coco - 11 years ago

    I can totally understand Angela being excited; it was a wonderful opportunity! However, in the business place, if you are going to be out for an extended time period, you have to inform your immediate supervisor, regardless of how excited you are. On a typical job, with a typical person (meaning not in the limelight), try sending an email to your company receptionist stating you're going to be gone for a week! Good luck with having a job to return to! Also, considering all the tension between Angela and Kim from times past, she should have counted up the cost; regarding her actions, and treaded very softly. Anywho, I don't think Angela is the only one who should have been let go. China is also disrespectful, rude, and very unprofessional. How she spoke to Vivica Fox, was totally out of order, and simply rude. Also at the Chaka concert, Kim couldn't even speak due to her bickering with her co-worker. It's childish and unprofessional and personally, she acts much worse than Angela ever has. I wouldn't want someone like that representing my company. She needs to get walking papers like yesterday.

  • purpleheartmee - 11 years ago

    Think about it. She was probably so excited when she got that call to style a super star. She got called on a Friday & had to leave on Monday. She did send an email & told the receptionist to tell Kim. Yeah she should've sent Kim an text or something, but the girl was excited. Kim could've given her a warning & be happy for her. Kim was hating cause she probably never been to Thailand to do hair. I'm glad Kim said there can't be 2 queens in the castle. Angela that was the underlying issue. It gave her pleasure to fire u. U are a star & I can't wait to see how long the show will last now that u r gone. And ugh to China bama ass! Lol she mad too with her dead wardrobe. Lol!!!

  • sheila - 11 years ago

    Angela gone rAtings gone .Iam not watching any more I need all of them and there drama big mistake.iam not taking my time writing this for my health everyone is mad

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