It's so sad that the event concluded without my vote. I'm indeed a keen fan of Alek Wek for representing our nature in the eyes of the international communities.
Keep it up my dear Alek. We're proud of u.
Keep the fire burning.
Ben lopai - 11 years ago
vote for Alek wek
Liz - 11 years ago
You so deserve this Foluke :-) You Champion lady :-)
Black women face the double oppressions of race and sex. The biographies of the women in the eight women poll highlight the contributions of black women to the UK, contributions that are often ignored and overlooked. It was hard to pick just one, in the end I voted for a nominee who has made a difference to my understanding and, I think, a difference to black women individually and collectively. Please vote, it’s important that we acknowledge and celebrate our sisters.
What a fantastic list! How can we only vote for one of these fabulous women? I had to keep moving my vote down the list...
But you're missing the wonderful Sybil Phoenix. Terrible wikipedia page but her story is told in 'Turning the Tide: The History of Everyday Deptford' and 'Longest Journey: a History of Black Lewisham' (see An inspiration to everyone she came near over the decades.
Very pleased to see such a diverse list with many worthy nominees including campaigners against female genital mutilation which has been ignored for far too long. I look forward to hearing who has won and more about them as well as the the good work of many others on this list who are helping to improve our country and our world.
Kush - 11 years ago
There was no better definition of beauty than what Alek Wek provided. But would it not be good for nothing if Alek Wek was not a down to earth person, humble, generous, compassionate and dedicated person? There is no better person that young black girls should look up to as a role model than Queen of beauty Alek Wek and that is why I didn't hesitate to cast my vote for her.
Alek Wek is an amazing women. I'm not only supporting her because she's South Sudanese Britain but the fact that she fights feminism has shaped the women of colored
Anne Reyersbach - 11 years ago
I am a huge admirer of many of these women who struggle and never give up. They are inspirations.
Dr Aderin-Pocock isn't as widely know as some of the others, but her scientific innovation has significantly added to the UK's and the world's knowledge and capability.
In addition, her land-mine detectors have almost certainly saved lives.
Thanks for setting it up, thanks for acknowledging the WoC who have changed the UK. We're not thanking you for making it so difficult, they are all amazing in their own way and we struggled to choose!
Catherine Tuitt - 11 years ago
They are all contributed to society , in thier diffrent roles . A joint effort .
Due to the age of some , it would have been much harder to blaze a trail through to those roles , particularly baroness Howells of St David , Prof. Cynthia Pine , Mary Seacole, Iman, Claudia Jones, Sophia Duleep Singh , Bhikaiji Cama , Mrs. Justice Dobbs as particularly uring these womens time, thinhs would have been very difficult for women of color . its was these particular women who paved the way for the others to follow .
They had baptism by fire . However all are worthy of acknowledgement , as are all women of colour , as we all contribute quietly , privately to our families , and churches and communcities , without anyone knowing or often any thnaks . So i also would like to add my own mother ...
Yara kenti - 11 years ago
Alek Wek is an inspiration to many young South Sudanese ladies and not only South Sudanese to many other nationalities as well.
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It's so sad that the event concluded without my vote. I'm indeed a keen fan of Alek Wek for representing our nature in the eyes of the international communities.
Keep it up my dear Alek. We're proud of u.
Keep the fire burning.
vote for Alek wek
You so deserve this Foluke :-) You Champion lady :-)
Black women face the double oppressions of race and sex. The biographies of the women in the eight women poll highlight the contributions of black women to the UK, contributions that are often ignored and overlooked. It was hard to pick just one, in the end I voted for a nominee who has made a difference to my understanding and, I think, a difference to black women individually and collectively. Please vote, it’s important that we acknowledge and celebrate our sisters.
What a fantastic list! How can we only vote for one of these fabulous women? I had to keep moving my vote down the list...
But you're missing the wonderful Sybil Phoenix. Terrible wikipedia page but her story is told in 'Turning the Tide: The History of Everyday Deptford' and 'Longest Journey: a History of Black Lewisham' (see An inspiration to everyone she came near over the decades.
Very pleased to see such a diverse list with many worthy nominees including campaigners against female genital mutilation which has been ignored for far too long. I look forward to hearing who has won and more about them as well as the the good work of many others on this list who are helping to improve our country and our world.
There was no better definition of beauty than what Alek Wek provided. But would it not be good for nothing if Alek Wek was not a down to earth person, humble, generous, compassionate and dedicated person? There is no better person that young black girls should look up to as a role model than Queen of beauty Alek Wek and that is why I didn't hesitate to cast my vote for her.
Alek Wek is an amazing women. I'm not only supporting her because she's South Sudanese Britain but the fact that she fights feminism has shaped the women of colored
I am a huge admirer of many of these women who struggle and never give up. They are inspirations.
A truly courageous lady
She is One of the beautiful from South Sudan leads seance we have a defendant from Sudan,am printout for her . Thanks
Alek Wek made black women feel confident and beautiful .. because of her black is considered beautiful !
Dr Aderin-Pocock isn't as widely know as some of the others, but her scientific innovation has significantly added to the UK's and the world's knowledge and capability.
In addition, her land-mine detectors have almost certainly saved lives.
We LOVE this poll!
Thanks for setting it up, thanks for acknowledging the WoC who have changed the UK. We're not thanking you for making it so difficult, they are all amazing in their own way and we struggled to choose!
They are all contributed to society , in thier diffrent roles . A joint effort .
Due to the age of some , it would have been much harder to blaze a trail through to those roles , particularly baroness Howells of St David , Prof. Cynthia Pine , Mary Seacole, Iman, Claudia Jones, Sophia Duleep Singh , Bhikaiji Cama , Mrs. Justice Dobbs as particularly uring these womens time, thinhs would have been very difficult for women of color . its was these particular women who paved the way for the others to follow .
They had baptism by fire . However all are worthy of acknowledgement , as are all women of colour , as we all contribute quietly , privately to our families , and churches and communcities , without anyone knowing or often any thnaks . So i also would like to add my own mother ...
Alek Wek is an inspiration to many young South Sudanese ladies and not only South Sudanese to many other nationalities as well.