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Do you agree or disagree with Senate Bill 130?

Total Votes: 4,146

  • really???? - 8 years ago

    If you are going to start this crap, pay for my car and my insurance out of YOUR pay!!!!!!! Or just take your pay way down where it should be.

  • Me - 8 years ago

    The only controversial thing about this is the fact that it would only cover kids 6 and under/it should cover birth through 18 years old.

    One commenter complained ‘next you’ll ban us from smoking in our homes’ … yeah, I am ok with that as well…NO SMOKING AROUND A CHILD / THOSE ARE HIS/HER LUNGS – NOT YOURS.

    I also agree with the person who said Child Endangerment Charges are get a ticket, next time, child endangerment, next time - JAIL TIME.

    If you can tell ME to wear a seatbelt to protect ME...then by god...WE have the right to protect 'your' child from 'your' ignorance and contempt for him/her...

  • Kevin - 9 years ago

    You my mom and dad smoke in the when I was a kid and I'm fine I think it's dumb to do this just like taking paddle from teacher when a kid gets out line of line now we have kids shooting kids

  • edna - 9 years ago

    i think if u want to pass this law then u should pay our car payments and our car insurance what gives you the right to take away our rights in our vehicles or homes when we pay for them but yet you give people a permit to carry a gun and since then we have had a lot more murders now thats sure safe on the kids isnt it when you pay my bills then you can tell me what i can and can not do in my vehicle or my home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jamie - 9 years ago

    I am a smoker and I tell my children when I do smoke in the car with them if they can smell it tell me and I put it out ... I carried them for 9 months, I pushed them out of me, and I have raised them for 12, 13, and 17 years....NONE of them have health problems... I do not feel that ANYONE should have the right to tell me when and where I can smoke... This is no longer the land of the free... We no longer have a right to live our lives as we want.... This country is going to hell and its getting there fast....

  • Carrie - 9 years ago

    i hope this law passes soon!!!! Kids have a choice to

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    I'm sick and tired of the Gov. intruding on every aspect of our lives. I'm the one paying my taxes,paying car insurance, and a car payment. If I want to smoke in the car I am paying for it's none of your business kids or no kids. Stay out of my business. Pople in OHIO stand up and say no.

  • Brian Jones - 11 years ago

    ok retards, i'm a smoker, now cigars, i don't smoke in "my home or car", let us not forget that this is a legal smoke and if it affends you then leave, why should i feel singled out because you showed up and bitched, are you gonna tell your kids that complaining now works!! i don't hear people complaining about pot being smoked in cars, houses or anywhere, or does everyone think it's not happening. this the big issue we have today....pull your head out of the sand and pay attention to currant events !!!

  • Mia Jonathon - 11 years ago

    I agree. It is sad when I see a parent smoking with their newborn right there. They are not only slowly killing their child, but they are also allowing their child early access to the dangers of smoking. I always feel bad for the child when I see parents smoking in a closed or open area with their child. At least go in another room or go outside where your child isn't and smoke.

  • Tracy - 11 years ago

    I think this is a waste of my taxpaying money. Aren't there other issues worth attention that our leaders can spend time discussing? I am not a smoker and have never been one, but my mother smoked for 50yrs - even when she was pregnant with me and my sister, neither of us have anything wrong with us. Neither do my children whom she regualrly babysat when they were young. Telling us what we can and cannot do in our own personal vehicles is simply ridiculous!

  • a us citizen - 11 years ago

    First and foremost its not a right to smoke so they aren't taking our rights away but if they feel the need to take our privileges away from us at this point then maybe they should start buying our cars and paying our cigarette bill then tell us.... Hey I need to go number 2 is it ok to do so and to flush the comode????? See how ridiculous that sounds..... The representatives of this country are absurd.....

  • ryan - 11 years ago

    I really can't believe how many idiots are trying to defend themselves!!! I think they should take it one step further and not only fine them for somking they should be chrarged with child endangering!!! Every time i see someone smoking with kids in the car i want to beat there ass!!!!!

  • CD-MA - 11 years ago

    I was a former smoker and believe me it does reek up the car even though your nose can't smell it, regardless if the window down or not. It the same goes for inside their own home, the smokers wouldn't smell it but the non smokers would be able to. I truly support this law and should be applied everywhere. I never smoked around kids when I did because it would of been selfish just to support my bad habit and having the kids suffer the consequence of second hand smoke. If you gotta smoke, smoke away from the kids for the sake of their well beings.

  • Kira - 11 years ago

    People really are "daft"..Someone posted that smoking cigarettes is killing our planet? Make sure that you all STOP driving your cars, using natural gas, electricity, etc etc. All of these cause pollution and smog. But don't let a person have a cigarette (oh dear god NOOOO) ...I am not saying smoking is good for you, however there are so many worse things out there these days.

  • Mason Baker - 11 years ago

    hmmm, I smoke in my car but I don't believe I am hurting anyone. Seriously, The window(s) is down, it is hanging outside the window/down by the door, it is barely brought in for a puff and the smoke immediatly goes back outside the window and I am going 40mph down the street. How in the hades is "killing my children". No, smoking inside my house is a no no but in my car. None of your business.

  • Peachy - 11 years ago

    My friend Carmen is a recipient of the second hand smoke and third hand smoke she received even before she was born. Carmen's parents lived during the WWII era smoked the unfiltered cigarettes because that's all there was. When Carmen's mom was pregnant, she always smoked. When Carmen was a child, every summer she was sent to a Children's Resort for Sickly children because she has had respiratory and chronic bronchial issues since she was a baby. Carmen has never smoked in her life.Her mother passed away at age 57 with emphysema. At that moment, her dad quit smoking, however, 15 years later he died with lung cancer. These were 40 + years of smoking around her. To this day, Carmen struggles with chronic bronchitis pretty much most of the year. This is what happens with a child's life when the parents smoke around them. Do you want to be the next victim with chronic health issues because your parents were too selfish to stop smoking? Yes, selfish.I quit smoking over 9 yrs ago cold-turkey and I am glad that I did. I never smoked around my son when he was little. Unfortunately, as an adult he has picked up the filthy habit.

  • Kasondra L. Bundy - 11 years ago

    I so agree no smoking in the cars with children. but I also think we so work on this also. it also causes CANCER, and is killing the PLANET!!!

    - shared I fucking love science's photo........This is the first time outdoor air pollution has been ranked as a carcinogen by a World Health Organization agency. Air pollution caused about 223,000 deaths from lung cancer globally in 2010. Pollution has also been linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer and has been linked to heart disease.

    Read more:

    Photograph by Peter Essick

    Photo: This is the first time outdoor air pollution has been ranked as a carcinogen by a World Health Organization agency. Air pollution caused about 223,000 deaths from lung cancer globally in 2010. Pollution has also been linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer and has been linked to heart disease. Read more: Photograph by Peter Essick.

  • Jarad P. - 11 years ago

    im starting to feel like the land of the free isnt so free anymore.. i mean come on, who would have thought that the government would not only ban smoking in bars but they are now trying to tap into our privacy telling us what we can and cannot do in our own vehicles! its bad enough that they are already giving our money to make other countrys better when we cant even take care of ourselves but now they are tapping into our freedom of choice. its not going to stop anyone from smoking around their children. they would get more second hand smoke inside a home then a car with open windows!

  • Joe Weber - 11 years ago

    What's next? If I can't smoke in my car with my children, then I guess we should say "You can't smoke in house with children? Smoking is a choice not a privilege. I don't smoke, but think the government is getting too involved with our lives. Take care of your family, take responsibility for your own actions, Love you children and teach them to make choices, decisions and mistakes on their own. As parents we are responsible for them, No matter what the age.

  • Eric - 11 years ago

    I think the Bill should be directed toward any child who is a minor not just under 6 years of age. I think a lot of times that the parents aren't going to do what the kid says even if the child does object to their smoking.

  • Brian Reinhardt - 11 years ago

    Many of you are talking about "your rights" as if a: You have a right to smoke, b: you have the right to choose whether or not your children inhale dangerous chemicals or c: the government doesn't ALREADY regulate the abuse or neglect of children.

    Smoking a cigarette in a vehicle exposes children to a host of health problems, all of which are preventable by RESPONSIBLE parents not smoking in their car with children present.

    Would you like it if I made your child eat a carrot I just puked up? Carrots are healthy...right. Cigarettes are obviously not.

    Now I know some of you are going to say "If you tried that with my kid I'd punch the tar out of you".

    Now you know how I feel when I see daddy driving down the street with the windows rolled up, a baby in a car seat and he's smoking away. It's child abuse,,,plain and simple.

  • Sue - 11 years ago

    Although I agree with everything you are saying about the government, I also want to remind you that these children are not making the decision to inhale your second hand smoke. Have respect for your kids!

  • joanne - 11 years ago

    I wish the government would stop interfering in the lives of Americans and get work done that's really important like jobs unemployment and gas prices. There are drug problems and drunk drivers and a whole list of problems they should look at first. Stop taking away our freedoms and telling us what to do. This is America remember?

  • Christal Gibson - 11 years ago

    My daughter is 19, I smoked with her in the car and she's just fine. I'm about sick and tired of government trying to run our lives. When you pay my car payment, my insurance and property taxes on my vehicle then you can tell me what to do in it. Back off big brother, you're starting to get way out of control

  • Ohio-an - 11 years ago

    Take away more right of American. How nice!! You can let drug run the streets, alcoholics drive, child molesters lice right next door to children, yet you want to take away our right to smoke in our own personal vehicle. Buy my car, then tell me what to do in it. What is next? Ordering Americans to have a DNA scan so we can fill up the gas tank? Yep that sounds ridiculous and so does the Senate Bill 130. When was our freedom taken away? American should move to Russia, they are more free there!

  • Debra Ellis - 11 years ago

    if you buy mine car and then only then can yoy tell what i can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have rights too and you guys are trying to take them all away until you clean up some of these poeple who are drinking and driving, then talk to me about smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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