Is Google Lying To Us?


  • Sun reporter - 2 years ago

    Of course Google lies, it's paid to!

  • Sun reporter - 2 years ago

    Of course Google lies, it's paid to!

  • Deenis Johansen - 11 years ago

    Just Read Their Damn Privacy Statement...Why Should They Care Where I Shop...What Computer I am Using...What Equipment I Have On My Computer...Who I Talk To and How Many Times So That They Can Improve TRAFFIC VOLUME...This Is All BULLSHIT...and as soon as I Can I am Going To Find Another Browser That Is Honest and Fast.....NSA HAS BOUGHT THEM AND OWN THEM>>>>We All Know It.....and There is Not a Damn Thing That We Can Do About It......NOTHING>>>and If You Try...You'll Get Yourself Put On That List...Which I am Sure That I am Already On......

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