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Who would you pick as captain of the Oilers?

Total Votes: 3,065

  • W.A. (Bill) Marlowe - 11 years ago

    Being high scorer has nothing to do with being a good Captain, it did Gretzky would have been Captain his whole career. Hall is a very explosive player, that is what makes him so good at what he does but a the same time that explosive fire is exactly why I do not think he would necessarily be the best choice for Captain, His explosive nature would not bode well with the Refs and could harm the team. Sam on the other hand is a very good journeyman and team player albeit not the scorer that Hall is but very calm, and respectful to Refs, coaches, players and media and would be an excellent ambassador for the team. Both of these young fellows are excellent players and teammates but with different temperaments, putting Hall as Captain could hamper his play, switching from hellfire to calm in seconds could well through him off his game. I like watching both play because of their differences, something like Gretzky, Messier and Lowe.

  • loloilers - 11 years ago

    Does it really matter who flies this airplane into the ground?

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