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Should Fast Food Employees Make 15 Dollars An Hour, As The Working Families Party Demands?


  • John - 11 years ago

    This is class warfare demagoguery plain and simple- an offshoot of what has become an entitlement post-Constitutional society. What the proponents of this are counting on is that supporters are either unable or unwilling to stop and think what effect such wages would have not only on the price of fast food but of ultimately the employment status of those who work in the industry.

    It's all part of the methodical dismantling of the capitalist system- as observed by things like the baker's union refusing to budge and forcing Hostess into bankruptcy.

    A not about the so-called "The Working Families Party" that is demanding this, Dannel P. Malloy was listed as their candidate in the election that he won his current office. Think for a second about what this demand really says and how the lowest wage earners are being used as tools to promote something that can only undermine any economic recovery and certainly isn't going to help the unemployment problem. think about all the job creation charades he has performed- all the while promoting and endorsing projects and policies that are causing businesses to leave, jobs to be cut, and the tax burden greatly increased on those lucky enough to have an income.

    It all adds up to this just being another cog in a political mechanism intent on forcing people into dependence on government handouts- thereby perpetuating the stranglehold on power by those who promote themselves as the means by which the flow of government handouts does not get cut off.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    It has always been my understanding that these jobs were entry level jobs meant to get young people into the work force, getting them used to the idea of being responsible, or part time positions to supplement a persons regular income. They were never meant to be a career. Perhaps the people on strike for more money should consider putting on their big boy pants and re-starting their educations , then they could have a shot at real full time employment somewhere.

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