If We Are Not Already Doing So, Should The United States Provide Weapons To The Syrian Rebels?


  • John - 11 years ago

    We aren't being told the real story here- what has been presented just doesn't add up. Interesting how Americans are being shielded from some inconvenient truth about our diminished standing in the world. For example, Time magazine publishes four separate editions; the cover story for the three foreign publications for the week of September 16 showed a photo of Vladimir Putin; "America's weak and waffling, Russia's rich and resurgent-- and its leader doesn't care what anybody thinks of him" appears next to Putin's photo. On the edition slated for the US a photo of a college football player doing the Heisman pose and the hard-hitting story chosen for us monkeys: "It's time to pay college athletes".
    What it's time for is to start questioning why our leadership is deliberately undermining the moral and ethical strength of the US to assume a place in world politics and why the mainstream media is deliberately enabling the weakening of this country by furnishing cover for those who are using their elected positions to commit high treason. It's time to take the country back.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I'd like to respond to this with a question of my own. Is there anyone that can name one instance where our being involved in Middle Eastern affairs has resulted in a lasting peaceful outcome? Is there anything the U.S. has done that has improved the lives of its citizens both here and there by getting involved in the Middle East? The people of that region are for the most part "tribal" in nature, and one only has to look at the Indian Reservations in our own country to see what happens when we are "sucessful" in interfering.

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