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Should a person be held legally responsible if their choice not to vaccinate results in the hospitalization or death of another person?


  • Danny - 9 years ago

    Wow, the comments here are pure idiotic. Babies not old enough for vaccines and those with an autoimmune problem are who they are talking about. Also, if you read the article, you would see that there is a course of action for those rare occasions where someone had a vaccine reaction. But like one of the previous commenters said, why should they be held to the standard of being a decent human being when your kid has a week immune system. If they die, that's your fault for not giving them a stronger immune system while creating them.

  • Cyndi - 9 years ago

    This artical just completely contradicted itself the whole point of vaccinating your children is to prevent them from catching the virus in the first place right so why am I liable for choosing not to inject my child with God knows what when the pharmacy isn't liable for their vaccine didn't do its job. Why are they not accountable for the deaths and extreme side effects they're vaccines cause to many children. They already know that they're products are dangerous but do not care about the easily influenced and weak minded people who believe that they have our best interest at heart. Do you not realize how much money the pharmaceutical company's make an estimste of 87 billion dollars a year which is why they are protected by your government. If they're not heald accountable for they're decision to force parents to give their child a vaccine that either didn't work or killed them then why am I to be heald responsible for choosing what I believe to be the best choice for my children which is my right as an American citizen

  • Eve - 9 years ago

    ok, so if I get virus in a public place, I shall go to council and complain against them? But no! as they clearly say they are not liable. Why would the individual be liable then? If the injection is working, there should never be a virus outbreak then, nor 'immunised' people should get ill. The whole food diet, hygiene and full term breastfeeding should be promoted instead of stuffing our bodies with chemicals.. go back to naturality. It was all the time normal for weak people to die, why now making somebody liable for someone's immune system? I suppose the liability lies on those who promoting the chemical aproach.

  • Peyton - 10 years ago

    Holding uneducated, ill informed, selfish idiots responsible for the plagues their spawn spread? I love it. Just love it. Honestly, I'd rather they be given jail time for manslaughter or the like, but having to pay the families of people their idiocy killed is still pretty nice. As for these morons yammering on about it being 'the virus' fault and other such inane things? Guess what. If you vaccinate your children? They don't get the virus, and kill/maim/harm people around them. The only good thing about the anti-vax crowd that brings me any joy is when one of their own keels over with an easily preventable ailment. "Little johnny got polio! No! Our homeopathic herbal tea and aroma therapy didn't save him!" That's always classic. The fact of the matter is you people that selfishly refuse to vaccinate your children are willfully, intentionally, and knowingly putting innocent bystanders at risk. You deserve every social stigma, legal consequence, and financial burden possible. How dare any of you put everyone at risk? How dare you? What insane, baffling privilege you must give yourselves.

  • Kaitlyn - 10 years ago

    How about hold the earth responsible for creating these viruses in the first place. I should not be held responsible that your child has a weak immune system. Thats a result of diet, your fault. Not injecting my child with metals, to make you feel better about yourself. The pussification of this country is getting out of hand.

  • Mark - 10 years ago

    So basically I should be able to sue somebody for giving me the cold or flu? It's about the same in all reality! If my child wasnt vaccinated and you're child was and your child caught a virus my from my child isn't there something wrong wit your vaccine? Just curious

  • Alexia Bullard - 10 years ago

    people who get vaccinated have lower immunity because there boby never had the chance to built up its natural immunity and all the stuff they put in vaccines compromise the health of the child because your body is so busy trying to rid itself of heavy metals it cant fight off infections. so if your vaccinated child catches something from a non-vaccinated person you shouls be held responsible giving your child harmful vaccinations that compromise its natural immune system. Vaccinations aren't even proven to work.

  • Chris Hemmings - 11 years ago

    What a ludicrous poll. If anyone's physiology is weakened so their body becomes infected by a micro-organism this is a measure of their biological state. If they die it is because of a weak underlying status The source of the infection is irrelevant. Equally without blame is the bacteria involved - it acts as an indicator not a villain.

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