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Is John Boehner playing Russian roulette with the American economy?

Total Votes: 2,974

  • Charles Crable - 11 years ago

    Notwithstanding the Republican Party of Lincoln and Radical Republicans during Reconstruction, since the Dixiecrats and voting rights act of 1965, the Republicans have steadily become a party of un-American narcissists. My grandparents were Republicans and would turn over in their graves if they knew how their party has today evolved into unabashed racists. The tea parties' mantra has been to hate President Obama and attempted circumvention of anything he tries to accomplish, to wit, try to ruin his presidency. Mr. Obama was too smart to fall for that bomb Syria nonsense. The Republicans desperately wanted to align him with Bush and Iraq, for history. Lost another attempt. So, Obamacare is one of the last significant accomplishments to try and destroy with the President's signature.....They simply hate the President because he is a Black Man. The Republicans would rather torpedo the U.S. and world economy than see him be successful and know history would acknowledge another great depression was on his watch. He could discover a cure for cancer and would be filibustered by them. Racial hatred runs very deep in dark corners of this country. The modern day Republicans have caused me to hate them back and I don't use that word lightly but applies here. I actually HATE REPUBLICANS for what they have become!

  • Pam Kistler - 11 years ago

    Throw the jerk out! Craig Ferguson for speaker! At least he has a sense of what is right and what is funny! He has been kidnapped by the teapartiers and doesn't know how to get home!

  • wanda clemmons - 11 years ago

    I think Boehner and all his buddies need to step down from their offices and be replaced with some one who it not afraid of taking a stand for the american people. who they are working for. cause the american people put these folks in office and we put them there to work not shut down the government because they can not accept the fact that Obama is our President. SO Get Over IT OR Get OUT!

  • We LOVE our Cleveland Browns - 11 years ago

    I can't believe how little you libs. know about Representative Government! Obama care was passed by 51 Dems Not One Republican vote.....Re-Written by the Supreme Court twice to pass it[Unconstitutional]! Then congress excluded themselves from the law they forced on the rest of us! [Also Unconstitutional]! I would LOVE to see Harry Reed try to pass a clean delay Obamascare in the Senate using the same 51 vote rule now!! The real problem with America is corrupt media and the 51% of American idiots who either believe them, or just don't use the common sense God gave them! 9 Trillion when Obama took office 16.7 Trillion Now And now the Pathological POTUS wants another Trillion! WAKE UP DIMS! It IS time to take the credit card from the spoiled teenager!

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Ed: Boehner is inflicting as much pain as he can on the american people, just to get his way. He doesn't want or think he should lose his job. If he was in the private sector, he would be FIRED a long time ago. He doesn't care about anyone except himself. What he is doing against the nation is TREASON. He should be removed office.

  • sandee warner - 11 years ago

    Congress has consistently created these deadlines and crisis after crisis. I've been voting for 50 years and have never seen such dysfunction. Our so called democracy is on the way out the door. It's not a democracy when a few people can hold up the functioning of the government and the majority of the populace are against it. I feel sorry for my children and grandchildren .....they're probably going to be living in a third world country....the USA.

  • Andre - 11 years ago

    John Boehner and his tea party GANG are holding the USA hostage. We always said do not make deals with terrorists, so now he says until the President make a deal they will not stop this madness. These men need to be charged. They are unloving, and want to be the party of Christians. This is un Godly, making so many innocent people suffer. Just hope God makes all of them pay dearly.

  • ANNA - 11 years ago

    Boneher has to go he is the most worthless rep . what do we have to do to kick him out? i believe this is all happening cuz president Obama has a head on his shoulders. he is doing a good job. they rasied the debt celing all the time but because he is black they cant stand to see a black man succeed . that is a disgrace to the american people that they are holding him back. the rebublicans are the worst they have so much hatetrad, hope president Obama can fire him and I DONT FEEL THE CONGRESS REP SHOULD GET A PAY CHECK FOR DOING NOTHING WHY IS IT THE THE WORKING AMERICAN PEOPLE DONT GET A PAY CHECK ?OR THEM SHUTTING DN THE GOV, AND THEY GET A BIG FAT CHECK THEY DONT DESERVE.

  • Judy Brobston - 11 years ago

    Put the Blame where the blame belongs this all started with Bush, he is the one who got us into debt and all Obama has tried to do is get us out of it and the Republicans just wont pass anything thats why nothing has been done he has tried to get along with them and he is fed up with them all!! Can't say as I blame him!! You can't make STUPID!!! Just Say'n!!!

  • Carol Eishen - 11 years ago

    This shutdown effects the American People, not the Democrats or the President. The rich will only get richer and the poor will only get poorer with this shutdown. The middle class will lose the most and that is exactly what the Tea Party Republicans want. They are always trying to strip the middle class of moving forward. Call, email, text or tweet your Representatives. Tell them enough is enough!!!

  • Carol Eishen - 11 years ago

    We Progress through strength, not weakness. The American People need to find the strength to confront the Republicans and Do The Right Thing!

  • maryDay - 11 years ago

    I can hardly stand this anymore. I am not a die in the wool Liberal, voted for republicans in the past but this is beyond anything i have seen. I am praying that they will be thrown out of office next election. I am here to say this is nothing more than racism at its worse and no i am not black or brown or what ever else you haters like to hate . A plain old white woman. President Obama you are the only grown up in the mix. Know you have lots of experience raising children as yours are superb but the Boehner and his cronies they have not had any guidance looking at their behavior just stamp their feet until they get what they want. , spoiled brats.

  • maryDay - 11 years ago

    I can hardly stand this anymore. I am not a die in the wool Liberal, voted for republicans in the past but this is beyond anything i have seen. I am praying that they will be thrown out of office next election. I am here to say this is nothing more than racism at its worse and no i am not black or brown or what ever else you haters like to hate . A plain old white woman. President Obama you are the only grown up in the mix. Know you have lots of experience raising children as yours are superb but the Boehner and his cronies they have not had any guidance looking at their behavior just stamp their feet until they get what they want. , spoiled brats.

  • Sant'anna - 11 years ago

    I agree with Ed that we will most likely have a shutdown. The tea party base has become like scorpions addicted to stinging, even when it means stinging themselves or each other. I just hope we can survive until 2014 when a huge wave of Democrats will flood the House and our President can finally get done all that he has designed for this country that's been ignored by the jobs, infrastructure, a saner country to live in. All this hatred because he is black has shown how rotten so much of the group consciousness still is, even in the 21st Century. Sad, but something that can still be healed with spiritual growth and emotional maturity.

  • Todd McKinney - 11 years ago

    The reason the country is in this shape is very simple...9 Trillion five years ago when Obama took office 16.7 Trillion today! The Country WILL default if we don't STOP SPENDING! Maybe not now but it IS a mathematical certainty within a few years! John Boehner is my Rep. He works for me NOT OBAMA! I have sent him numerous e-mails telling him if wants my vote to do everything in his power to STOP Obamacare!! It IS Unconstitutional!! The Supreme Court re-wrote it twice so they could pass it![Unconstitutional]. Then Obama himself delayed the Employer Mandate [Unconstitutional] and carved out exemptions for Congress [Unconstitutional]! Then the GOP tried three times to get Dems. to offer the American people the same consideration they gave themselves. Three times Harry Reed said HE would not even talk to them! You Dims. will NEVER get your facts straight if you are ignorant enough to be fooled by "Psyco Ed"! I would much rather identify myself as TEA PARTY than admit I was a LIBERAL!! It would do you all some good to read the famous quotes of Thomas Jefferson...A Real Patriot!

  • Liz - 11 years ago

    John Boehner is getting his orders from the Koch brothers. They are the ones pulling the strings.

  • barry serber - 11 years ago

    if the Tea'rs can hold this country hostage for a law they don't like that's on the books the next thing they'll do is demand laws that are not on the books

  • Pamela - 11 years ago

    Lets try him and the rest of his bunch for sedition

  • Dora Mckenney - 11 years ago

    I think John Boehner thinks he holds a position higher than the President. He said that he am doing what the people want. What people? None I spoke to want this. Let the house vote. That's what we want.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    October Story...
    Ted Cruz teaches John Boehner how to use Ted's rowboat. After few short instructions, John climbed on the rowboat, Ted said "Good luck John!" and pushed the rowboat out to the stream of the canal, while Ted stood on the side of the canal and smiled ..."
    John started to row for few strokes and knocked his head happily ..., Suddenly John saw a small leak on the left side of the boat, he called on Ted and asked for advices, Ted said, put your left foot on that hole, John followed what Ted said, problem solved! another few head knockings from John to display his recognition of a "smart solution", then John continued his journey down the canal, ten feet further, John recognized that his right side of his rowboat leaked, John placed his right foot on the leak, problem solve, Ted said " you learn fast! and of course John was so proud of him self, another 20 feet down the canal, a third leak came at the center of the boat right between John's legs, John called on Ted for help, from the side of the canal Ted yelled, you still have not use your head yet! ...
    Well, the moral of this story fits right to "The Government Shut Down events"!

  • Kenneth Sittig - 11 years ago

    Ed, correct me if I'm wrong! Have people forgotten that most of the GOP and all TeaParty is, at this point, nothing more than CORPORATE REPRESENTATIVES. I believe this whole mess is due to Insurance Co's and other larg Corps. It has been this way since the famous 5 JUSTICES made Corporations equal to all citizens. I've watched you since you came on, missed you when you left and appreciate the fact your back! Thanks much. I don't know how to twitter at this point! LOL

  • poli - 11 years ago

    John Boehner and all his little puppets, are very hateful people. They are the first to publicize they are Christians, if you were truly what you say, then you know that Jesus said the poor you will always have among you. I pray that God will touch and change that evil heart and do what is right by the American people. this country does not belong to one race of people, and the reason Mr. President Obama is in the office is because of God, he touch the people hearts to voice for him. If you don't like the choice God place there , take it up with him. Oh, I see to come into God presence, he much see the blood of his son, unless you are repenting. I'M GLAD THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH IS THE LAW OF THE LAND. Mr President STAND YOUR GROUND. Remember the story of David and Goliath, how he had five (5) stones for the giant and his four brothers. Once David release the stone,God did the rest. STAND AND DON'T WAVER.

  • Marge - 11 years ago

    I would like to know who is funding the Congress Republicans to destroy this country? Where is the money coming? We all know that Republican only answer to money.

  • senoir citizenopinion - 11 years ago

    There is nobdy in charge of the House of Representatives.

    It is like a ship foundering at sea.

  • vjdepalma - 11 years ago

    I agree with Ed's point about power. Power is intoxicating. Power is being grabbed and valued over people. To use the words of Friedrich Nietzsche and Viktor E. Frankl, a "will to power" is seeking to to supplant a "will to meaning" in Congress. By the way, Nietzsche also wrote, "The Birth of Tragedy."

  • Rodney Navratil - 11 years ago

    Boehner is the worst speaker of the House ever in US history. He's a coward and has led the Teabaggers ashtray. He hoped the democrats and Obama would give up. He hoped wrong. He has shown how useless he is to lead the House of Representatives. He should not be re-elected if the Ohioans smarten up.

  • Independent voter - 11 years ago

    The TeaPublicans have created this mess and they don't know how to get out of it. Allow the House to vote. You have no right to stop them. What are you afraid off?

  • Carol - 11 years ago

    Boehner is only hurting the American People. Is this his goal???

  • jo schmo - 11 years ago


  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ted Cruz strategy is "destroy the Republicans"! then Ted Cruz will be their Savior in 2016! But Ted Cruz forgets that Romney will be back in 2016!!!

  • l. kiser - 11 years ago

    A traitor should be held legally accountable. Boehner should be taken as an state enemy to the jail and
    tarred and feathered. Rode out of town on a rail.

  • Dave Luttinen - 11 years ago

    Speaker Boehner is playing Russian Roulette with an AK-47 with only one bullet missing.

  • Amy Powell - 11 years ago

    The real problem is that there is a Black man in the White House. This is raw racism at its worse and for them to deny this id totally disingenuous.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Everyone knows that Ted Cruz is for Ted Cruz !

  • Robert Dittman - 11 years ago

    If Republicans and Speaker Boehner are saying there aren't enough votes, then they should prove it. "Let the bill go to the floor and let's see what happens. Just vote." oh that's right ."majority vote" has no place in the new tea party ..I guess givin enough time and power they will find a way to outlaw the word DEMOCRACY.

  • Rocky Roberts - 11 years ago

    The leadership is with obama! My question is when will he lead? He cant because he doe not know how. Leaders listen to the people around them. He is the one who says if its not my way I will take my ball and go home. What a loser and you people who believe otherwise are missing the point. obama is supposed to be the leader. He has never been a leader and never will be. Everyone in washington are not listening to the people. fire all of them starting with obama. OMG-OBAMA MUST GO.

  • Judy Braun - 11 years ago

    "Boner" needs to stop being the" cry baby", that he is and grow a set of you know whats, and see how the America people are hurting from all of this !!! VOTE IN the HOUSE !!!

  • Danny - 11 years ago

    Boehner and the republicans are making me sicker every time I see any of there stupid stunts and hear any of there voices. What the hell is wrong with them. Impeach!!!
    Oh yeah, I haven't had problems getting on the Healthcare page.

  • Larry McGlamary - 11 years ago

    May be more like a kidnapping and government workers are being held hostage. Ransom is giving the minority Taliban Tea Party everything they ask for, ignoring the American people.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Speaker John Boehner Clean CR Bill or step down!
    - Speaker John Boehner Clean CR Bill or step down!
    - Speaker John Boehner Clean CR Bill or step down!

  • Ruth Ann - 11 years ago

    John Boehner should abdicate, quit his position in shame. He is a shameful person and I believe that if he put a clean CR up for a vote, it WOULD pass. He doesn't want that. I guess the Koch brothers and paying him very very well!!! Our democracy is being bought and in danger of becoming extinct!

  • Richard McGrain - 11 years ago

    Just the fact that you have some people voting "NO" on this poll, shows that you have Republicans watching your show. If they aren't, they are blind fools.

  • Mary Tarantino - 11 years ago

    Thank you Ed for finally calling this what it is.."treason". If a private citizen set out to destroy our government it would never be permitted to happen. These people need to be stopped before they do great harm to this country they profess to love.

  • Vish Ayengar - 11 years ago

    House Speaker John Boehner is so desperate to save his own position that he will let his hostage-takers in his party to destroy anything to get their ransom. President Barack Obama and the Democrats in the Congress have refused to cave in to their demands lest a wrong precedent is set.

  • Rocky Roberts - 11 years ago

    The leadership is with obama! My question is when will he lead? He cant because he doe not know how. Leaders listen to the people around them. He is the one who says if its not my way I will take my ball and go home. What a loser and you people who believe otherwise are missing the point. obama is supposed to be the leader. He has never been a leader and never will be. Everyone in washington are not listening to the people. fire all of them starting with obama. OMG-OBAMA MUST GO.

  • Sharon Ferren - 11 years ago

    Treason is the word. HIs party needs to stand up and replace him. John Boener is wrong for America. Every time he says "the American people want..." I cringe as It won't be what the American people want it is what the Koch brothers want or other folks who bought and paid for John Boener.

  • jopaws - 11 years ago

    John Boehner is a complete waste! No integrity.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    I urge all voters (Democrats, Republicans & Independents) Call Your Representatives and demand that they request John Boehner to put the "Clean Bill" on the floor of the House Representatives within 24 hours or Resign his position!

  • j - 11 years ago

    John Boehner and his teaparty minions are out to destroy our economy and the president. They have not accepted the election of Obama and this is their INSANE way of proving this. The debt ceiling has been raised since the founding fathers and this will be the GOP IMPLOSION/EXPLOSION of the country. the repubs better step up to the plate and not worry about THEIR RE-ELECTION BUT WORRY ABOUT THE JOB THEY TOOK TO SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE COUNTRY

  • don - 11 years ago

    And they don't care as long as they protect guys like the Koch brothers Seen where Obama might be bending some for the republicans I sure hope not all he does is bend over for them.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    Boehner can't deliver. He can't keep a promise. He's not good for his word and yes he out and out lies.

  • Nadine Price - 11 years ago

    I believe Boehner is committing treason!

    He is supposed to be there for all Americans, not just some sick tea party ! I wonder how much the Koch Brothers are funneling to him?

  • s. crowley - 11 years ago

    Help the American People push Boehner to leave his position...Either he steps down or we want him Impeached.....

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