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Should Those Receiving Food Stamps Be Required To Be Seeking Work In Order To Retain The Benefit?


  • John - 11 years ago

    How about addressing an economy that is dumping legitimate recipients in with the pool of abusers first, then wait until those who conscientiously are seeking work to find it then deal with a reduced problem with a more measured response? For the those who are rightfully still in the system, set up a subsidized program together with supermarket chains and use the distribution networks already in place to ensure that actual FOOD is reaching those who truly need it and are not in the system trying to figure out ways of defrauding taxpayers.
    The absence of creative discussion on how such programs could be more efficiently administered is a tell on the government's refusal to effect any real and substantive reforms. Those in government aren't above exploiting the crises for political gain and seem willing only to frame the discourse on the premise that our only options are ones that needlessly hurt people based on social class- that as a means of among other things furthering their demagoguery- in casting political opposition to the reckless false largess as cold hearted and cruel- thereby exploiting for political gain the dire need that their own economic policies have maximized.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    A lot of the programs such as food stamps do serve a good purpose. The abuse that is allowed to go unchecked is the major problem. For those that truly need it , it is a life saver. However, those that decide that it's a better way to go than actually earning some kind of living have got to go! But that will never happen. Years ago in Baltimore, they floated the idea of a "workfare" program where recipients of these benefits would do small jobs in their own communities. Every argument imaginable was raised, from being inhumane to being degrading to the individules. My personal thoughts at the time were that it might help build a kind of pride in the community when people started to clean up and show some thanks to those taxpayers who made the programs available. What was I thinking? GIMME GIMME GIMME, I WANT WHATS MINE!!!

  • Eric Hauch - 11 years ago

    It was a good idea back in the 90's, and it's an even better idea now. The fraud and abuse of food stamps is incredible. The Prezeedunt's no work provision makes it doubly so.

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