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Should the ads from "ReThink9/11" be allowed on OC Transpo buses?


  • Robert - 11 years ago

    As an American citizen, I thank you for displaying this ad. Now if you were truly a decent individual who truly cared about the thousands of families and lives who are suffering and have died, you would have not charged $10,000 to display this ad, but I realize decency might be asking far too much of those who charged this fortune. Nevertheless, thank you again for displaying this ad.

  • Cynthia - 11 years ago

    Truth is truth and 911 was the biggest lie ever perpetrated on the country and it's citizens.

  • thepaulstalservice - 11 years ago

    As an American, I am happy to see that these ads made it into Canada- It's important that people all over the world realize what a massive, diabolical scam 9/11 was and to stop supporting attacking Middle Eastern countries justified by the "war on terror."

    15/19 alleged hijackers were from Saudia Arabia (as was the Bin Laden family and funding)- yet we never attacked or threatened Saudi Arabia - None of the alleged hijackers were from Iraq or Afghanistan.

    It is funny that they're trying to stop people from looking into the 3rd building collapse (which the media forgot to inform everyone about) on 9/11.. A building that the BBC reported had collapsed before it actually had- Watch the "Jane Standley reports building 7 collapse over 20 minutes early" interview.

    Watch the interview with The Dutch Demolition Company Owner and Expert Danny Jawenko "It's clearly a controlled demolition" Danny sadly died in a car accident 3 days after making that interview.

  • scott - 11 years ago

    The official version of 911 must be true because we all know that politicians never lie, lol.

  • Jack - 11 years ago

    Jon Gilhun, you are definitely mentally ill, but we won't lock you up.

  • Geoff c - 11 years ago

    YouTube Larry Silverstein "pull it" if you want to know that it was a planned demolition.

  • Goran Stal - 11 years ago

    The scientific facts that shows the official version can not be true is is clear and concise.
    All people need to do is to look for themselves, and they will see.
    Now, why would a society even try to ban an open and transparent debate about this? What does that say about the society we live in?

  • Jon Gilhun - 11 years ago

    Anyone WhoDoesn'tThinkTheSignsShouldBeRemoveD Should BePutInConfine Mental, Couldn'tWe araceThese VotersAndStartLockingPeopleUp

  • Michael - 11 years ago

    Why should people be blocked from that thought? There are so many questions in this event that need to be fully investigated. There's just too much 'The kings new clothes' tactics to make people ignore all these questions!

  • Claire Wheeler - 11 years ago

    Why should there even be a question as to whether these adds should be seen. If officials are so sure that thier version of events are true, why worry about an add campaign? Two reasons, one they dint want people to question an event that ended in the death of 1 million innocent men women and children in Iraq. And two, because they know the power of advertising. A tool they have used themselves for years.

  • Joy - 11 years ago

    OC Transpo should worry about things like whether the buses are running on time or how to protect young women from being sexually assaulted in their transit system--and stop wasting time and energy censoring their advertisers. Once again, congratulations on the small-minded, small-town, ignoramus belief that uncomfortable things will go away if you don't have to look at them. Keep your hands off the public's right to information and differing views.

  • Wayne Coste - 11 years ago

    Wow! People demanding that important engineering reports comply with the laws of physics and the strength of material is so unsettling to the Chair of Ottawa’s Transit Commission that it is causing the OC Transpo’s advertisement policies to be reviewed. I hope that the Transit's commission review will be done in public and allow for a showing of the five minute video on the Rethink911 [dot] org website.

  • Christophorek - 11 years ago

    Stop 9/11 denial.

  • Jamie Martin - 11 years ago

    Why is this even a question, stop trivializing free speech.

  • Shane - 11 years ago

    I commend OC Transpo for having the courage to display these ads. The statement of 're-think 9-11' is simply imposing that one question an event in history, one of which that has conflicting evidence.
    Free speech and freedom of information are ever more important in our current times and there should be more of it.

  • John - 11 years ago

    So in case of any doubts shall we push ban-policy to stop finding the truth? Do we live in middle ages yet?

  • Rony - 11 years ago

    The story we were told is full of flaws, anyone with more than a single digit IQ can see that. People have to stop and think about it....keep the ads

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