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Who was in the right? (Explain your vote in the comments!)

Total Votes: 273

  • RENEE E. BOYD - 11 years ago

    yOU KEEP IT REAL Pastor Haddon keep on em cause they need to get their act together. I had a situation concerning my child and I called for my pastor but he never came or called. and this why people won't go to church. I called three men of god and only one answered and then he didn't come around. They won't be recieving any money from me!

  • Pjt - 11 years ago

    I will agree with Eric..I think the show is really sad...and money hunger PREACHERS....It's not about saving souls anymore...all about the MONEY....GOD IS NOT PLEASE.....IF I WAS A MEMBER IN NEED...WILL THEY HELP ME...SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT...OR GVE ME A CAR...TO GET AROUND..AND feed my family.....They need to take the show off the air....All Pastors and preachers are not all bad...JUST A FEW....THAT'S WHY THERES SPIRIT IN CHURCHS TODAY....TELLING THE PEOPLE NOTHING...THAT'S WHY SOME PEOPLE DONT GO TO CHURCH TODAY...HAVE BEEN CHURCH HURT...REALLY SAD....

  • Eric Nelson one small village to another after get - 11 years ago

    I come from a family of preachers and family members involved in the ministry one way or another. They did whatever it took to spread the word of God without expecting large payment for their services.
    They took to preaching on street corners, having bible studies in their own homes, etc.

    One of my grandfathers of Puerto Rican ancestry, spent the last 35 years of his life in Mexico starting churches and training pastors moving from small village to village using just the Social Security check he received every month for the love of the Lord and to spread that Love of Christ to others.

    It only took one man, not a team. He left behind a legacy and died in poverty and waited for his riches in heaven.

    It appears most of the pastors on this show have their riches on earth in their mansions, and fancy cars. Living pampered lives going to restuarants their congregation can not afford to dine in.

    It bothers me to see them live the life style their living knowing that most of their congregation perhaps live pay check to pay check.

    There are many great men of God in this world with much less financially doing greater deeds than these pastors living the high life and showing off on T.V. Those pastors not only teach about the love of Christ, but give what could buy fancy homes and cars back to those who are hungry and homeless. You should have a show about those pastors as well.

    As a Christian man it pains me to see the way so called men of God make a business to talk to others about Christ to build their mansions on earth. In 56 years of life, I have seen multitudes of Our churches change to please the younger members of the church with music that no longer speaks to the heart in order to praise and worship in the spirit. This has pushed older Christians like me out of the church and having my own church in my home. Getting into the spirit with praise and worship and meditating on on Lord Almighty rather than the feel good messages and music that does nothing to the soul.

    However, in the end, I am happy that Oxygen have found these pastors living for worldly goods in order to show the world out there to look out for wolves in sheeps clothing.

    Eric Nelson

  • Sqweekie Jones - 11 years ago

    It should not have been up for discussion. Why should a man financially profit from teaching the word of God, hen Jesus himself, never financially profited from preaching?

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