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Would you still be into FiM if the Mane Cast were Male?

Total Votes: 15,991

  • Cloud Wander - 11 years ago

    I grew up with the Warner Bros cartoons. 90% male. I adored them.

    The MLP characters are attractive to me because they are like the WB characters with "inner lives." There has been a little character development of the WB cast over the years, reflecting generational changes. (Daffy's evolution from random goon to hapless action hero was just the *best thing ever.*) But the MLP characters have developed over the course of a few seasons, and look at them: Fluttershy shows signs of assertiveness and Rarity and Applejack seem to have buried their hatchets. They have been *transformed* by their friendship. And so... Magic!

    Could this have been done with a male cast? I think so. Imagine Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner stopping in the middle of an episode, and Wile asking, "Dude, why are we still doing this?"

    The Roadrunner scratches the dirt a bit. "I dunno," she says. "You know I'm a girl, right?"

    "Um, what?" says the Coyote.

    And from that day on, as the Roadrunner tears down the empty highways of New Mexico, the Coyote is barreling along beside her, riding shotgun on his Acme-Davidson.

    OK, I cheated. But after my years with them, I hope for a comfortable relationship between this pair of friendly enemies.

  • Longpost-Mclongposterson - 11 years ago

    Honestly, before reading the comments, I was finding it hard to decided; I like the characters as are and I think the male pony model is not nearly as good looking, but what I had trouble deciding was how much the characters themselves would need to change due to a change in gender-- Lauren designed them with females in mind, would it even work the other way? Part of me wanted to say yes, as the show itself is excellent and not knowing that they were female before would mean that I would not be constantly thinking about any out-of-placeness (“placeness” is now a word) that might occur in this alternate reality where the show stares the same ponies, but male. But then, another part of me was concerned that some of the mane 6 (specifically Rarity) would simply NOT work as males.

    It was Ace's post that led me to decide, though not in the way one would think. I am a male, who acts a little like Pinkie Pie sometimes but especially in the absolutely non-covert ways Ace pointed out (I never even considered being covert about it until now. Let me think about that... nah!)-- none of my friends find it strange (well, they find ME strange sometimes, because I am strange and ADHD and everything, but I don't think gender has anything to do with it. They don't find me strange in a negative way, is the point). It is just... me, male social order be sent to the moon. So, if the characters acted the same but were male... I now think I would just consider it as much a part of their character as I do now, it wouldn't seem out of place. Of course, Rarity would design suits instead of dresses for her friends, and that would help too-- some things would change. But not much.

    I like this poll, it actually got me thinking a lot. I wonder, if one were to discard the biological aspect of it and take away the artificial social standards that have developed... how much difference would gender actually make at all?

  • Kicks_McGee - 11 years ago

    The fact that the entire main cast is female, as well as most of the important secondary characters, is what gives the show a lot of its unique charm. It would probably still be a good show even if it had an all-male cast, but I don't think the friendship dynamic could work nearly the same way, and I probably never would have gotten into it. The femininity or "girlishness" was part of what made watching it feel so different, and I think it's very important to the show.

  • JacenCaedus - 11 years ago

    Honestly it would depend on the personalities, if they were similar to the ones we have now I would be perfectly happy with it

  • Dude - 11 years ago

    Honestly, I wouldn't want to say one way or another; I mean it's a cartoon about talking brightly-colored ponies. I got into the show because I was open-minded enough to watch it without prejudice, so who knows how a male cast would be different from a female cast. It could be that I would enjoy it even more, or I could hate it with outright prejudice; I dare not say

  • Page Weaver - 11 years ago

    Instead of all of the Mane Cast being male, I'd prefer half of them male and half of them female. I like my equal gender ratios.

  • Frith - 11 years ago

    Err, um, I guess, yes... Plot and execution drives the storyline.

  • Ace - 11 years ago

    The major problem I have with this idea is that for at least two of the mane 6, their gender is a very definitive part of their character. RD and AJ would make the transition with greatest of ease and Twilight is fairly gender neutral, but Fluttershy as a male character I would honestly hate for not being able to have a spine, unlike female flutters who is therefore endearing. Also Rarity would either be flamboyant or just unimaginable, neither of which I'm a fan of. Finally Pinkie Pie... would just be... no... The shear amount of effort and care she puts into her making others smile is something that would honestly seem out of place in a male role. While males will care about the happiness of their friends, male social order has them do it in a far more covert manner. These thoughts and assumptions are all based on my own experience alone. Nothing more.

    Now, if the show were to maintain the skill in characterization we've seen in the past and rather than make the same characters we know turn from female to male and instead made 6 new male characters that would be able to tackle their own problems in the ways the mane 6 do currently, that'd be perfectly ok. The big problem I have with gender reversal is that the characters we've come to know and love were developed as female and thusly have that as a core element of who they are. Could we find Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty/Genuineness, Kindness, and a unifying element of magic/friendship in 6 males? Absolutely yes, however not in the current characterizations of MLP.

  • BronyPony143 - 11 years ago

    Come on, I cannot believe this that there is 3 times as many votes to yes than to no. Honestly, I cannot understand it. I thought there were more guys in the fandom. Ask yourselves dudes would the show have the same for the lack of a better word sexy appeal if the main cast of characters looked like and acted like Big Mac and Shining Armor. I mean don't get me wrong, I love those characters but I thought the reason we all love this show is for the strong, heartwarming, and realistic personalities of the mane 6? You know actual good female cartoon. Okay let's look at this from the girls perspective, let's say I was wrong and that the fanbase has really more girls. Now ladies ask yourselves has there been one cartoon show where the cast was all or mostly guys and the stories didn't turn out to be cliche boring blow them up and or save the girl machismo. If it was an all guys show the dynamics and structures would all change for the worst. Honestly I don't see how it could work if it were to still fit the same essence of the show now. There is a reason why guys like this show since the chararcter are for the most part refreshingly realistic and they are female. Honestly, this should be at least very close maybe 45 to 50 at least. Very surprising results. : / I'm sure there are instance of guys being heartwarming, but usually that's girl territory.

  • Tokensdorf - 11 years ago

    It depends, I don't watch a show based upon the gender of the main characters, I watch it for the story the humor and the animation (to extent) I'll say that it depends on how the show was written with the main characters as boys, I can't say before I have seen it.

  • Twitch - 11 years ago

    Well Yes I would for sure but I don't think I would like it anywhere near as much. Just by the way of cross and arrow stuff seems to me anyways. I would be alright if they were like maybe if a few were guys or if they added some more to the show a bit more regularly as long as they didn't pull a all of the mane 6 find a perfect colt and live happily ever after crap. I would like to see a episode like that though kinda like how adventure time did though just not the whole show.

  • Marskell - 11 years ago

    If the Mane 6 was entirely male? Probably not. Half male/half female? Yes.

    I don't know why. I started watching because of how well the fandom seemed to agree (to some extent) on what the background character names and personalities would be like. While that wouldn't change if the main characters were all-male, I probably would be watching this show for different reasons (like "My Little Pony with predominantly male characters? Curious as to how that would work out....")

  • TWA - 11 years ago

    I had a hard time with this question, but after thinking about it, I have an answer.

    I might not have enjoyed FiM *as much*, because there *is* something about the Mane 6 being female that makes them more appealing. Then again, I didn't necessarily start watching FiM just because they were female, I started watching because their personalities were appealing and the writing wasn't hackneyed and dull, at least in most cases. (Also, my favorite three ponies have more stereotypically "masculine" qualities than the other three; make of that what you will.)

    To be honest, the initial reason I watched FiM was my skepticism that a "girls'" show was actually good, and a show with an all-male cast wouldn't have been marketed as a show for girls, but that doesn't mean that whomever the show would have been intended for with an all-male Mane 6, that it wouldn't be worth watching.

    I considered how much I liked "On A Cross and An Arrow" (I can't wait for the next part of the sequel, Conner **cough, cough** :-), but its initial appeal was seeing the Mane 6 genderflipped, not the genderflipped cast itself. That being said, the fic proves that the characters would still be quite interesting as males.

    So, assuming that I would have had a reason to begin watching the all-male FiM in the first place, I'd still likely would have liked the show, and that's why I answered "yes."

    ... I put way too much thought into this question, didn't I? LOL

  • Rasly - 11 years ago

    At least 24 % of people telling the truth.

  • OJhat - 11 years ago

    I feel abandoned by the community that there is an alarming amount of yes votes compared to no votes and other votes. clearly there are larger dark zones in this fandom that i thought there were.

  • Khaoticsuccubus - 11 years ago

    Not at all. There's enough shows out there already sporting male protagonists, we don't need another.

  • anonymoose - 11 years ago

    Eh, maybe. Depends on how it was handled.
    As long as the characters and the writing is there, then sure, I'd probably still be a fan.

  • Noel - 11 years ago

    Honestly, i don't think so. I could handle 5 males, 1 female (after all, I was really in to bionicle), and would be fine with 4 males, 2 females, but a large part of what I like about this show is that it has 6 fantastic and different female characters, which are underrepresented in our TV shows. If it was 6 well developed male characters I don't think there would have been the initial stigma against watching it (which made me interested when people said it was good), and then I would have been annoyed that there aren't any females in the mane 6 for sociological reasons.

  • Noel - 11 years ago

    Honestly, i don't think so. I could handle 5 males, 1 female (after all, I was really in to bionicle), and would be fine with 4 males, 2 females, but a large part of what I like about this show is that it has 6 fantastic and different female characters, which are underrepresented in our TV shows. If it was 6 well developed male characters I don't think there would have been the initial stigma against watching it (which made me interested when people said it was good), and then I would have been annoyed that there aren't any females in the mane 6 for sociological reasons.

  • zachary - 11 years ago

    Personally i read aton of fan fictions nmaely romance not to many main 6 ones but if they were to make them guys? i probably wouldn't have got into the brony community. my friend got me into it and he wouldn't have watched it if it were guys i mean thats gay as all hell. Hey if your gay were cool but im not so im not watching multicolored guys solve retarded girl issues in a mainly girl world so with my finally comment


  • Ben - 11 years ago

    I would probably still give it a watch, though like what a lot of others are saying, it wouldn't be as special to me.

    The gender of the characters don't matter to me, just as long as they are well written characters, and the show itself is good quality.

    There also should still be a nice balance of male:female characters, I've noticed there have been a bit more male characters in the show during seasons 2 and 3.

    Now if they decided to gender swap the Mane 6 for one episode, just for shits and giggles, I wouldn't mind that. The only problem I see with that is it's getting quite a bit into fanon territory with that idea. It'd still be funny though.

  • Zerxies - 11 years ago

    The main cast being entirely female is why I had to be harassed to watch it, before I became a huge fan. If the main cast were men, it would be just another show. This show is special because it's DIFFERENT.

  • Rarity is Sexy! - 11 years ago

    Dude, do you think I'm gay? The show wouldn't be as appealing to guys if the mane cast were guys. I am attracted to the personalities of the mane 6.

  • Pinkie Pie 3 U - 11 years ago

    Nope, I wouldn't watch it. I came here for the mares and I'll stay for the mares. Girls have more personality anyways and I always saw them as anime girls.

  • www.pat - 11 years ago

    How can you know without knowing? O.O

  • Tyrone - 11 years ago

    I don't think it's possible for it to have the same feeling with guys. Girls are one way, guys are another. Guys like girls. If it was a guy based show then it would have to be some kind of action based thing... they'd all be partying with w/e pinkie pie would be and playing sports with rainbow dash. Fluttershys male version would be shy to talk to girls, Rarity's version would be the new Ralph Lauren, and Twilight would be some computer geek. I don't think it works. Though on the other hoof it would be great to see more male characters, like the show 6Teen, (they might as well because if you've seen equestria girls, well.. you know)

  • Beatfox - 11 years ago

    Given that the MLP franchise overall has always been centered around female characters and aimed at a female audience, I just have a hard time even conceiving of a realistic situation where the latest TV iteration is suddenly centered around males. It breaks plausibility for me and makes me unable to reach any definitive yes-or-no answer. Also, the fandom and fanworks are a big reason for my continuing interest in the series - if those were affected in some way, that would probably affect my answer as well (if I had one).

  • Shadowgooey - 11 years ago

    I have no idea how I would feel about this, as it has not happened yet. I can speculate, but I will only truly know if it happens.

  • Zasmn - 11 years ago

    I could not tell if the pony's were male, or female, until half way through season 3, so their gender really does not matter to me. (I just think compared to the male faces the female faces are so much more cute!)

  • Deb - 11 years ago

    Other as in I do not know: I could never honestly answer that without seeing it first. probably not though.

  • Twylite-Sparkle - 11 years ago

    Sure, but it would be slightly creepy to have a male Rarity with eyeshadow...

  • Dusk Sparkle - 11 years ago

    Of course... there's a reason that On A Cross And Arrow exists and is liked by people.

  • Charles - 11 years ago

    I want to say yes, but can any of you think of any show where male characters are clever, and cute and heartwarming? Clever, yes. Cute? Heartwarming? Nope. There are some things that tv show writers just don't seem to do very well with male characters. MLP itself could be done with an all male cast. But it wouldn't be something that we like for the same reasons we like it. It would be something else. Look at boys cartoons: he-man, transformers...there's such a heavy handed "what boys are supposed to like" that I don't have an easy time imagining an all male mane six that wasn't dumb.

  • Treforce - 11 years ago

    If everyone in the ponyverse originaly was the oppisent gender but still had the original script and personality.
    I think I would be freaked out when Rarity would be all ladylike and seducive. So on that acount, no.

    if its just 1-2 episode in season 4+ they do this in... I woudnt mind that.

  • Kingofturves - 11 years ago

    I don't, there's plenty of cartoons/tv shows where the majority of the cast is male with perhaps only one female. So it's great to have atleast one show where there is a diverse range of female characters for the main cast which aren't constantly chasing after male characters.
    That's what makes MLP FiM great, strong female leads doing their own thing.
    The trouble with having a male and female cast is that it inevitably stories fall take the easy route of romantic shipping within the show itself (cannon), which whilst can be enjoyable, does miss out on the friendship aspect of relationships.
    Avatar did quite well at having a balance of male and female leads and they were both strong and therefore I would give that as an example of a mixed cast done well.
    I probably would watch an all male cast, it's just that there won't be much to differentiate it from the regular show etc.
    The mane six have a surprisingly well balanced group of personalities ranging from introvert to extrovert and characteristics of being feminine to more 'masculine' whilst remaining female.

  • Applejack - 11 years ago

    Probably not, it wouldn't be the same show. Maybe it were in the same vein of "Adventure Time" or even "SpongeBob SquarePants" I'd give it a shot at least.

  • Unagi - 11 years ago

    I don't know how to say what I want to say without sounding at least a little like a sexist asshole, but if a male character acted likely Rarity, they would stop being "cute" and would start to be a little on the... "flamingly metro" side? I would imagine there would be some difficulty translating the rest of the 5 over as well... I know it's wrong, as it shouldn't matter what gender the main characters are, but it is the world I grew up in, and I just can't imagine it working. I also wouldn't have imagined years ago that I would be watching My Little Pony today, so I'm going to leave this one at "I'll need to see it first."

  • SuperMarioKingdom - 11 years ago

    I'd love it! Frankly, I'm kinda tired of seeing mares all the time, and I would love to see the personalities of mane six from the male characters, so I think I'll love the show more if they were stallions. But, I don't want their names to change. I really don't like mane six's fanmade rule 63 names. It just sounds wrong.

  • SuperMarioKingdom - 11 years ago

    I'd love it! Frankly, I'm kinda tired of seeing mares all the time, and I would love to see the personalities of mane six from the male characters, so I think I'll love the show more if they were stallions. But, I don't want their names to change. I really don't like mane six's fanmade rule 63 names. It just sounds wrong.

  • Hazenkain - 11 years ago

    This one is actually hard for me, I don't really dig the colt designs that much, plus the mares are really adorable which adds to the entertainment factor. I think I would give it a try to see if I still enjoy it as much, if the episodes are still well written enough then I'd probably still watch it happily but it is a fact that I would care less for the characters (I'm such a jerk).

  • anonymous - 11 years ago

    Of course not, they wouldn't be kawaii anymore.

  • Talon Fifthwing - 11 years ago

    I would have no idea...

  • Swashbucklist - 11 years ago

    Wow, that's embarrassing. Seems I have severe short-term memory loss. Wow, that's embarrassing.

  • tupek - 11 years ago

    Mm no. The thing is that I don't like the male ponies' design, plus I really love the mares'.

  • Swashbucklist - 11 years ago

    Of course, as long as the talent that goes into it stays the same. Plus we'd get a cute little Barb, as long as she's drawn as adorably as Trotsworth draws her.

  • Rockpath5 - 11 years ago

    I don't know whether I'd like it. I like the characters of the mane six, but they wouldn't be the same characters if they were male. I don't particularly like any of the R63 characters in the fanon. I agree with Marcusfenix102 that a male cast wouldn't have been as refreshing. We need more well written female characters in cartoons, not fewer.

  • twilyspark97 - 11 years ago

    BTW i love dusk shine!

  • twilyspark97 - 11 years ago

    i say... YES! i mean, it wouldn't even matter would it? and plus, dusk shine

  • MicroSpear - 11 years ago

    Well, I just wouldn't like any of them design wise. Since I don't like any rule 63 fan art of the mane 6.

  • SempEternal - 11 years ago

    There would be A LOT less shipping. I pretty sure of it.

  • Marcusfenix102 - 11 years ago

    Although the character archtypes would still be the same, I don't think it would be the same if the Mane 6 were all male. There's something refreshing in having a group of females who have diverse personalities. We're all so used to having male characters who have diverse characteristics and character development in media. I really don't think I'd be interested in this show half as much if the entire cast was male

  • Crel - 11 years ago

    Ok, MLP is MLP even if they have Male or Female characters, for me, what's more important are the learnings that every episode gives you. But in a way or another, if the Mane 6 would be all Males, wouldn't that make Discord be Discordia and Sombra be Sombretta?

  • Sam - 11 years ago

    I wouldn't mind a few male cast members, but if the entire mane 6 were male it wouldn't have anywhere near the same dynamic.

    That's pretty much why I'm hoping G5 will be a timeskip, featuring M6 aged CMC and 3-4 new characters, with a few of the newcomers being male.

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