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Do you think the lyrics of O Canada should be made gender neutral?


  • Amber - 11 years ago

    It saddens me that people are so offended that some Canadians want to make a small change so that more of us feel included. It's a gesture, and I think it's important. We should make the effort to honour both our men and women in this country where we largely pride ourselves on our inclusivity and equity. I do believe in the power of words; they make a significant difference. Is it really so upsetting that some of us want an anthem that represents everyone?

  • Leslie Holmes - 11 years ago

    and...I am a woman, married, all kids are grown adults..not homeless and not a single parent -

  • Leslie Holmes - 11 years ago

    I am sooooo sick of whiny people who are supposed to be "intelligent" - showing their extreme Ignorance by pushing for change to gender neutral - trying to make some "issue" out of a "non-issue". If you were really intelligent you would be pushing for something that actually means something to all citizens - such as building shelters and affordable housing for homeless people and single parent families -

  • Nicole - 11 years ago

    Really! You want to change it because of one word? Leave it alone and find better things to worry about! I am a proud Canadian and a female and I have no issue with the national anthem!

  • Willow Schnell - 11 years ago

    Absolutely ridiculous. I am a proud Canadian woman, and I think people should worry about more important things than a gender neutral anthem lyric. Come on now.

  • Trisha - 11 years ago

    NO!!! Stop trying to change who we are and all of our traditions! I am a very proud Canadian WOMAN and would NEVER want our anthem to change. I agree with the above comments....stop trying to change everything, its a priviledge and honour to live in this beautiful country...DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING.

  • Patsy - 11 years ago

    I have long refused to sing the current words to O Canada. I sing my own:
    O Canada!
    Our home and chosen land!
    True patriot love in all of us command.

  • Jimmy - 11 years ago

    I bet these same people who want the song changed to be gender neutral would scoff at the idea of changing the term "Feminism" to something that encompasses all genders.

  • Rebecca - 11 years ago

    No, absolutely not! The women that are trying to accomplish this need a reality check. Leave well enough alone and go focus on a cause that's actually worthwhile. Our anthem is fine the way it is!

  • Hannah - 11 years ago

    What a joke! I'm so sick of Canada trying to bend over backwards for every different group, and losing their own identity in the process. If women truly want equality then quit drawing attention to trivial matters such as these, there are more important things to worry about. I bet they all wouldn't complain if the anthem mentioned the work of mothers during the war. Get over and remove the chip off your shoulder- and that goes for all groups claiming to want equality. The only people creating inequality are the ones that continuously bring attention to everyone's differences.

  • Debbie - 11 years ago

    Are you serious, what the hell are some women thinking? I am a women, a proud Canadian and I think this makes us look like idiots. Leave it alone and everything else they want to change, because believe me they are already thinking of something else.

  • Iryssa - 11 years ago

    To those saying part of the anthem was changed to French: Wake up! There has been a French version for as long as there has been an anthem! It was ORIGINALLY written in French, then TRANSLATED to English! And the bilingual version we often here is UNOFFICIAL, but done that way out of respect for both languages. OFFICIALLY it is both in French AND in English, but not both. For reference, check the government web page on it if you don't believe me:

    However, I do feel we have more pressing concerns.

  • Patricia - 11 years ago

    Leave it alone. A word does not mean that much. I am tired of our Country and traditions being changed for special interest groups.

  • Lane Kennedy - 11 years ago

    I am a female myself and I do not want these lyrics changed. I listen to the anthem everyday at school. I have learned the history of the anthem and I don't believe it should be changed. "Thy sons," may exclude a large margin of people but it's Canadian heritage, it should not be changed.

  • Lane - 11 years ago

    I am a female myself and I do not these lyrics changed. I listen to the anthem everyday at school. I have learned the history of the anthem and I don't believe it should be changed. "Thy sons," may exclude a large margin of people but it's Canadian heritage, it should not be changed.

  • Bonnie - 11 years ago

    I am sick & tired of these feminists....leave it alone. Men & women are NOT equal & never will be. I agree with Jenna & it should ALL be in English

  • Nathan - 11 years ago

    Leave it alone for goodness sake! These ladies who want it changed need to get a life and focus on important and relevant things. I am so sick and tired of these people who want things to be 'gender neutral'. Very few people even think about it until someone mentions it and even then WE DON"T CARE!

  • Russell - 11 years ago

    "NO" As a proud Canadian Veteran, I served and was proud to sing O Canada, no matter where I was or who was there. Many of our service people are women and never complained about singing O Canada. I'm sure our government has better things to do than worry about trivial matters such as this.

  • Kris Edmunds - 11 years ago

    My father fought for this country.... In all our son's command..... WWII... also in the Korean war... . My mother was in the British Navy..... during these wars.... "Lest We Forget".... Canada .... Does this group also want us to tear down the war memorials cause most don't depict women..... and are not gender neutral....

  • Leanne Rioux - 11 years ago

    I like to consider myself a very forward thinking, modern woman but changing the lyrics to our national anthem to reflect gender neutrality is ridiculous. It seems that we are always trying to change something about our national heritage. Isn't it enough that we have dumped the Lord's prayer in school and eliminated Christmas from most public greetings and forums? We have failed to observe our national pride and heritage on these issues. Do we really have to get all charged up about two little words in our long ago penned national anthem? I will continue to sing the anthem with pride and respect. And I agree with Ron, let's focus on more pressing matters.

  • Carole - 11 years ago

    Absolutely not...too many of our oldest traditions have been changed for one reason or another. . leave things alone. It was good enough for our fore fathers and all those that came before us. Are these handful of women that want to change it that insecure about themselves.. I think not!!!! I personally have more important things to think about. Get on with it Ladies.

  • donna - 11 years ago

    We have better things to spend our taxpayer dollars on. Lets face it, this proposal could cost a bundle. First you need a committee and they have to meet numerous times. Then of course the new lyrics must be brain stormed, voted on and of course translated. There may be legal action so a lawyer, make that a team of lawyers should be retained. Perhaps a referendum is in order? Lets just leave the anthem alone.

  • Susan - 11 years ago

    I am a women and proud to be Canadian and would be offended if it was changed. It is part of our history and heritage those things should stay the same throughout time. Find something else to worry about that is important, like homelessness, unemployment rate....

  • Jenna - 11 years ago

    No, no, a thousand times NO! Bad enough they switched the main part of it to French without telling anyone.

  • Angela King - 11 years ago

    Ridiculous! What a waste of time and energy! Doesn't serve any good purpose. I am female, Canadian born and lived here all my life! Spend time on important things. This is divisive.

  • Colleen - 11 years ago

    I can't believe people are squawking about needing a "Gender Neutral" anthem. My goodness. I am a woman who would be more offended for it to be changed, than if it was left the way it is. I think that some of the women in this day and age need to go knit a sweater or something. It's getting out of hand with changing everything Canada was built upon. Unbelievable. What's next?

  • Ron Hough - 11 years ago

    There are more important to worry about than the lyrics to O Canada. Like JOBS, homelessness, heathcare, so on.

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