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Worst advert of October 2013


  • John - 11 years ago

    That M and M Direct is THE most infuriating pile of shit I have ever witnessed. How the hell did it ever get approved!? How is it still on!??! If the mission of it was to stop people watching Channel 4 and to vow to never, ever, EVER have anything to do with M and M Direct then mission accomplished. If anyone involved with it sees this, try doing a few searches on Twitter using variations of 'Simpsons Channel 4 Ad Advert" and "M & M" direct and witness the tsunami of hatred these bloody ads have inspired.

  • Stephen Newcombe - 11 years ago

    The MM Direct advert is the most annoying advert I've ever seen in my 41 years. It makes me want toi put my foot through the TV and stick knitting needles in my ear simultaneously.

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