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(Hypothetical) - Season 4 has a Male Alicorn! How do you react?

Total Votes: 18,004

  • Emperor_Z - 11 years ago

    No problem with male alicorns in particular, I just don't know how I feel about more alicorns in general. If its a historical flashback or something though, that's cool

  • Will - 11 years ago

    Yeah, love how the people that don't like all these alicorns are being represented in this poll. Just because some of us think that the induction of new alicorns is a bad idea, and perhaps one of the worst things the show could continue to do at this point, doesn't mean we all go flailing our arms about it. I get that it's a reference to the show, but if you're gonna do that, at least make the other options references to the show.

    In any case, I would say that I don't trust the writers to make that kind of decision anymore. After they royally screwed up Twilight's ascension to alicornhood (haha), as well as the fact that Cadance has been a pretty mishandled character over the past season (given basically no defining characteristics in her introduction, the Crystal Empire, and only the barest characterization in Games Ponies Play), I don't think I'd like them to even try it anymore. They took a potentially interesting plot and direction with Twilight and shoved it all into three teeth-grinding nonsensical minutes at the end of a sub-par episode, and took a character that could have been very interesting in potentia and did nothing notable with her, or her husband, at all, instead choosing to bench them most of the times they showed up.

    If you'd asked me back after the Season 2 finale, I'd have said this was a great idea and to go for it. Heck, make a whole goddamn pantheon while you're at it.

    But as of now? No. After what I've seen this past season I don't trust the writers with this sort of decision any longer.

  • Stormfront - 11 years ago

    with the fact there are now 4 female alicorns I think a male is needed to keep a gender equality balance

    also come on naysayers given the earlier twilight alicorn and equestria girls panics I think we can trust the writers with this one

  • Callback - 11 years ago

    "Trust the writers" would have been a great poll option here.

  • FoxWing - 11 years ago

    We really don't need any more alicorns in My Little Pony. Alicorns are like legendary pokémon. The more of them there are, the less legendary they become. Besides, Hasbro royally screwed up Twilight's coronation badly enough as it is.

  • Invincible - 11 years ago

    Shining Armor becomes alicorn somehow. Calling it right now.

  • FiMStargazer - 11 years ago

    As long as the character itself is well writen and interesting I don't mind what type of character they are.

    Cadence was a good example of people over reacting that she was an Alicorn and then she turned out to be an incredible character IMO.

  • AKShamu28 - 11 years ago

    Princess Big Mac~

  • Orange Lolly - 11 years ago

    The 'other' for me is: wouldn't care for it, but wouldn't overreact. I mostly wouldn't like another Alicorn period, but if there is one a male would be the better choice.

  • Ventmon - 11 years ago

    As long as Hasbro doesn't mess it up.

  • James Rye - 11 years ago

    Why not make it so that Twi really casts the gender swap spell on herself and we get a hillarious Stallion Alicorn Twi episode with her studying everything about the spell and her friends being really akward around her in her new form? XDDD

  • Flutterwhy - 11 years ago

    I don't see why it even matters, talk about manufactured rage. Why would there not be male alicorns?

  • Zerx - 11 years ago

    Season 4-10 is a cannon version of Upheaval:Breaking point. Male Alicorn

  • Dave O - 11 years ago

    I'm gonna see if I can get my OC on the show, too!

  • bitterman - 11 years ago

    I would be happy, but there are more than enough alicorns in the show. And an alicorn's still a rare thing. Pull out another one from nothing, that's a bad idea.

  • GLS - 11 years ago

    Well, I'd possibly be up for it if they hadn't already over-alicorn'd the show already. I'm all for strong male characters showing up but I miss the whole Celestial Sisters being special. Perhaps if they explained alicorns a lot more first and perhaps gave them different tiers?:P

  • Frith - 11 years ago

    If it's Big Mac, Applejack is going spit her bit.

  • Emma Rose - 11 years ago

    Why does gender matter?

  • HippyKat13 - 11 years ago

    "/mlp/ collectively commits sudoku."
    lol, they will solve number puzzles? XD

  • dsagent - 11 years ago

    No. Equestria MUST be female dominated.

  • Dark Qiviut - 11 years ago

    I voted "Other." If a male alicorn is in the show, but has a well-written, three-dimensional personality with a logical, thorough, unique backstory, I have no problems. But if the execution is terrible, then expect me to be critical.

  • Computer Mouse - 11 years ago


    NO MORE ALICORNS! Do we really need MORE?

  • Firelight - 11 years ago

    I'd rather Hasbro not introduce any more alicorns, since it seems to diminish their special status. I think I could be OK with it, though, if the character is built well and the story is executed right. It was like that with Equestria Girls for me - I thought the idea of ponies becoming human was terrible, but the the movie was done so well I actually enjoyed it very much.

  • The Other Guy - 11 years ago

    Changelings aren't Alicorns for the one above in these comments. They don't have avian-specified wings, they are insect wings.

    Back on topic, I'm starting to think HASBRO is overdoing this thing. Equestria has 4 Alicorns (all princesses) 1 Sun, 1 Moon, 1 Love, 1 Friendship. It's hard to imagine what the male Alicorn will represent going towards the target audience. I'm just going to try and picture that Lauren gets incorporated in this and make HASBRO not totally take control of this "change".

  • David - 11 years ago

    Well, Luna and Celestia obviously have a father, but on the other hand, Alicorns are probably not a genetic race, judging by how Twilight became an Alicorn. Still, apparently Starswirl the Bearded had the chance to be an Alicorn so yeah...

    I wouldn't care if though, I mean why would a male Alicorn be a problem?

  • sw_frenchpony - 11 years ago

    I speculate on a final of the season 4 with the marriage of Discord and Celestia. :p

  • HiveMindize - 11 years ago

    Discord isn't a pony. By your logic, all changelings are alicorns.

  • sw_frenchpony - 11 years ago

    Technically, there's already a male alicorn: Discord.

    @Rockpath5: Fluttershy's "La Liberté guidant le Peuple" could be cannon in your mind?
    Or the Debré-De Gaulle's Constitution for Fifth French Republic? :D

  • M7ASPilot - 11 years ago

    Forget gender. After Cadence and Twilight do we really need another alicorn? What's happened to the Sun and Moon demigod sister mythos we had in season one?

  • Anonymous - 11 years ago

    /mlp/ collectively commits sudoku.

  • TexasUberAlles - 11 years ago

    The only male Alicorn I would ever want to see is King Father in a flashback to how The Sisters took over. That's it. I am adamantly opposed to stallions taking any greater part in the show aside from something like the girls following Big Mac around for a day just to see what all he gets up to. There are a vanishingly small number of shows out there which are A: Focused on girls, and B: Not utter crap; I don't want stallions taking that focus away. Girls should have at least one friggin' island of excellence in a sea of exploding robots and swords and Background Female #5.

  • Rockpath5 - 11 years ago

    What I really want is for Fluttershy to lead the awakening of the proletariat and for all of the alicons to be executed French Revolution style. No more alicorns! Woohoo!

  • Fwendly Mushwoom - 11 years ago

    I don't care what gender it is, I'm just SICK OF ALICORNS.

  • Tony Yotes - 11 years ago

    After EQG, DHX has my full trust. They can make ANYTHING good. I'd just wait to see for myself.

  • Frukov - 11 years ago

    What the fuck are you talking about, Prince Blue Blood is an alicorn, you didn't see his wings because of his suit

  • Frukov - 11 years ago

    What the fuck are you talking about, Prince Blue Blood is an alicorn, you didn't see his wings because of his suit

  • Aponymous - 11 years ago

    Glad to see so many people wouldn't care about Alicorns becoming even less special than they already are...

  • Lance Omikron - 11 years ago

    Depends on what sort of character he is.

  • Cygnus Rush - 11 years ago

    I wouldn't really make much of a stink out of the Male Alicorn nor would I think it would be the best thing ever. I would just wait and see how the character fits in first before passing judgement.

  • warlord487 - 11 years ago

  • Zelc - 11 years ago

    As long as it's not black and red I wouldn't mind a male alicorn.

  • thatperson1 - 11 years ago

    A male alicorn would just ruin my headcanon.... which says that the only "true" alicorns are Best Po- Imean Luna and Celestia.
    Because they're goddesses and nopony else is, to me that implies that only goddesses get to be true alicorns and therefore immortal.

  • inDerpxar - 11 years ago

    Big Mac is best princess. You know it's true. It's only a matter of time.

  • Aangpony - 11 years ago

    I'd be like "...Meh." Also, time to watch the rage pour in. *Grabs popcorn.*

  • SR Foxley - 11 years ago

    I want to make the careful distinction that the poll specifically asked how I would react, not how I should react. I have voted accordingly. ;)

  • JImmy - 11 years ago

    I don't really mind having a male alicorn. Allthough then, there would be 5 of them, which seems like a bit of an overkill. If he were to be from a flashback or whatever, then it could work.

  • Narwhals' Bend - 11 years ago

    There shouldn't be any other alicorns besides Luna and Celestia unless they are also god-like personifications (e.g. Luna = Moon, Celestia =Sun).

  • BoxedSurprise - 11 years ago

    If anything like Cadance, it won't really impact much (doesn't mean I don't like her though, she's awesome).

  • Princess Alicorn Magic - 11 years ago

    Hmmm... I like this decision. I have a somewhat good feeling that it'll be Shining Armour

  • Name Goes Here - 11 years ago

    >implying Hasbro shills would ever not be happy about a corporate decision like this
    People praising Flash is proof of this

  • Chad - 11 years ago

    I chose other. Really depends on who it is and how they handle it. Perhaps a flashback of Celestia and Luna's father? Obviously assuming he was an alicorn, though I guess Twilight may prove that alicorns are made rather than born. I hope they clear up some things about alicorns in season 4.

  • Prince McIntosh the Big - 11 years ago


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