Which part(S) of the finale would you change if you had the chance?


  • Dazz - 10 years ago

    If I could i've been changed the Saxons death. Dexter would kill him, he would not shoot Debra, Debra would not die, and Dexter would be the way to Argentina together with Hanna and Harrison, but who knows how they came into the path Elway and the second son of a bitch, whose name I can not remember .. However, after I glanced at a few interviews with Jennifer and Michael, give me the end it does not matter much, but if the spin off, whatever their outcome, Deb... She will miss me.

    What do i say.. I just love this serial.. From long time i am watched and i watched it to the end.. If showtime planned spin off, I'll be glad for it.. Goodbye Dexter Morgan,.... For now.

  • Judi - 10 years ago

    I just never liked Hannah, no matter how much they tried to change her or make her the love of Dexter's life. If they would have had someone like Lumin in the final season, I would have kept everything else the same.

  • izi - 10 years ago

    I love the show and the amazing transformation of Dexter - from a soulless serial killer guided by the Harry's code for distinguishing right from wrong, to a devoted full with internal battles and feelings almost normal human. I would have loved to see him reunited with Hannah and Harrison - giving it up on Saxon's killing seemed really convincing - the love can change people and if it is really as strong as it seems between Dex and Hannah to overwhelm pull of the Dark Passenger. As Hannah had already said - there is no Dark Passenger actually in Dex - it is just a subconscious excuse for not to bear guilt. In any case - a believe Dex deserves a happy ending - I don't remember a single kill which was unjust. And how come a serial killer of other murderers is actually an anti-hero? I don't really get that.

  • Melissa - 11 years ago

    I liked it overall, but I think Harrison should have been with Dexter, or Jamie. I also would have liked to know where Dexter was. I think given that Dexter was leaving for parts unknown, I would have liked if Angel and Quinn became a little more aware of Dexter's activities, made them realise he was really a killer, even if they let him go considering what happened to deb.

  • Dexter - 11 years ago

    Sally, you needn't worry. Life isn't boring. I don't think they needed to be quite so blatant as to film me at work (outside of work). Watch the final scene again. It's all there. It's in my eyes.

  • Carol Hetzel - 11 years ago

    I would have given it a happier ending, after the hurricane, he would have showed up in Argentina and lived happily ever after with Harrison and Hannah. And even though it had all the drama and the touching scene with Dexter having to let go of the person who meant the most to him, I wouldn't have had Deb turn into a vegetable. If they really wanted to have a shocking ending, let it be happy, now that would have been a big surprise. Dexter, go home to your family ;)

  • Sally - 11 years ago

    I think I would've made clear that Dexter would continue to be a serial killer. Probably show him in another forensics job, maybe? Or show him preparing for a kill with the lumberjack job, even?! I don't like the idea of his fate being so boring, as to be uggh...normal. Thanks for a great series, though!

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