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Whose Side are You On?

Total Votes: 681

  • Cee-lo - 11 years ago

    This is the problem with Non-denominational religions. They have no doctrine and no one is held accountable for their actions. Very sad, that people use the name and christian faith for profit and self exhaltation. This is why our youth is going Atheist and indifferent. Lady LaVette Gibson is right. We must pray for these people.

  • Em - 11 years ago

    Shacking is in the bible. When Jesus met the woman at the well, He wasn't telling her everything she had done right or doing right. He was exposing the things that were not done right and the mistake she was making by living with the man that is not her husband.

  • lady diane - 11 years ago

    Let your light so shine before man that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. The word shacking up is not in the bible but the meaning's found in 1st chorithians chapter 6 9-20 and !st corthians chapter 7 1-9. The word of God speaks for itself.

  • Mr. Honesty - 11 years ago

    This message is really powerful, I admonish everyone that see this link to at least click on it to see what it is I’m talking about. I’m telling you it’s real! It's the truth and it will make you free!

  • Mr. Honesty - 11 years ago

    Proverbs 6:27-28
    King James Version (KJV)
    27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
    28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?
    Deitrick knows better. He knows living with that young lady without being married would be fire. He knows we as true Christians can’t have any confidence in our flesh. Philippians 3:3 (KJV)
    3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
    And yes the fact of him being known all over the world is one of the main reasons he should strive to be the best example he could be. The bible says in Romans 14:16 (AMP)
    16 Do not therefore let what seems good to you be considered an evil thing [by someone else]. [In other words, do not give occasion for others to criticize that which is justifiable for you.]
    And I’m not “Judging” I’m just speaking the truth! I really like the brother, I have all of his albums. I can tell each album tells us about each chapter in his life. That why I pray for him the way I do. But God is requiring nothing less than holiness from all of us.

  • Sandra Akakpo - 11 years ago

    Its not about picking sides really but having sex is a sin before marriage, thou Dominique is about to get married, the fact is she is not married yet. yes if her soon to hubby was not in the spot light people wouldn't care but usually people who live together, they tend to sleep together as in have sex. Now if sex is a sin then its probably best that you guys shouldn't live together because no offense that is how you got your daughter(yes your daughter is a blessing blah blah but the facts are the facts) and you guys weren't even living together then. At the end of the day you know the position you hold, if you can't live apart for one more month before your wedding, what are you going to tell your congregation or person who is having the same struggle (which is probably argument of why Deitrick Haddon first marriage didn't work out but what you going to do, it is what is it is) My advice is follow your bible, speak to God and relax because your wedding is only a month away. (sorry for any typos guys)

  • Nika - 11 years ago

    Amen sister @ lil ladybug..... Me and a few of my co-workers were just speaking about the same issue and hit the hammer on the nail... hollier-than-thou church folk who act like they have never committed a sin. C'mon now.....

  • Lyndie - 11 years ago

    I agree with the Bible. Sex is more than an intimate relation, it is a covenant. There is always an exchange spiritually as well as physically. If you have sex with a person possess by demons, you will get them all. Many people have seen their life turn into nightmare after the casual sex they had before marriage. God always do things for a reason and having sex in the marriage is a very strong spiritual protection. If you sin before marriage you break a godly covenant and will have to pay the consequences. Since people started to sleep around they are more and more broken families with all the consequences that go along with it. It's the devils plan.

    God doesn't justify sins committed by Pastors. The devil is just sucking them spiritually so that they don't have any anointing and therefore anything to give to the people of God. In fact this Pastor is being use by the devil to send the wrong message to young people and singles. I was virgin and got married at 26. You won't die, you will just LEARN HOW TO appreciate sex for what it is. When I had my babies my husband did not fill any pressure or did not pressure me to have sex for about 2 months until I was physically able to have sex with him. If we didn't take the time to wait it would be hard for him to wait for me.

    May God help them repent and change. I also pray that he may help them handle their marriage by his Grace.

  • Stacey - 11 years ago

    I keep hearing Dominique and Deitrick say it's not fair to have to live separtely because of their daughter. All I can say is, they made their bed and now they have to deal with it. First of all, the baby should not have been conceived before they were married. THEY changed the order of things, and therefore they have to deal with the results. You don't adjust God's way to fit your life, YOU ARE TO ADJUST YOUR LIFE TO FIT GODS WAY!!!!!!!. THEY SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN MARRIED FIRST!

  • Robin - 11 years ago

    That's the we want to bend and justify things according to "our" will and not GOD's will. If you want to be together that bad...then get married. What's stopping you?

  • Johannah - 11 years ago

    I am 100% behind first lady. There is a reason to wait and to just do things the right way! What this couple needs is mentorship and lots and lots of reprimanding.

  • Karen Simmons - 11 years ago

    WOW, this young lady knows NOTHING about God's word. She is clueless and yet carnal. What I know for sure God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. I don't have an OPINION on fornication or shacking for that matter. What I do have is GOD'S word that speaks against it. Hebrews 4:12
    King James Version (KJV)

    12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    God see's her carnal, lustful, heart. I thank God for His grace and mercy and pray for her deliverande and revelation. There is more to a marriage than.......SEX! When you mate can no longer have SEX, what will hold a carnal relationshiop together? Secret, it won't be glue! Something far greater than glue. The word of God! She has a lot to learn. The Holy Spirit and His voice will speak to their carnality! All of their carnality!

    For the blessings of God to reign in a marriage, most pastors will ask that couples who are shacking and having sex ABSTAIN until they are married. WOW, imagine that! But, folks who know more than God think He needs an update. Glad He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. I AM the Lord thy God and I change that in a book a few times!

  • Lisa - 11 years ago

    I believe that our heavenly Father loves us and gave us guidelines as any good father should in order to protect us from harm and as well as our poor choices.
    Sex before marriage wasn't God's idea of being a drag; it was to emphasize our focus on relationship and to learn self-control and respect for one another, it was meant to be the completion of real intimacy (like the cherry on top of the sunday). The problem with us today is we do not know what self-control is and why we need it (that's a WHOLE other topic) we are in a society of self-gratification.
    I also do not believe in shackin' up if I understand the meaning as to be 'living together', here is why, first of all how can you resist not having sex with someone your living with (and why temp yourself) secondly, it says in the word 1 Timothy 3:22 ''Abstain from all appearance of evil.'' to me that means even if your not doing wrong but others think you are, especially if your a leader and have had some issues in the past that you know people are going to be on the lookout for than abstain. I am not saying to be a hypocrite, but we need to be mindful of our reputation.
    As for Dominique saying that it is not right for her daughter to not see her father, that is a consequence of her chose it's not God's fault and in life you need to remember when you make choices you need to consider the impact of the consequences not only on yourself but on others around you as well; their daughter is paying for their choices. You can't change the bible because it is not convenient for your lifestyle.
    It is important to be a good example as a leader as mentioned in 1 Timothy 3. You are allowed to make mistakes, it is how you handle them afterwards. It makes a big difference when a leader can be humble and admit their shortcomings and accept help from others rather than someone who is proud and angry at others for judging them when they can't admit they are in the wrong and expect the rules to change for them. David was a man after God's own heart not because he was perfect but because when he did wrong he was willing to admit it and face his consequences. I believe that Father God loves us too much to leave us like we are.
    As for the comment Lil Ladybug wrote I wanted to answer to the comment on sex before marriage. I decided to wait until marriage after becoming a born-again virgin (having had sex with one person before) I did not have sex for 4years prior to meeting my husband and then I waited a year and a half during our dating period. I admit we made out several times and I will admit there were many temptations. We had gone to see a couple in our church whom we wanted to be our accountability partners with but they were also good friends with my husbands parents and refused, had they had been there I do think it would have helped a lot, however I do not blame them for our lack of self-control. I will say that if I had to do things over 1) I would wait until marriage because my husband became my best friend and had it not been for that we would not have survived our marriage (especially the time we couldn't have sex do to a medical condition I had) that was a great test of my husband's self-control. We also went to counselling after 8 years had we had been shacking I think it would have been easier to leave but do to the commitment we were more willing to work through our issues and we are still together after 15 years PTL.
    A lot of people shack up and I think it is do to the lack of commitment they are willing to invest or they are afraid.
    For those who disagree ask yourself this, if you go to the bank to get a mortgage on your house or car and they ask you to sign a 5-25 year contract with interest, have you ever heard a guy say 'well couldn't you just take my word for it that I'll pay you every month on time for the next 25 years, i'm afraid of commitment'.
    Isn't the one you love much more valuable and worth it than a house or a car or iphone?

  • Denise - 11 years ago

    Dominique is pregnant in this 3rd episode, so I believe they are living together, and not married as yet, I think that is why Haddon wants to hurry the marriage.

  • michelle - 11 years ago

    the bible says fornication is a sin. the body is the temple of God so I think they need to read their bible again. what kind a minister wants to shack what does he preach from if its the bible then he needs to read all and not just what he thinks fits his life. The bible said fornication and adultery is a sin check your self.

  • kay - 11 years ago

    The bible instructs us to refrain from the very appearance of evil. Although you will not find a scripture that states per-say thou shalt not shack we do have scriptures such as 2 Thessalonians 5:22 (Message bible) "22 Throw out anything tainted with evil. 23 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul, and body - and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ." If it appears to be wrong withdraw from it. No questions asked, it is funny on how we try to find or delete scripture to do what we want to do. God isn't pleased when we act out and as a watchman on the wall the scripture also places you accountable for the leading of his flock, as stated in Ezekiel 3:17-19 ESV
    “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.

    Isaiah 62:6 ESV

  • lil ladybug - 11 years ago

    I think Dominique and is already living with Deitrick why else would them shacking up always be on everyone the topic of discussion. It seems like they are only apart while filming the show. Also, they already have a child so why not live together? It's stupid to me. I don't think the members of their church would have an issue with them living together since they seem to have accepted them having a child together out of wedlock. Above all it is their life and everyone else should not be in their business instead should focus on their own lives. It's making me mad because it seems as though everyone is always in their business each episode thus far. Church people like this is the reason why many people do not want to go to church. People want to go to church to enjoy the service and listen to the Word without the fear of being judged by others. Older people in the church kill me when they talk about shacking up and fornicating as though they didn't do the same things when they were younger. But now that they are older and turned their lives over to Christ all of a sudden they want to pretend as though they are holier then thou and never had sex before marriage. LIES YOU TELL!!! (in my Tamar Voice) Not saying that there aren't people that wait until marriage but most haven't so stop pretending and being big hypocrites running people away from the church.

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