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Favorite Series 11 Minifigure?

Total Votes: 1,088

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Alright,this is my final comment:
    2.Gingerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Alright,this is my final comment:
    2.Gingerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Alright,this is my final comment:
    2.Gingerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Sorry again:)
    3.Gingerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Sorry again:)
    3.Gingerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Sorry;)1.Gignerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    Sorry;)1.Gignerbread man

  • Lupea Victor Ioan - 10 years ago

    3.Gingerbread man
    4.Tiki warrior
    5.Evil mech
    6.Holiday elf
    8.Lady robot
    10.Pretzel girl
    11.Saxophone player
    12.Police officer
    13.Mountain climber
    14.Female scientist
    16.Diner waitress

  • tara - 11 years ago


  • Mutly64 - 11 years ago

    I have always enjoyed minifigs that offer something different, accessories and / or modified pieces. For these reasons, I particularly like the Yeti with modified head, blue hands and ice-block...great pieces. Saxaphone is a great piece [being a saxophonist I am a bit bias and have been creating a band collection with my kids, thus the sax piece has been eagerly anticipated]. Elf and robot are also favourites, especially with my daughter. She still questions the lack of female minifigs and so do I! Overall, a great series, one of the best in my opinion.

  • Ben - 11 years ago

    I Personally love the jazz player he is awesome, Yeti ok. Like the constable because I used to live in London, I like the grandma because of all her hair piece I have been hoping for that piece in that color for a while ever since the Hollywood starlet in series 9. Evil Mech :' ( .

  • Keith Skaggs - 11 years ago

    I like the Diner Waitress the best. She has he most new things. New head piece. Front and back printing, New platter. Two faces. It is interesting that they did all of this on a female Lego minifigure since Lego Group's main audience is boys. My runner up is the Elf. I think it is a cop out to have the Gingerbread Man have a new head piece. Couldn't they have given us a regular head and a peppermint hat piece? He is taller than all of the other minfigure this way it is just awkward. Least favorite is the Mountain climber. even his new mold the rope doesn't do anything. I am usually surprised and delighted by the fig I unwrap in the blind bag but if I got this one I would be disappointed.

  • Trent S. - 11 years ago

    I agree with Jason and Eric Ahl, Evil Mech is overused, and Billy, it's been used countless times. Don't see how you guys like it so much. I like the Robot Lady and Scarecrow.

  • Erik Matthews - 11 years ago

    Evil Mech, I agree with BBB. Except I don't like the Grandma. Love the Welder, he is my number 2!!!

  • Billy B. Brians - 11 years ago

    Evil Mech. Can't see why you don't like it Jason, honestly love it! BTW we've gotten those twice. TWICE. I personally hate the Gingerbread Man, but love the Yeti. Like the Grandma, dig the Constable, and like the Holiday Elf.

  • Eric Ahl - 11 years ago

    I have a lot that i like in this series but i must agree we have gotten too many robot mechs. But i like all the Christmas themed type ones because this is probably one of the last series we will get until Christmas .

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