Do You Back Republican Efforts To Defund Healthcare Reform?


  • Dave - 11 years ago

    One more point needs to be made. WTIC is right to have this poll but wrong to word it the way they do. Their question assumes that the law can be fixed and that is a bad and dangerous assumption.

  • Dave - 11 years ago

    This law is not just in need of tweeking or fixing. It's in need of full repeal. It is not fixable and it should be removed. Then, after a long and solid study is done they could consider a replacement. But it cannot be fixed as there are far too many problems in it.

  • John - 11 years ago

    So the narrative here is that repeal is not an option? Pelosi's, "We need to pass the bill so that you can find out what's in it" was as blatant a tell that they knew what it really was- and nothing short of complete repeal will be acceptable.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    The Affordable Health Care Act may have started out as a noble and worthwhile endeavor, however, as it is written, it MUST CHANGE. It was rammed through and voted on in an irresponsible way. They need to back off on all the BS and start to tweak this thing so maybe it can work. If it is put in place as is, we all know that it will never be changed and will become just another runaway train compliments of Uncle Sam.

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