Jail & Corrections Capacity
Any included jail should be no bigger in capacity than our current jail. We need to incarcerate fewer people and solve our racial disparity crisis before looking at an expanded jail.
Any included jail should only have the capacity to meet our current average demand of about 150 inmates per day.
Nobody should be shipped out of the county away from family, friends, social services, and other resources. Any included jail should meet our current peak demand of about 190 inmates.
Nobody should be shipped out of the county away from family, friends, social services, and other resources. Any included jail should meet our current peak demand of about 190 inmates, and be expandable to meet future demand.
Even if crime rates were to remain the same, as our county population increases, so will the number of arrests and people incarcerated. Given the time and cost of building a new facility, and the impracticality of 'expanding' later, any included jail should meet the current and expected future capacity.
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