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Is it nice for John Boehner to ignore American wage earners for political gain?

Total Votes: 2,902

  • Brenda DiTrapani - 11 years ago

    Why aren't people upset about congress getting paid when they are stopping everyone else's paychecks. I think they should not get paid until they come to their senses. They are always hurting others but come out smelling like roses when it comes to their own salaries. I DON'T GET IT! They are part of Government, make them hurt a little.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Maybe Ted Cruz was referring to this site when he referred to the fascists? Because you people sound like you're ready to kill anyone that disagrees with your doctrine or gets in your way. Yeah, that's American. Keep drinking it, Ed lemmings. Keep drinking it.

  • Michael Desmarais - 11 years ago

    I think Boehner and the other tea party terrorists should be impeached !!! They took an oath to uphold the Constitution ( President elected twice by people) the laws of our land( the affordable care act) and the protection of the citizens of this country( almost a million out of work due to their arrogance) It 's time to call them what they are......... Traitors !!!

  • Michael Desmarais - 11 years ago

    I think Boehner and the other tea party terrorists should be impeached !!! They took an oath to uphold the Constitution ( President elected twice by people) the laws of our land( the affordable care act) and the protection of the citizens of this country( almost a million out of work due to their arrogance) It 's time to call them what they are......... Traitors !!!

  • DENICE BELLINGER - 11 years ago

    Not only is it wrong for Boehner to hold us hostage just to get back at President Obama, but we the people should all show Mr. Boehner and his crazy party just how we feel about what they're doing. I'm not one to go out and march or picket, but if we all get our Obama-Biden says out, dust them off and put them back in our yards, we can show solidarity with our President, and show Congress how ridiculous they are being. Maybe once this idea spreads around the Country and Congress sees all the people backing President Obama, they'll reopen our government so we can get back to work. I know everybody won't like this idea, but I'm confident that enough of us should be able to make a solid stand. Doing nothing is never enough!!

  • Debra French - 11 years ago

    Isn't it treasonous to tear down, dismantle, and make dysfunctional your own government like Michelle Bachman wants? We are praying for Obama and thank him for not giving in to the Republican's terrorist demands!

  • Louis - 11 years ago

    The republicans have a bigger problem. They have lost my vote in any future elections. Can we the people recall these hostage takers!

  • Barbar Ripel - 11 years ago

    I am an American Historian; I have a specialty in studying the Founding Fathers. John Adams wrote: "we do not mean by the word PEOPLE the vile populace or rabble of a country, nor the cabal of a small number of factitious people, but the greater and more judicious part of the subjects, of all ranks." Here we see his worst fears confirmed. The cabal should give up and act for the people. And by the way, what happened to the screamers who did not want a president NOT BORN in this Country: Ted Cruz admits he was not born in the United States (his mother was a was President Obama's and he WAS born in this country), but Cruz can get health care in Canada, gets health care from the US government, and while serving only a short time in Congress, a pension..... what does he care about the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dora Mckenney - 11 years ago

    Please help me with this. Why ,who and when were the Tea Party voted in to the highest office of the United States whereas they are in control. If this is the way our government supposed to run then maybe we should do something with Coffee, since more people probably drinks more of it than tea. Maybe, "The Coffee Express For The People".

  • Liz - 11 years ago

    This Far right GOP only listens to the Koch brothers!

  • Regina Allen - 11 years ago

    Thank you for mentioning the pension plan congress gets. This is why we have a deficit, not the poor working people. Could you find out what the total cost is on retired congress members (pension and health)? Also, what is the yearly cost of all congress (that are in office now) pay and health insurance that we the taxpayers are giving them. I think those numbers would be mind boggling to the American people. I wish I could find a job like that, work a few years and have a salary with health benefits for the rest of my life. I don't know of any company that gives those kind of benefits.

  • Hilary - 11 years ago

    Okay. Who are the 26 people that voted yes?

  • Akiva Miller - 11 years ago

    I like the idea of Congress not getting paid during shutdowns. However, I have an even better idea: Why don't we pay Congress (both the House and Senate) the national minimum wage all the time (except during shut downs when they don't get paid at all) and see what happens to the minimum wage then.

  • John Larson - 11 years ago

    If republicans have all of a sudden got fairness maybe the Democrats should start pushing for a tax increase on the 1% so everyone is treated the same.

  • Jack - 11 years ago

    Lets get all the state legislatures and Governors to pass resolutions for a constitutional amendment that stops pay to all congressmen and senators when and if the government is shutdown. The constitution says that the states in convention can do this and there's nothing that the congress and senate and president can do to stop this from becoming law.

  • louisandmarie - 11 years ago

    Is this a "let them eat cake" moment or what?

  • bright2124 - 11 years ago

    I am one of those 8,000 employees that have been laid off. We are not getting paid. Republicans and tea party STOP it! this is not funny. It's not a joke. You are messing with people livelihood. We don't make the 6 figures you make. Leave health care alone. Everyone deserves it! President Oboma & Democrats don't give in to this nonesense.

  • John Allen - 11 years ago

    The congressmen who shut down the government at midnight were beside themselves with joy and giddiness, with little regard for the hardships they caused for nearly one-million workers. Don't you call people who are incapable of empathy psychopaths?

    Chinese Proverb: The full stomach cannot comprehend the empty stomach.

  • Sheila Gloe - 11 years ago

    The Tea Party Republicans have hurt more Americans than a terrorist. 800,000 people forced out of their jobs, elderly without needed Meals on Wheels, and children denied the advancement opportunities of Head Start. Cruel!

  • Ed Marks - 11 years ago

    John Boner a nice guy? Just remember this. You remember what Leo Durocher said about nice guys. Nice guys finish last.

  • Tim - 11 years ago


    I'm doing ok. I am employed, good health-care-insurance, excellent 6 figure salary, and I'm thoroughly disgusted with what I see Republicans doing. I am not a 1%-er by any means, having gone through so many roller-coaster ups and downs with job and economy over the past 20-30 years, made a few $$ but spent a lot more in running businesses, some fared better than others, but it has not all been easy. It has not been exactly a cake-walk for me, putting up with off-shoring and corporate america flooding our country with off-shores. My salary has actually gone down, watching the rise of C-level income go up. I am employed in IT and watching my salary go down every year--only this past year have things started to improve. I have had to work hard and constantly keep up on skills or I become unemployable. The tech sector is rockin, it's back baby, but this non-sense in Washington is going to seriously suck the wind out of this comeback pre-2008 economy that is on the event horizon of happening. The big nut is about to pop in technology but shutting down the government is like putting up the Berlin wall. It brings innovation to a halt and just throws a wrench into the machine. If the Republicans want to turn us into a third-world country they are succeeding.

    IT Contracting right now is at pre-2008 levels, oh yes, and this is a great sign of an amazing 2014, all because of ObamaCare. A lot of us in IT will be able to jump freely from one IT gig to the next, and spur innovation, without having to worry about whether we can get the health insurance we want. It's now a candidates market, --hello-- and smart people--a lot of smart people-are getting ready to pounce on innovation because of ObamaCare. Small business is about to explode, the equivalent in the natural world is the shallows where a lot of big fish start out is about to explode with growth in IT spending. Job creation? ObamaCare --is-- the stimulus! Competition is the key to all of this.

    But this Republican thing. It scares me. I'm not sure where this is going. There are people, these Republicans, who are willing to harm others and cause pain, and I wasn't raised this way. I was born in 1958 into poverty, but over time I improved my lot through hard work and constant study and learning new skills into being an in-demand professional in IT. I work hard for this thing called the American Dream. It's here and nobody is going to take it away from me.

    This country has changed into worse than the 1970's. It has devolved into the worst of humanity ruining this country. The Republicans are wolves in sheeps' clothing, putting on the face of righteousness with the soul and spirit of ruinous selfishness, taking advantage of lesser minds. The Republicans are like car salesman, selling even their own down the river to make a few bucks and protect the people who are consistently on the wrong side of history.

    Dems please stand fast, this is a big wave, but the boat is not going to sink!

    Ed, thanks for your show, and dogged determination to speak the truth! You are doing what a lot of us wish we could do, wish we could say, and we're behind you!


  • jetsky2013 - 11 years ago

    If Republicans want to be "fair" to the American people, why didn't they vote in favor of raising the minimum wage?

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    Ed followers, we MUST get out the vote in 2014 if we are to have any hope of ridding ourselves of the Tea Party. These bullies are out to take down what's left of the middle class. It's unbelievable!! AND, Boehner is NOT a leader by any means.

  • Lilyana Srnoguy - 11 years ago

    I am immigrant and an American since 2005. My love and admiration for this Country brought me here. America from outside is very different place. I never knew before I came here how divided American people are politically and economically. The strongest and richest Country in the world, looks progressive and innovative from outside, but very soon I realized that half of the people are uneducated puppets without ability to think for themselves. They have Fox new and likes of Ted Cruz. What is happening since our wonderful President Obama was elected is something out of nightmarish fiction. Democrats have to, HAVE TO, go down in base and talk with people show them the proves of lies and deceptions from Reps and educate people how this Country works. My neighbors think that Government is just Senate, House and President. Can you believe this?

  • Don in OH - 11 years ago

    Ed, When John Boehner and I attend the Jesuit college, Xavier University in the 1970's we were encouraged to take personal risks to help the less fortunate in the world. I think John skipped that lecture!
    Don in OH

  • Jay Nayyar - 11 years ago

    And wallstreet corperate pigs

  • Ace Glenn - 11 years ago

    We have a Republican Party that equals the Mogwai and what's inside the Mogwai is the Tea Party = gremlins all that it takes is liquid for a party gone bad !!! ;.0 !!!

  • Greg Williams - 11 years ago

    The longer these losers in the GOP/TP continue to extort from the American People with this shutdown, and the longer our country has to sign up for ObamaCare, the better.
    And if the handful of web crashes are a hint at how many people try to log on to get information and sign up, it will hurt the obstructionists next November.
    Get involved, Liberals, our country is in danger of being destroyed by a minority of Tea potties and the time to fight them is now. Allowing the House to continue to be in the hands of those who can only get elected because of gerrymandered districts is not an option America can afford.

  • Jay Nayyar - 11 years ago

    Its a sad state of an affair how the rite tea baggers keep our country in the dumps

  • Chuck - 11 years ago

    GOP. Also known as The American Taliban. They can't get what they want, so they keep fighting.

  • cathy - 11 years ago

    Weeping Beany Weeny, that is all he is out for, hisself!!!!!!!!!!!

  • yuri - 11 years ago

    Reminds me of the days when Repubs were running the country and we were losing 900,000 jobs a month. A fact that they deny today as they now deny they were FOR 800,000 Americans to now lose their jobs,

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    Boehner and the GOP have made a terrible tactical decision hurting America. If they were so in tune with Americans why are there so many trying to obtain Health Care? The ACA exchanges have seen a flood of calls despite the GOP claims. The volume of calls is proof the GOP is lying about public sentiment of ACA commonly known as Obamacare. Shame on voters if they fall for the lies for not doing their homework and research. POTUS needs to know we are behind him and to stand his ground and not to cave. No more nice guy not this time.

  • Frank - 11 years ago

    Speaker of the house John Boehner should step down if he cannot do his job for the American people. Obama care is the law of the land.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    Those yahoos that voted to shut down the government should come out here in the country and work for $5 an hour or minimum wage--see how they could live on that. By the way, they should have their wages frozen until and when the government gets back up and running. NO MORE SHUTDOWNS!! The Republicans have ignored the American people too long!!!

  • elaine stenzel - 11 years ago

    The Republicons/teabag taliban are all Bendict Arnold''s

  • violet - 11 years ago

    How can you deal with stupidity... John B is not a speaker, but the 'weeper'of the house. The country as a whole should shut down everything, , banks, grocery stores, and yes, the 'liquor stores', turn off the ilights and then see how quickly compromise would come along.

  • Bigwheel - 11 years ago

    Boehner is bought lock stock and barrel by ALEC and other Think Tanks. He and most Tea Party republicans take orders from these groups. They OWN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.

  • Dr. Joseph Saide - 11 years ago

    It's difficult to understand how a group that can't work within their own party and submit even one major bill in 5 years is willing to furlough thousands of government worker who come to work each day and work hard for our citizens.

  • Laurie Hartnett - 11 years ago

    Unbelievable that FOX News says that it is no big deal and it doesn't matter when Americans are hurting!
    Our Founding Fathers would be OUTRAGED! Boehner needs to show some leadership and responsibility -- DON'T CAVE IN TO THESE IDIOTS! The Affordable Care Act is Law AND we need it. THIS IS A DEMOCRACY! Move on and do your job!!

  • Madelyn Smith - 11 years ago

    What would GOP do if Pres.Obama invoked section 4 of the 14th. Amendment??

  • Vish Ayengar - 11 years ago

    Ed, how can we expect any niceness from hostage-takers? Speaker Boehner's gun is his gavel, and boy, is he using it ruthlessly!

  • Dawn Freeman - 11 years ago

    The tea party republicans are congressional terrorists!

  • Roslyn. wilson - 11 years ago

    The mini me Ted Cruz aka Sarah Palin, believe TH err shut down is no biggie. I say it's because they can't relate to ordinary folks. They make a name for themselves stepping on all of us and then go and write a book or get a job with Fox News

  • Jeanne - 11 years ago

    No, but he ISN'T nice. He is a selfish bully. He obviously missed out on manners lessons along the line.

  • Linda Noble - 11 years ago

    In 1644, in the midst of Massachusetts Bay Colony prosecuting allegations of witchcraft, hanging people for heresy if they didn't exactly agree with the government/church way of worship, and banishing people of good conscience for their disagreements, Roger Williams wrote the "Bloody Tennant" that made clear that when you mix religion and politics, all you get is politics of the most corrupt kind. How can it be that we still have to fight this battle? The Catholics and Protestants and Huguenauts were killing each other in England, France, Spain, and Italy--our nation was founded by people who wanted to live free with their own beliefs, not necessarily any particular relition.

    Some who came wanted to form their own exclusive "Christian" cult of various brands, Puritans and Pilgrims, and tried to force others to believe as they did through punishment, torture, and even death.

    In 1644 Williams wrote that with many different religions in existance besides Christianity, (in fact the world was less than 15% Christian at that time), how could anyone have the arrogance to assert that God loved only the Christians (of a certain sort) and that every one else were blasphemers!? Some argued that God rewarded his holy people with material success in the world, and clearly, at that time, there were many successful Catholics and Islamic people. My personal favorite bible verse is, Matthew 7:16, "By their fruits ye shall know them." Those who produce repression and death, must all be false prophets. Those who love and teach love and compassion, are the ones I choose to follow.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    No and it's unimaginably cruel that right now parents are being informed their children will not be able to receive last hope cancer treatments due to John Boehner and the tea party government shutdown.

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