What Is The Likely Outcome Of A U.S. Attack On Syria?


  • John - 11 years ago

    Now John "rubberstamp" Boehner says he'll support it... further cementing his status as the appearance of opposition for the purpose of holding off any real and meaningful reform while the republic continues to get destroyed. I hope that the military revolts against what is effectively helping Al Qaeda.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Over the weekend, I had some interesting debates about the fighting in Syria. There were questions raised that I don't know the answer to. 1) Exactly who are the rebels, ordinary citizens or some offshoot of the Muslum Brotherhood or even Al-Qeida? 2) Could it be that Assad is just trying to protect his country from the extremists, and that he himself is not one. I mean, hasn't Obama himself killed innocent people with all of the drone strikes he has launched? 3) Why is the use of chemical weapons so much worse than conventional ones? Killing people alone should be enough to spark outrage, does the method really matter that much when the outcome is the same. Whatever the action is taken by the U.S. , nothing will change. As I stated earlier, these people are steeped in tribal traditions that have deeper religous undertones. They have been fighting each other for as long as man has been recording history!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    It sounded to me like he plans to attack no matter what Congress decides. Again, please say a prayer.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Apparently the Treasodent has changed course and is looking for the congress to rubber stamp his intended attack. Perhaps he remembered Biden as the Delaware Senator vowing to push for impeachment against GWB for taking unilateral action against Iraq.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Tough talk by Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 2008 (9?). It is the 'Tail Wagging the Dog', to distract public attention from a dozen-plus scandals involving the Obama Administration. But it is also a great concern if Obama truly intends to carry out attacks without Congressional approval. That sets up a political game for the 2014 elections, where Obama and the Dems could claim they averted greater troubles and that Congress, especially Republicans, would have done the wrong thing if given a chance to vote on it. Further, Israel may be imperiled by any actions taken by Obama against Syria. The Brits collectively have more experience, cooler heads, and more common sense than one particular Community Organizer in the USA.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I really hope that cooler heads prevail in this. Our President has got to realize that we are a war weary nation. Too many of our sons and daughters have been killed and maimed over the past few decades. Our help, or interference in the Middle East means nothing to the people there. For the most part, they are of a tribal nature and have been at war with each other for 2,000 years. It's a fools folly to think we are somehow going to change that. The people of England, long our strongest allies, have decided to back away from this fight. Maybe they know something. Say a prayer, please.

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