Pick your two favorite scenes from episode 8.11
The opening scene - Dexter is cleaning Vogel's blood off his hands andcalls Miami Metro to say he found her body
Dex tells Deb about Vogel
Sylvia Prado and Dexter's conversation at his apartment
Dexter, Saxon and Quinn in the interrogation room
Deb's return to Miami Metro as Detective
Deb finds Quinn's engagement ring in his office
Dexter finds Saxon's kill room
Deb, Dexter, Matthews, Quinn, at Batista's restaurant
Saxon wants Dexter and him to walk away from each other
Elway visits Deb's house
Deb leaves Hannah at the hotel
Quinn learns that Saxon is related to Vogel
Deb wants to hangout with Dexter at his apartment for the last time
Saxon shows up at Dexter's apartment - Dex is pretending to be asleep in his bed, and Deb captures him
Dexter and Saxon's conversation at his kill room
Dexter calls Deb to tell her about the change of his plans -He wants the police to take Saxon in
"I never thought this day would come" -Harry
Saxon attacks the Deputy Marshall Clayton and shoots Deb
Deb lays bleeding on the floor, she places a call for help
The final scene - Dexter's monologue
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