Should Doctor William Petit Run For Congress?


  • Earl - 11 years ago

    I think he would be great in Washington, and you know he would be smart enough not to vote for
    something as harmful as Obama Care!!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    If for no other reason than to put the death penalty, a REAL death back into play, he will get my vote. And as a Doctor with real experience in the practice of medicine, it will be interesting to hear his take on the Affordable Health fiasco instead of the political mumbo jumbo put out by the incumbant socialists.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Since he would be running as a conservative it would be especially challenging for the mainstream propaganda machine to destroy him as doing so would be far more likely to backfire on them and the candidates they endorse- so yes- I think he should see exactly how far up the political food chain he can progress.

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